What's wrong with this picture?


Okay, what's wrong?

It was outside for 6 weeks, moved it into a tent 7 or 10 days ago, flipped the lights 5 days ago.
Last night all was good. This am I get this.



Active Member
Looks to me like it could be heat stress. What kind of light are you using? How far away from the top of the plant is it? Temp in the tent? Is it happening to more areas of the plant?


t5 65k, it's about 6" above the highest part of the plant. The warmest I've seen it was 85. Due to the swing in temps here (105 day, 66 night) it only hits 85 for a couple hours in the tent.


That's kinda what I was thinking. 4 days ago I added nutrients, then last night I added plain water.

Took a few days for the feeding to impact?

Is it save to assume I can give her a rest from nutrients and keep it moist with plain water and she'll be fine?
I highly doubt heat stress i have seen them in the low 90's and do alright even though it is not recommended to be in the 90's unless running co2.


Well-Known Member
On phone did you check under side's of the leaves?
2 cents more than likely the feed . II would let it dry out if your not organic.Those fans look like you have a nutrient issue


Active Member
I highly doubt heat stress i have seen them in the low 90's and do alright even though it is not recommended to be in the 90's unless running co2.
The reason I felt it is heat stress is because of how the leaves are curling upwards. If you search "heat stress cannabis" on google it will have pictures that are quite similar to the OP's pictures. I'm a new grower so I could be wrong, but before posting I tried to at least compare some things to justify my idea.


If it was heat stress it happened fast. 85 degrees for only a couple hours. I too am a new grower. Obviously. But I'm inclined to agree with feeding since that's the BIGGER change.

50% of the summer so far has been triple digits here as always. The plant was in the sun until 10 days ago. It's actually WAY cooler:)


Active Member
I had a plant that did that in one night as well, what I did wrong was over fed it. I also did not have proper heat control so it ate the plant up instantly. Proper drainage is needed as well; this plant was outside in the California summer and was doing okay as a clone but once I switched it to indoor it went into straight shock and the result was to toss it and cut the lose. She was a GSC cloneimage.jpeg


Well-Known Member
If it was heat stress it happened fast. 85 degrees for only a couple hours. I too am a new grower. Obviously. But I'm inclined to agree with feeding since that's the BIGGER change.

50% of the summer so far has been triple digits here as always. The plant was in the sun until 10 days ago. It's actually WAY cooler:)
Hey I was wondering really odd that fan next looks better lol the leaf.not your fan controller for circulation.But still has a def or another issue acclimation,sumtin.A better picture of hole plant'.Would help along with nutes.Odd just that one is that way.Looks purple....did your temp drop more than 15 20f. I f so that will make somestrains do the purpling.
Anyway I was indoor Moderator for a few yrs .So we can. Getter figured out some good guy n gals on Riu.


Well-Known Member
Damn don't know why didn't see above post.Good information.. Biggest issue with new growers,is over watering.
Like Above poster Army said , aeration I use ffof or HAPPY frog and still add perlite.Learn to water by the weight,Wet.. and dry.Never fails just don't let Happy frog soil dry out.



Undersides are only slightly purple.
Yeah, temp swings... Upwards of 40 a day as often as not. Lemme explain temps here. Even people in California don't (Seems) to understand the central valley. But then, we're here from 40 years in Michigan.

6 am = 67 degrees. 10 am = 75. 2 pm = 95. 5 pm = 110 PLUS! 8 pm = 95... From March through Oct. Winters range from 38's to 85's. 320 days of sunshine. We are at something like 100' above sea level.

"Most" folks say there's a north Ca. and a south Ca. There's a middle people! It's where your capitol is! It's a long damn valley in the middle of the state. Horizontally and vertically the middle. Valley means, you want out of the valley? Go find some mountains. There's a completely different world on the other side.

Rant over.
This is just plain local store bought soil I use for those "other" herbs and tomatoes. I knew I was going to start a grow inside and thought I'd take advantage of some bag seed, a pot, soil...etc. See what this topping, fimming and training is all about. I don't even know if this is male or female yet. Gotta cheap little soil tester. Stick it in a couple inches. Meter says 0 is dry, 4 to 7 is moist, 8 to 10, wet. I keep it as close to 4 or 5 as I can. Thinking it's probably wetter the deeper I go. The pot has 1" holed drilled all over. I have never seen water leak out. I'm pretty comfortable with the amount of water.

4 changes took place at the same time. 1. Out door to in. Real light to t5 HO. 2. Cut from outdoor of 13.7 hours to 12, in tent. 3. MORE airflow by far. 4. Started adding nutrients.
Planted 1st week of July. While out door, once every couple weeks I added a little general hydroponics floraseries just 'cuz I had some. Not much. Was doing fine. First day in the tent (hind sight shoulda waited a couple days to minimize stress) I keep thinking it's a weed. I can't kill the shit in my lawn.

Added recommended on the labels of foxfarm cha-ching, open sesame and beastie bloom. NOTE: I didn't add what was not recommended from the series. If I recall, I added again in 5 days. Looking at the bottles again, I this am see it's supposed to be 7 days. Must not have seen what a problem 2 days could be. Who knows if I got the mixture right... I'm not as dumb as my Mommy told me I am, so I think it's a combination of all the changes, but MOSTLY too many nutritions INTRODUCED too fast. Should have worked up to it while still outside.

Yes, I broke a branch a week before. That didn't help.

Please know that this is nothing like important other that I need to learn. Don't care about the plant.

Can't upload a photo. That's broken for an indeterminate time.

WTF? I can't see how to add a photo. Did it before!
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Well-Known Member
Lmao... understood the message was In good faith.
Underside was my bad for not understanding knowledge of the grower.Bugs do like to hang there..or maybe help in another.



Active Member
Dude that totally sucks... I live in Stockton which has a Mediterranean climate and yeah the valley is different from the Bay Area.
I tried soil but murdered everything I touched.

May I suggest hydroponics? Works for me and its growth rates are amazing.

Or try super soil; extremely potent soil that has everything you need in it already, so you don't need extra nutes. All you have to do is give it water and light. My bros from humbolt told me about it but I'd rather go DWC.


What's DWC?

Setting up the REAL grow room now. Soon as I get it ready I'll post my journal.
Right now it's a spare bedroom we call "The room we don't talk about". Just now pulled the box with the tent upstairs. She'll be 3 hydro's and probably 3 perlite happy frog pots. Need to learn more on that so I'll be getting the hydro going first. This way I hope I'll have staggerd production so I don't spend a whole weekend with sticky fingers.


My own invention. I'll be posting my journal in a few days. I just, and I mean 1/2 hour ago finished setting up the tent. It has power running into it and that's it. amazon shipping lights, fans, exhaust fans...etc. Should all be here within a week. I come from a long line of engineers. I can build a gadget but that doesn't mean I know nutes and plants. Tomatoes are easy. Sounds like the weeds are the problem children.