look close to done?


Well-Known Member
my first grow using cfl's in soil looking for opinions on how much longer i should flower this girl. trichomes are starting to amber up on the leaves of the two main colas, but most on the buds are 80% clear 20% cloudy. also leaves are starting to very slightly yellow on the edges and tips. had about 50% redish/brownish pistils two days ago but seems as if hundreds more white ones have pop'd up since then. any opionions are welcome. thanks


Well-Known Member
Pics for one, and how far along are you? What week are you on? By what you're saying, sounds like another 2 weeks just vaguely. Is it a hybrid too? Sativa and Indica or is it dominant one side or the other? If it's an indica, might be another week only. Drop some more info and some pics and we'll be able to give better advice buddy :)

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Trychomes always mature faster on the leaves then they do from the calyx. The calyx is where you are actually suppose to check from. You have to wait until the swell happens at the end.
Tho depending on if it is sativa or indica... well some sativas will never go to 50% amber.


Well-Known Member
Gotta post a pic .....there's no way anyone can even remotely guess at a harvest date/time without seeing your buds .....if your seeing tons of new whites hairs coming in then there still fattening up and you got a while ......pics pics pics


Well-Known Member
my first grow using cfl's in soil looking for opinions on how much longer i should flower this girl. trichomes are starting to amber up on the leaves of the two main colas, but most on the buds are 80% clear 20% cloudy. also leaves are starting to very slightly yellow on the edges and tips. had about 50% redish/brownish pistils two days ago but seems as if hundreds more white ones have pop'd up since then. any opionions are welcome. thanks
Gotta post a pic .....there's no way anyone can even remotely guess at a harvest date/time without seeing your buds .....if your seeing tons of new whites hairs coming in then there still fattening up and you got a while ......pics pics pics
Pics or it didn't happen
having trouble adding pics. only gives me the option to enter a url


Well-Known Member
Pics for one, and how far along are you? What week are you on? By what you're saying, sounds like another 2 weeks just vaguely. Is it a hybrid too? Sativa and Indica or is it dominant one side or the other? If it's an indica, might be another week only. Drop some more info and some pics and we'll be able to give better advice buddy :)
its a hybrid sativa dominant day 60 of 12/12. started showing buds at 10 days of 12/12. i was guessing another two weeks left myself. still having trouble uploading pics


Well-Known Member
at least 2 more weeks until harvest, the hairs will turn orange/brownish and recede into the bud when it gets closer to harvest time.


Well-Known Member
also on a side note, all the buds from top to bottom have a tiny bit of "foxtailing" going on. not sure if its due to any sort of stress or if its just normal with this strain. you can kinda see it in some of the pics i posted


Well-Known Member
also on a side note, all the buds from top to bottom have a tiny bit of "foxtailing" going on. not sure if its due to any sort of stress or if its just normal with this strain. you can kinda see it in some of the pics i posted
usually foxtailing is caused by excessive heat, and most heat gonna be at the top of your plant since the lights are generally above and heat rises, try to exhaust more heat or air condition the area.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the
usually foxtailing is caused by excessive heat, and most heat gonna be at the top of your plant since the lights are generally above and heat rises, try to exhaust more heat or air condition the area.
thanks alot. gonna crank up the a/c. lol


Well-Known Member
You got some fans blowing gently across the top of your canopy? That also will help a lot.
yeah. i got a small fan in there at level with the canopy but its been kinda hard controlling the temps because its such a small space. it gets hot in there quick. thermostat says 86F in there right now. i can usually keep it about 80-85 but thats with the fan and a/c going. think i need some sort of heat exhaust like you mentioned.