help! !!

Can anyone tell me how you put your plants into flowering stage, I'm a first time grower and need help..
Can't really tell what's in ur pic. But if u wanna send them into flower give them 12 hrs of light and 12 hrs of dark. Personally I think it's too soon to send them into flower. I'd wait about a month or so. Otherwise it's kind of a waste of time and electricity. Hope i helped.
I've done plenty of research but just want someone experienced to tell me how to go about flowering them
sorry to say it like this but bullshit u have done any reserch, if u google how to get a cannabis plant into flowering it will be right there... U NEED TO READ A LOT!! and when ur done reading come here so we can clarify what u didnt get. vegetation lights schedules are 24/0- 20/4-18/6. flowering schedules vary but the most common is 12/12- 11/13-10/14. I will advice u to READ A LOT before any attemp at growing. Google: How to grow marijuana. And GL to u all of us started that way
Can anyone tell me how you put your plants into flowering stage, I'm a first time grower and need help..
and she's done lots of research too !! Kinda scary !!
sorry to say it like this but bullshit u have done any reserch, if u google how to get a cannabis plant into flowering it will be right there... U NEED TO READ A LOT!! and when ur done reading come here so we can clarify what u didnt get. vegetation lights schedules are 24/0- 20/4-18/6. flowering schedules vary but the most common is 12/12- 11/13-10/14. I will advice u to READ A LOT before any attemp at growing. Google: How to grow marijuana. And GL to u all of us started that way
and ps, quotes appear as they were when quoted, so even if you change your post, the quote will stay the same...
Sorry but if you have done loads of research but u dont know how to put your plant into flower your then you could be destined to fail, i watched endless videos and read it all for over a year before i started and i still had to ask for occasional help, not dissing you but you defo need to research on what u are growing, what height u want it to grow what space you got etc. Its not cheap growing so u got to get it right. Im no pro either still a newbie myself. Best advice i can give is leave it on veg the now and read a shit load. will keep you right and fairly simple to understand
Also you should maybe do 1 or 2 plants, ur going to banging your head off a wall looking after that lot on your 1st time, my 1st grow i done 3 ditched one of them coz it looked shit, off the 2 i got just under 13 ounces, my 2nd grow just finishing one olant this time and ive smashed that total just by looking at it, use you space effectively more plants doesnt mean more weed. And mr police doesnt like lots of plants as opposed to under 5