I have a question about inline fan and carbon filter is it really neccesary for tent grow?

So... what does hanging your inline fan from bungee cords have anything to do with having ac?
I'm so confused What should I do first when I get tent and gotta start from there. and I thought it's way better have ac in basement for air circulation and have sealed room from out side.
Man... read my post. I clearly state hanging it OUTSIDE the tent from a ceiling.
Yes I did I Now I understand I was watching
Thanks for helping if hanging the fan out side the tent what's the advantage I get from it? Noise reduction? sorry if I misunderstood again I will read your post all over again Thanks man

cookie master

Well-Known Member
You just got uppity with me air, but based on the diagram id say you gain space. I like the fan,ballast, and filter in a medium density fiberboard box, it really quiets things down as well as making the airflow in the filter the right direction.


Well-Known Member
Search the grow boss’s videos on YouTube. He seems to specialize in making videos about venting bc it Is a major issue no matter the season, place, etc. I recently watched his videos and was going to set up and extra inline fan to pull fresh cold air from outside,while the heat is being ducted out the other side...but I guess it is counter productive to run fans like that. Also, a mind blowing tip that seems like common sense, but not for me anyhow,...was that fans dont technically cool down your tent/room. They remove air. I didn’t explain that too well, but basically he was saying that using multiple fans are buying extra large fans usually lead to a disappointingly outcome. It seems the way to go is to keep it a “sealed room” environment,..but that would mean supplementing extra co2. Do those cheap 30 $ co2 tanks and bags actually work for a sealed room. Hopefully someone learned something ha


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for giving me a valuable information I'm really new to indoor So I just started watch youtube about grow room grow tent and purchased 5 X 5 X 7 with mars 2 700LEd and 2 X 1200led with 4 X 8 X7 tents it will delivered to me next week I will use my whole basement as grow yard with two tent I was looking for inline fan found this http://www.ebay.com/itm/231178508550 it's 6 inch as you told me and it is cheaper than other one and have controller Do I need a Intake fan and filter for my grow tents? or Do I need to intake air from outside using a inline fan then seperate it to two ducted to veg room and bloom room how do you think? I really don't know what should I do for my grow room and Thank you so much for write me a information. I searched ebay I coudn't find closed ended filter what's the difference between inline filter and closed ended filter? and if I intake air to the tent should I use in take filter also? if you help me on this It would be much appreciated Thank you so much again.
I would highly reccomend looking up “the grow boss” on YouTube. He really breaks down ventilation and the purpose. He explains not only how to set up sealed and unsealed rooms and the benefits of both, but also explains where to place your filter/fan/co2 generator if using one. Sealed And unsealed rooms require different venting