Bat Guano within Budswel
I bit hard on their pitch. Adding it to Humboldt Snow Storm and hoping I don't kill the plants.
If I've made the wrong move, or bought a gallon of liquid problems, I'd sure like to know about it, even though most of the readers seem reticent about voicing their opinion, I encourage you to come forth and explain why Budswel is a rip. :p
sorta like shooting fish in a barrel no?
just to start..
its basicly mostly water.
the macro value is laughable (fairly certain I could steep my under-shorts to get better macros)
it's "not for use on organic crops in CA"
should I continue?
and remember YOU encouraged us to "come forth" and explain, so don't get butthurt
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Sometimes with a popular brand one can be lead astray. (1961).
Social media and expose' by karmic-truth seeking driven individuals make's it hard to "hide" your ingredients, or intent...for very long. (2016)
My plants are in their final month. I'm at clone guy's yesterday. Mr. A was there, 30+ yrs. Humboldt and elsewhere. I learned from them through Mankind Collective's restaurant-lectures. Neither are selling Snow or Budswel, and when A recommends both, I can't say no to a first time try. I tried neem seed meal (8 oz. mixed w/ 1-gal. Happy Frog/Kellogg's/whatever you got) recommended by JoeHydro. It's systemic and fights mites 24/7. They agreed. No mites here eva'.
So, it's better to hear the condensed hard-lived facts from people that have used the products.
Here's a tip from JoeHydro, Encinitas: "Use clear Solo cups for clones so the root structure can be seen."
Thanks :p
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I bit hard on their pitch. Adding it to Humboldt Snow Storm and hoping I don't kill the plants.
If I've made the wrong move, or bought a gallon of liquid problems, I'd sure like to know about it, even though most of the readers seem reticent about voicing their opinion, I encourage you to come forth and explain why Budswel is a rip. :p
sorry, let me be a lil nicer.
my bad.
IF you aren't here to promote the product, and IF you truly are a newbie just learning.
all ya gotta do man is go with simple organic nutrients.
boxed stuff, the LEAST amount of processing possible,
bottled nutes are 99% water, and the SAME nutrients that are the boxed ones, only more "refined" to make them soluble.
often adding stabilizing acids and such to keep the mixture from going bad.
Sometimes with a popular brand one can be lead astray. (1961).
Social media and expose' by karmic-truth seeking driven individuals make's it hard to "hide" your ingredients, or intent...for very long. (2016)
My plants are in their final month. I'm at clone guy's yesterday. Mr. A was there, 30+ yrs. Humboldt and elsewhere. I learned from them through Mankind Collective's restaurant-lectures. Neither are selling Snow or Budswel, and when A recommends both, I can't say no to a first time try. I tried neem seed meal (8 oz. mixed w/ 1-gal. Happy Frog/Kellogg's/whatever you got) recommended by JoeHydro. It's systemic and fights mites 24/7. They agreed. No mites here eva'.
So, it's better to hear the condensed hard-lived facts from people that have used the products. Thanks :p
I can assure you that 100% that neem meal won't keep away mites.
not really systemic either.

but you have good luck keeping them away, but I can promise you that neem seed meal won't keep mites away
don't ask how I know
I've tested both guano company Liquid products at the behest of a client I was consulting for...and i can verify for you friend! That shit is're better off buying dry guano, kelp, and worm castings and doing fresh teas or just top dressings. Either will give you better results than the forty dollar a gallon bottle from the guano company.
I bit hard on their pitch. Adding it to Humboldt Snow Storm and hoping I don't kill the plants.
If I've made the wrong move, or bought a gallon of liquid problems, I'd sure like to know about it, even though most of the readers seem reticent about voicing their opinion, I encourage you to come forth and explain why Budswel is a rip. :p

" It’s organic! Liquid Budswel is derived from a special blend of bat and seabird guanos, earthworm castings and seaweed extract. Use as needed for superior crops and huge yields. Will NOT burn. This product is NOT registered for sale in the state of California."
• 100% organic
• No chemical or salt build-up
• Ideal for hydroponics and soil gardens
• Promotes extra large blooms and sweeter fruit
• An excellent food for ALL plants"

I have used it before with great results. I live in CA and didn't know it wasn't sold here anymore.
I've tested both guano company Liquid products at the behest of a client I was consulting for...and i can verify for you friend! That shit is're better off buying dry guano, kelp, and worm castings and doing fresh teas or just top dressings. Either will give you better results than the forty dollar a gallon bottle from the guano company.
judging from the laughable macro values you are RIGHT there my friend.
but MAN, I bet the dude that is selling that is stoked... talk about profit margin...
his biggest cost (far and away) is the marketing, labels and bottles..
the actual product is damn near nothing.
judging from the laughable macro values you are RIGHT there my friend.
but MAN, I bet the dude that is selling that is stoked... talk about profit margin...
his biggest cost (far and away) is the marketing, labels and bottles..
the actual product is damn near nothing.
those small numbers don't mean squat what counts is what the plant can use immediately and budswell works real fast. budswell has been around for years so for good reason if they were selling something that didn't work ya think they would still be around.
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those small numbers don't mean squat what counts is what the plant can use immediately and budswell works real fast. budswell has been around for years so for good reason if they were selling something that didn't work ya think they would still be around.
ok... you sure you wanna argue that?

cuz theres a LOT that's been around for years that doesn't do SHIT.
that video is HILARIOUS... "we've been chasing the cannabis growers in Humboldt county because THEY are in the KNOW"
bahahaha, suuuure buddy...
homesteaders, and the amish,have been growing organically for centuries and they are WAY ahead of all the BULLSHIT that these companies are trying to sell, simply exposing the cannabis growing community as the gullible fools they are..
they are laughing at us.
and no wonder why.
go buy a bag of guano, a bag of kelp meal, and start your own wormbin or compost and that'll SHIT allllllllll over that bottle anaerobic water.
or keep buying it and lining their pockets, I care not.

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ok... you sure you wanna argue that?

cuz theres a LOT that's been around for years that doesn't do SHIT.
that video is HILARIOUS... "we've been chasing the cannabis growers in Humboldt county because THEY are in the KNOW"
bahahaha, suuuure buddy...
homesteaders, and the amish,have been growing organically for centuries and they are WAY ahead of all the BULLSHIT that these companies are trying to sell, simply exposing the cannabis growing community as the gullible fools they are..
they are laughing at us.
and no wonder why.
go buy a bag of guano, a bag of kelp meal, and start your own wormbin or compost and that'll SHIT allllllllll over that bottle anaerobic water.
or keep buying it and lining their pockets, I care not.

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if you care not why fucking post this? I forgot about the Amish being big pot growers. You seem to think that throwing a bunch of shit in a bucket is all you have to do but in reality it takes experience to learn what really works and these people figured it out now they sell it and you seem to think that is a bad thing. People without your vast expertise in fertilizer manufacturing who don't have room for a compost pile and a worm bin can use this stuff with great results. Remember that everything is relative.
if you care not why fucking post this? I forgot about the Amish being big pot growers. You seem to think that throwing a bunch of shit in a bucket is all you have to do but in reality it takes experience to learn what really works and these people figured it out now they sell it and you seem to think that is a bad thing. People without your vast expertise in fertilizer manufacturing who don't have room for a compost pile and a worm bin can use this stuff with great results. Remember that everything is relative.
no need for harsh language.

"i care not" was directed towards you buying expensive and inferior organic nutrients, buy what you want.
if I share a more effective, easier, and cheaper solution and you don't follow the advice.
"i care not"

I posted that information because the OP asked us to.
and please enlighten me on how organics work. Go ahead, tell me how this bucket of water with trace macro values is gonna make my flowers "swell"
explain how organic nutrients are used, cations and anions, explain how microbial life and root exudates are relevant.
explain how the microbial life in the bucket is gonna stay alive, in an anaerobic condition

and NO, what I seem to think is a bad thing is selling a product that is 99% water and then trying to make it sound like it's something of use.
and with organics it's not "fertilizer manufacturing"
it's adding water to organic meals.
that's ALL it is.
they get castings, kelp meal, and guano, and then they water it the fuck DOWN.
YOU are paying for water and a SPECK of nutrients.

and pot growing is NO different than growing anything man.
to discount homesteaders and the amish for NOT growing cannabis would be absolutely stupid.

besides i'd bet homesteaders have been growing herb for centuries too.
those small numbers don't mean squat what counts is what the plant can use immediately and budswell works real fast. budswell has been around for years so for good reason if they were selling something that didn't work ya think they would still be around.
The guano company product that's been around for years is the dry bagged version of the liquid products. The dry products are the one's that cannabis cup winners have used, it works much better. Although you could buy the ingredients separately for a better value. The liquid products are garbage in comparison. I got paid to do a side by side and compare. I invite you to try and share your results.