Do I really need nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is my first grow in 4 years. I had to stop because of my girl and new baby.
When I used to grow I had all the fox farm nutes, like tiger bloom and another for veg.

I'm not buying any nutes for the plant I'm growing now because it's pretty much a test of how much the plant will smell. If it's too strong of a scent I can't grow anymore.
I was wondering how much of a difference there is when using nutes, such as the taste, yield and how healthy the plant could be.

So can I grow a healthy and potent plant without nutrients?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Nutrients is just plant food. Why dont you want to feed your plant? The answers to your questions dont exist. How long is a piece of string? How long is the shorter piece of sting?

Ill try to answer your question though, ill take a shot..
If you use nutrients you can this much..if you dont you'll get less much.


Well-Known Member
I grow in soil, and find it soooo easy to burn my ladies when I try to add liquid ferts.
I can only add microscopic amounts, and can hardly imagine it gives them much sustenance.


Well-Known Member
well id say the best way would be to eat multivitamins like m&m's them piss into jugs Eddie....dilute the piss with 2-3 gallons of water and use that.

Sammy hagar sucked imho

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
If in soil, Just use good soil and repot in good fresh soil as the plant gets bigger (ie in stages). Add a Tablespoon of Dolomite Lime mixed in the soil/s.

Plant should be outgrowing the pot as its running out of food.
Keep an eye and on top of any deficiency that may arise. Cal/Mag shouldnt be an issue due to the Dolomite Lime.

Water when needed.

Yield wont be much if any different. Smell will be the same, taste maybe better. Will it be better for you? o yes, no man made chemicals.
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Septon Sefton

New Member
Are you going to flower this plant?

Its going to smell a lot more in flower, if you don't give it nutes i can't see it flowering very well.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I grow in soil, and find it soooo easy to burn my ladies when I try to add liquid ferts.
I can only add microscopic amounts, and can hardly imagine it gives them much sustenance.
Im the same, mine are burning and i havent added anything..(see sig)
This happens all the time. Good chicken chit and mushroom compost and dynamic lifter etc etc etc tends to do that.


Well-Known Member
Im the same, mine are burning and i havent added anything..(see sig)
This happens all the time. Good chicken chit and mushroom compost and dynamic lifter etc etc etc tends to do that.
it's all strain dependant.....I grew out some golden lion key lime kush that was a super heavy coulda hit her with 20-20-20 n-p-k and I think she woulda sucked it up


Well-Known Member
If in soil, Just use good soil and repot in good fresh soil as the plant gets bigger (ie in stages). Add a Tablespoon of Dolomite Lime mixed in the soil/s.

Plant should be outgrowing the pot as its running out of food.
Keep an eye and on top of any deficiency that may arise. Cal/Mag shouldnt be an issue due to the Dolomite Lime.

Water when needed.

Yield wont be much if any different. Smell will be the same, taste maybe better. Will it be better for you? o yes, no man made chemicals.
What's a tablespoon and where can you find these devices you speak of?


Well-Known Member
buy a cheap 1-2-3 + tn + cal/mag powdered food it works good for bloom

I add potassium sulphate to help get more smell and taste

did Momma mia or mumma mia a year ago, most of it`s phonemes are low smell but still hard hitting, we used to call it "stealth" as you could crack a bud right in a busy bar and no one would smell it but a J of it would get you nicely stoned