Bat Guano within Budswel

judging from the laughable macro values you are RIGHT there my friend.
but MAN, I bet the dude that is selling that is stoked... talk about profit margin...
his biggest cost (far and away) is the marketing, labels and bottles..
the actual product is damn near nothing.
Money in the bank! I've been selling my excess guano with my compost and kelp to some fellow locals (pretty much a copy of the guano companies dry product). I almost double what I paid for them, i could only imagine how much I could make if I started just selling water with a bit of fermented nutrient content. Pot growers hate holding onto their money!
Money in the bank! I've been selling my excess guano with my compost and kelp to some fellow locals (pretty much a copy of the guano companies dry product). I almost double what I paid for them, i could only imagine how much I could make if I started just selling water with a bit of fermented nutrient content. Pot growers hate holding onto their money!
there is a LOT of money to be made in this industry.
hence the HUGE proliferation of everybody and their mother making "teas" to sell.
i'm not hating on it.
just tryin to help the OP

and homeboy got defensive cuz he uses it
nothing wrong with that, but no need to be abrasive about it
no need for harsh language.

"i care not" was directed towards you buying expensive and inferior organic nutrients, buy what you want.
if I share a more effective, easier, and cheaper solution and you don't follow the advice.
"i care not"

I posted that information because the OP asked us to.
and please enlighten me on how organics work. Go ahead, tell me how this bucket of water with trace macro values is gonna make my flowers "swell"
explain how organic nutrients are used, cations and anions, explain how microbial life and root exudates are relevant.
explain how the microbial life in the bucket is gonna stay alive, in an anaerobic condition

and NO, what I seem to think is a bad thing is selling a product that is 99% water and then trying to make it sound like it's something of use.
and with organics it's not "fertilizer manufacturing"
it's adding water to organic meals.
that's ALL it is.
they get castings, kelp meal, and guano, and then they water it the fuck DOWN.
YOU are paying for water and a SPECK of nutrients.

and pot growing is NO different than growing anything man.
to discount homesteaders and the amish for NOT growing cannabis would be absolutely stupid.

besides i'd bet homesteaders have been growing herb for centuries too.

The OP ask about budswell I told them that it is good stuff then the conversation veered off into crazy land. All fertilizers are 99% water when they are applied. Micro-organisms don't "die" they go dormant and when the environment is right they come alive. Why are you such a smart ass. If you want to be enlightened huff some nitrous oxide I don't have the patience. I have a news flash for ya people buy liquid fertilizer they don't make their own because they don't know how and they don't want to know. If something works and works very well then their money isn't wasted. Like i said everything is relative.
The OP ask about budswell I told them that it is good stuff then the conversation veered off into crazy land. All fertilizers are 99% water when they are applied. Micro-organisms don't "die" they go dormant and when the environment is right they come alive. Why are you such a smart ass. If you want to be enlightened huff some nitrous oxide I don't have the patience. I have a news flash for ya people buy liquid fertilizer they don't make their own because they don't know how and they don't want to know. If something works and works very well then their money isn't wasted. Like i said everything is relative.
The guano company product that's been around for years is the dry bagged version of the liquid products. The dry products are the one's that cannabis cup winners have used, it works much better. Although you could buy the ingredients separately for a better value. The liquid products are garbage in comparison. I got paid to do a side by side and compare. I invite you to try and share your results.
I haven't used it for years I do my own. Convenience comes at a cost that is why liquid cost more. These guys don't just throw shit in a bottle they brewed it up using a formula they've worked out. Ever wonder why fert mixes have different npk ratios and ingredients, why does one work for roses but not for artichokes that is what these guys did they figured out what makes pot happy now they sell it to people who haven't.
I haven't used it for years I do my own. Convenience comes at a cost that is why liquid cost more. These guys don't just throw shit in a bottle they brewed it up using a formula they've worked out. Ever wonder why fert mixes have different npk ratios and ingredients, why does one work for roses but not for artichokes that is what these guys did they figured out what makes pot happy now they sell it to people who haven't.
I know man! All I do is work on potting soil formulas! When growing organically you don't need to worry about ratios the way Liquid guys do. The roots send out exudates that communicate with the microherd in the soil what they want and the microherd responds and provides. When using synthetic or liquid fertilizers you adjust the ratio depending on the plants needs because you don't have the soil and root exudates regulating things for you. You're just feeding the plant directly. Cannabis is considered a heavy feeding annual. Like tomatoes or corn. It demands high amounts of nitrogen and calcium. Prefers bacterial dominant soils, lots of light, and fair temperatures.
The OP ask about budswell I told them that it is good stuff then the conversation veered off into crazy land. All fertilizers are 99% water when they are applied. Micro-organisms don't "die" they go dormant and when the environment is right they come alive. Why are you such a smart ass. If you want to be enlightened huff some nitrous oxide I don't have the patience. I have a news flash for ya people buy liquid fertilizer they don't make their own because they don't know how and they don't want to know. If something works and works very well then their money isn't wasted. Like i said everything is relative.
if by "crazy land" you meant pertinent information.

keep on using it man.

nobody is gonna mind at all, least of all Grandpa Budswell
The OP ask about budswell I told them that it is good stuff then the conversation veered off into crazy land. All fertilizers are 99% water when they are applied. Micro-organisms don't "die" they go dormant and when the environment is right they come alive. Why are you such a smart ass. If you want to be enlightened huff some nitrous oxide I don't have the patience. I have a news flash for ya people buy liquid fertilizer they don't make their own because they don't know how and they don't want to know. If something works and works very well then their money isn't wasted. Like i said everything is relative.
you came at me aggressively, so I returned it, and i'm a smart ass when situations dictate, and in this case, you asked for it.
better to be a smart ass rather than a dumbass.
your understanding of microbial life needs a lil work.

thanks for the informative "news flash"

and how hard is it to make a nutrient tea??
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I didn't know making tea was hard. I literally throw shit and more shit in a garbage can with atleast molasses and some air(edit:and non chlorinated water). come back in a day or so and bam! Fresh pooptea for all.

To the op Budswell tea works... well. But the only reason it costs more is because they're making it for you and they're well known. If you're only using a small amount and don't want to brew poop tea at your house budswell will work great. However if you plan to keep using tea I suggest you learn to make it yourself. You can add more or less of certain ingredients based on what your plant needs. Initially it's costly because you need to buy the ingredients. If you buy your ingredients in bulk you'll spend a couple to a few hundred dollars. But you'll making tea for years.

I mentioned alfalfa tea in your other post because the secret ingredient in snow storm is made from alfalfa.
I didn't know making tea was hard. I literally throw shit and more shit in a garbage can with atleast molasses and some air(edit:and non chlorinated water). come back in a day or so and bam! Fresh pooptea for all.

To the op Budswell tea works... well. But the only reason it costs more is because they're making it for you and they're well known. If you're only using a small amount and don't want to brew poop tea at your house budswell will work great. However if you plan to keep using tea I suggest you learn to make it yourself. You can add more or less of certain ingredients based on what your plant needs. Initially it's costly because you need to buy the ingredients. If you buy your ingredients in bulk you'll spend a couple to a few hundred dollars. But you'll making tea for years.

I mentioned alfalfa tea in your other post because the secret ingredient in snow storm is made from alfalfa.
The secret ingredient in everything is either alfalfa or kelp!

Doing alfalfa and kelp teas with some high phosphorus bird or Bat Guano and worm castings will grow you great plants from start to finish!
you came at me aggressively, so I returned it, and i'm a smart ass when situations dictate, and in this case, you asked for it.
better to be a smart ass rather than a dumbass.
your understanding of microbial life needs a lil work.

thanks for the informative "news flash"

and how hard is it to make a nutrient tea??
Ditto. You pretend to be the god of grow and everyone else is below you so you talk down to them in a condescending way that just pisses people off. You are an immature little brat always trying to show everyone how fucking smart you are but what you show is how childish you are. Stop fucking trolling me.
sorta like shooting fish in a barrel no?
just to start..
its basicly mostly water.
the macro value is laughable (fairly certain I could steep my under-shorts to get better macros)
it's "not for use on organic crops in CA"
should I continue?
and remember YOU encouraged us to "come forth" and explain, so don't get butthurt
This is your smart ass answer to the OP. You don't know shit about budswell so you pull this out of your ass and tell the guy he got ripped off when in reality he bought a quality product that thousands of growers have used for decades with great success. This kind of shit makes you look like like a fool.
The guano company product that's been around for years is the dry bagged version of the liquid products. The dry products are the one's that cannabis cup winners have used, it works much better. Although you could buy the ingredients separately for a better value. The liquid products are garbage in comparison. I got paid to do a side by side and compare. I invite you to try and share your results.
Ya right. You don't know the formula they use you don't know how they make it you can throw a bunch of stuff in a bucket but it won't be theirs, it's like making a cake you can have all the ingredients but if you don't know the recipe and how to put them together you ain't eating any cake. I have nothing to prove to you or your monkey and nothing to share.
Why do ppl get butt hurt when they learn the truth that they have wasted cash & then attack the messager ?
Powders are easy && cheap plus work way way better .
Fake Organics in bottle is what I see . your only fooling yourself backtracker imo
Ya right. You don't know the formula they use you don't know how they make it you can throw a bunch of stuff in a bucket but it won't be theirs, it's like making a cake you can have all the ingredients but if you don't know the recipe and how to put them together you ain't eating any cake. I have nothing to prove to you or your monkey and nothing to share.
I never said I knew their "formula". I've used their products at the behest of someone else, liquid and dry. The dry product won.

Okay now I'll say it...I'm pretty confident I figured out their formula.

You can taste a cake and then can deconstruct what's in it and put together yourself. If you're a baker, having a good pallette comes with the territory.

And why are you always so hostile with people man? It was me on another post a while ago and now you're over here starting shit with @greasemonkeymann who's one of the most knowledgeable people on this site. It's okay to be wrong and have someone else point it out. It's happened to me a million times, probably will again. You're younger than me, it'll happen to you for longer. Get used to it! Start joking with us more and fighting with us less maybe?
This is your smart ass answer to the OP. You don't know shit about budswell so you pull this out of your ass and tell the guy he got ripped off when in reality he bought a quality product that thousands of growers have used for decades with great success. This kind of shit makes you look like like a fool.
Thousands of growers have been using the dry product for decades....the liquid one was only added to the market in the early 2000 in response to demand for a product from hydro growers. I used both products in a side by side tests, for almost two months of veg, and over two months of flower. The dry one out performs the liquid one.
Thousands of growers have been using the dry product for decades....the liquid one was only added to the market in the early 2000 in response to demand for a product from hydro growers. I used both products in a side by side tests, for almost two months of veg, and over two months of flower. The dry one out performs the liquid one.
sorry been using budswell since early 90s,u folks r funny an that's the liquid iam talking about:bigjoint: peace
nothing wrong in using budswell , in fact if it works to Your satisfaction then keep doing what yer doing .

anyone use Dr. Hornsby’s© Big Bud ? it's now been bought out by Advanced Nut. Big Bud ?? same formula