Do I really need nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is my first grow in 4 years. I had to stop because of my girl and new baby.
When I used to grow I had all the fox farm nutes, like tiger bloom and another for veg.

I'm not buying any nutes for the plant I'm growing now because it's pretty much a test of how much the plant will smell. If it's too strong of a scent I can't grow anymore.
I was wondering how much of a difference there is when using nutes, such as the taste, yield and how healthy the plant could be.

So can I grow a healthy and potent plant without nutrients?
Plants need NPK and micro nutrients, it is one of the 3 key things plants need to live. Without it they will die. Just like you would die without food or water or oxygen. Organic would be a way forward if you don't want to buy nutrients in bottles.
I'm sure I have said this before on one of your other threads, buy a carbon filter and fan. Or the smell will contaminate your house, cloths, childs clothes, your gfs hair, the neighbours place, the street ect. Do you want your child to go to day care stinking of bud or your girl going to work stinking of bud? No matter how little you think it may smell when you live in it its 20x stronger to those who don't, when you step outside and the fresh air hits you it will reek.
If you want to grow again and your gf is concerned about the smell then give yourself a fighting chance and buy a fan and filter.


Well-Known Member
Plants need NPK and micro nutrients, it is one of the 3 key things plants need to live. Without it they will die. Just like you would die without food or water or oxygen. Organic would be a way forward if you don't want to buy nutrients in bottles.
I'm sure I have said this before on one of your other threads, buy a carbon filter and fan. Or the smell will contaminate your house, cloths, childs clothes, your gfs hair, the neighbours place, the street ect. Do you want your child to go to day care stinking of bud or your girl going to work stinking of bud? No matter how little you think it may smell when you live in it its 20x stronger to those who don't, when you step outside and the fresh air hits you it will reek.
If you want to grow again and your gf is concerned about the smell then give yourself a fighting chance and buy a fan and filter.
I did grow plants without nutes before when I first started I used miracle gro. I really didn't know about nutes until my second grow, so I think you can grow a plant without nutes. It might not be as good as plants with nutes but I can't afford them.

I also can't buy a carbon filter because it's in my closet and I wouldn't be able to do that. I know what you mean about ppl who don't smoke will smell it really bad.
I really think if I grow in my small room and have a bunch of glade plug ins and other stuff like that, it will lessen the smell. Also the strain I'm growing might not have a real bad smell.

I know skunk strains really smell bad but someone told me that the berry kinds of plants smell the least. Thanks for giving me all that info and caring about my girl and baby, that was really nice of you.


Well-Known Member
I did grow plants without nutes before when I first started I used miracle gro. I really didn't know about nutes until my second grow, so I think you can grow a plant without nutes. It might not be as good as plants with nutes but I can't afford them.

I also can't buy a carbon filter because it's in my closet and I wouldn't be able to do that. I know what you mean about ppl who don't smoke will smell it really bad.
I really think if I grow in my small room and have a bunch of glade plug ins and other stuff like that, it will lessen the smell. Also the strain I'm growing might not have a real bad smell.

I know skunk strains really smell bad but someone told me that the berry kinds of plants smell the least. Thanks for giving me all that info and caring about my girl and baby, that was really nice of you.
Miracle grow is full of nutes.
If you cant go down the carbon filter route then try an ozone generator or ONA gel which will help remove smell. You need to remove the smell rather than cover it up.
Good luck with your growbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow is full of nutes.
If you cant go down the carbon filter route then try an ozone generator or ONA gel which will help remove smell. You need to remove the smell rather than cover it up.
Good luck with your growbongsmilie
I was going to get ona gel but I was watching a video and the guy said it smelled pretty bad and was really strong. I don't wanna have a smell like that in my room but I might be able to put it outside my room, maybe I'll try it. Thanks for all the help and advice.


Well-Known Member
It Comes in various flavours or scents. I used natural once upon a time many moons ago. When I had a cabinet full of CFL. It helps but isn't a cure all for odours


Well-Known Member
I did grow plants without nutes before when I first started I used miracle gro. I really didn't know about nutes until my second grow, so I think you can grow a plant without nutes. It might not be as good as plants with nutes but I can't afford them.

I also can't buy a carbon filter because it's in my closet and I wouldn't be able to do that. I know what you mean about ppl who don't smoke will smell it really bad.
I really think if I grow in my small room and have a bunch of glade plug ins and other stuff like that, it will lessen the smell. Also the strain I'm growing might not have a real bad smell.

I know skunk strains really smell bad but someone told me that the berry kinds of plants smell the least. Thanks for giving me all that info and caring about my girl and baby, that was really nice of you.
Sounds like you have your mind made up, why waste peoples time asking questions if you've it done before?


Well-Known Member
You can make super soil, and with a big enough container you won't need nutes. But.. If you're not growing with a carbon filter, and in a closed room/grow tent you will have smell issues. Even in veg they can fruit up your house.


Well-Known Member
You can put a fan and carbon filter in a closet and it will still help. The smell will cycle through and be removed. Nutes or lack there of aren't your solution.