The UK Growers Thread!

Is that the kit for growing mushrooms? What kind of lights do you use?
I know bugger all about it. I know how to identify Liberty Caps. There was a place I'd walk my dog and if you spent a morning there picking you'd get thousands. You couldn't see one at first then you would get your eye in and spot them from twenty feet away.
I never knew you could get "homegrown" mushrooms.
Or am I missing the point and you do them outside?

Well for the sake of discussion and theoretical argument it'd be...............

Sterilized kit, spores injected into a container of substrate (vermiculite and brown rice flower), sealed and left to colonize.

After 100% colonization open the containers, soak the cakes in water over night, sit the cakes on a bed of perlite in a big container and mist every day until harvest.

Needs nothing more than a small blue cfl bulb hanging within a few feet once in the big container getting misted every day.

For the sake of discussion and theoretical argument because cultivating hallucinogenic mushrooms in the UK would be illegal since they made the cunts a Class A controlled substance (despite the fact they grow natively here in the kiddies fucking playground).

These spore syringes are for research purposes only and not for cultivation, I'm just gonna look at the spores under a microscope and shit. :|
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Well for the sake of discussion and theoretical argument it'd be...............

Sterilized kit, spores injected into a container of substrate (vermiculite and brown rice flower), sealed and left to colonize.

After 100% colonization open the containers, soak the cakes in water over night, sit the cakes on a bed of perlite in a big container and mist every day until harvest.

Needs nothing more than a small blue cfl bulb hanging within a few feet once in the big container getting misted every day.

For the sake of discussion and theoretical argument because cultivating hallucinogenic mushrooms in the UK would be illegal since they made the cunts a Class A controlled substance.

These spore syringes are for research purposes only and not for cultivation, I'm just gonna look at the spores under a microscope and shit. :|
I bought the grow kits when it was all legal, so simple forgot about the brown rice powder but yes the food. The Hawaii an were the best and were the preferred strain of G Harrison
Wouldn't you need a lot of space to grow enough mushrooms to make it worthwhile even for Percy?
You'd only get a hundred or so Liberty Caps in a box that size. Or do you harvest a box full every few days because it's not season dependant indoors? I know they grow pretty quick because I'd pick a load then a couple of days later there would be a load more in the same spot.
It's news to me that you can do it yourself. Where there's a will there's a way I guess.
I hope I don't find any this autumn for my own sake lol
Well for the sake of discussion and theoretical argument it'd be...............

Sterilized kit, spores injected into a container of substrate (vermiculite and brown rice flower), sealed and left to colonize.

After 100% colonization open the containers, soak the cakes in water over night, sit the cakes on a bed of perlite in a big container and mist every day until harvest.

Needs nothing more than a small blue cfl bulb hanging within a few feet once in the big container getting misted every day.

For the sake of discussion and theoretical argument because cultivating hallucinogenic mushrooms in the UK would be illegal since they made the cunts a Class A controlled substance.

These spore syringes are for research purposes only and not for cultivation, I'm just gonna look at the spores under a microscope and shit. :|
suprised you not growing tbh mate its your kinda buzz and grow and the spores are easily brought online.
lol glad you asked, no mushies are not my thing, I can explain if you want a lol? but psilocybin pills would be banging imo
So why are these mushrooms done under a light when most (edible)mushroom farms do it in the dark etc?
I've done 5 times about 15 year ago , they need very slight light for the tropical strains or so I believed man, think corner of north facing room
lol glad you asked, no mushies are not my thing, I can explain if you want a lol? but psilocybin pills would be banging imo

yeah id like a explanation, tbh mate that kinda buzz is all the same to me weather mushys,acid,D although not actually done the D but still psychedelics thats what i mean all the same.
So why are these mushrooms done under a light when most (edible)mushroom farms do it in the dark etc?

They're not actually grown in dark just very very low light, they won't actually grow in the dark, the fungus just keeps growing but the shrooms don't fruit until you introduce a little light and fresh air exchange.
Wouldn't you need a lot of space to grow enough mushrooms to make it worthwhile even for Percy?
You'd only get a hundred or so Liberty Caps in a box that size. Or do you harvest a box full every few days because it's not season dependant indoors? I know they grow pretty quick because I'd pick a load then a couple of days later there would be a load more in the same spot.
It's news to me that you can do it yourself. Where there's a will there's a way I guess.
I hope I don't find any this autumn for my own sake lol

No mate not at all, it's all about raw weight yes because well grown/harvested/processed shrooms can have say 1% Psilocybin content but a dose of pure is only 10-50mg.

If we're talking eating shrooms for a dose then.....

Oral P. cubensis mushroom Dosages
Threshold...........25 g.................1/100 oz
Light ...................25 - 1 g............1/100 - 1/28oz
Common............1 - 2.5 g............1/28 - 1/10oz
Strong.................2.5 - 5 g............1/10 - 1/6oz
Heavy..................5 + g.................1/6oz +

Onset : 10 - 40 minutes (when chewed and held in mouth)
Onset : 20 - 60 minutes (when swallowed on empty stomach)
Duration : 2 - 6 hours
Normal After Effects : up to 8 hours

You need the same amount of shrooms per dose it's just that the good stuff can be removed, purified and properly dosed quite easily and cheaply if somebody's that way inclined.

Shrooms are known to make people sweat, be sick, get jitters, and feel generally dodgy.....that's the eating fungus bit.

Pure Psili is clean as fuck, no side effects at all and unlike acid and other stuff it doesn't affect Dopamine receptors.
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Liberty caps are the most potent of all hallucinogenic shrooms (or in the top few) that's why you don't need many but they can't be cultivated as far as I'm aware, they need an exact eco system to thrive which is why you find them in certain spots in the wild, the same eco system can't be replicated.

Just like billberrys (real blueberrys), the blueberrys sold in shops are not real blueberrys, they're cultivated hybrids from the US, shop bought blueberrys are not even blue inside (they're white) and have no anti oxidants in.
They just look like blueberrys but they're not, real blueberrys (real English name Billberrys) grow in the woods in an exact eco system and have to be foraged by hand making them worth a fucking fortune if you could actually buy them from a shop.
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fuck that give me a buzz i can half control at least, dont matter how pure or whatever once ya tripping ya tripping and theres very little going back lol different strokes for different folks n all that but my nut is way too frazzled for that shit id never come back.....
fuck that give me a buzz i can half control at least, dont matter how pure or whatever once ya tripping ya tripping and theres very little going back lol different strokes for different folks n all that but my nut is way too frazzled for that shit id never come back.....

It's all about controlling the dose mate and with shrooms that's like rolling a dice it really is, each individual shroom will have completely different amounts of proper in it, one will get you off where another won't.

Take the proper out of the shroom and it can be dosed accurately.

10mg shots will be easy to judge, take one and see how you go on from there based on what you want out of it.
10mg is a 2 hour giggle in the pub over a few pints with the lads, where as taking 5 x 10mg shots will have you talking to aliens in the corner for 8+ hours. :lol:

It's all about about consistency and the ability to control the dose.