Growth exploding from bottom up

Hey I guys i was recently sent a free auto dark purple seed from my last order and it's into its 11th week now last week it appeared to be just about time to pull her but I noticed some me pistols towards the bottom so I figured I'd just leave it for a few days and see what happened now the bottom stuff has tripled in size and new pistols are popping up all over the place is this just something that autoflowers do or is this strain just a funky grower


Well-Known Member
C__Data_Users_DefApps_Windows Phone_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_pictures.jpg
Hey I guys i was recently sent a free auto dark purple seed from my last order and it's into its 11th week now last week it appeared to be just about time to pull her but I noticed some me pistols towards the bottom so I figured I'd just leave it for a few days and see what happened now the bottom stuff has tripled in size and new pistols are popping up all over the place is this just something that autoflowers do or is this strain just a funky grower


Well-Known Member
Let's see a pic I got 7 auto dark purple growing right now and are
On 40 days and are not very big hope they swell up before they are done


Well-Known Member
Its one of them I got a bunch of strains going can you post a pic of the whole plant the dark purple I'd like to see it


Well-Known Member
Hey bro are you able to post A pic of your dark purple before you harvest to see what mine will look like in few weeks thanks


Well-Known Member
It was a runt to begin with and until a few days ago the entire thing looked like the top and I just figured i got a bunk seed then all of a sudden the new stuff started to show and the buds just keep getting bigger like I said I've never done autoflower strains before just photoperiod
Those buds look like they're good and ready. You should pick a couple to dry out and sample if you're wondering if the whole plant is finished. In your position, I'd be very tempted to harvest right now, unless there's a strong reason to delay. Or, you can take the top buds that appear to be finished and wait to see if the bottom branches keep producing.


Well-Known Member
Yea that's same strain I got but mine still has bunch of white hairs so its not ready to harvest maybe in a week or two or even 3