melania trump was a prostitute. LOL

well that's fine, because facts don't care if a sad, old, racist, white, jew hating dipshit believes them or not.

that's kinda what makes them facts.

I give you Bearkat,....he`s an idiot but successful. Not even you can say why it does not effect Hispanics, Asians or Whites.
well that's fine, because facts don't care if a sad, old, racist, white, jew hating dipshit believes them or not.

that's kinda what makes them facts.
What, do you think just because im black i dont have a car, or a ID? You just think im a poor negro huh? I have a bigger bank account, fattter wallet, better job, AND your wife, you racist white boy. Go to my peoples neighborhood and ask them how poor they are, take pics from the hospital lmfao
I refuse to believe the claims they are making that Blacks are less likely to have ID`s or driving licenses and cannot manage their lives. That`s the grounds they are using to make the accusations. "Surgical Precision". That would have to be unique to Blacks. It`s not. It all BS designed to sway the black Vote. Other analysts are saying that White college educated women are going to decide Pennsylvania too.

Spoon fed,...Nah, just poor teaching. We went from something unique to blacks to early voting. Two different things. Snake...
Stay ignorant.
well that's fine, because facts don't care if a sad, old, racist, white, jew hating dipshit believes them or not.

that's kinda what makes them facts.
Leave it to an online white boi to think us blacks are to "poor and disparaged" to get around town. I got to your girls house last night just fine, what makes you think we cant get out and vote?
I used to like Hillary when I believed her. She got goons on Fact shows on TV saying Trump`s wall is ridiculous. Then go on to say that Clinton, Bush, and Obama have all acted on Boarder control, There is more fencing and officers than ever before.

Think about that Buck. That is how a Democrat works.
Leave it to an online white boi to think us blacks are to "poor and disparaged" to get around town. I got to your girls house last night just fine, what makes you think we cant get out and vote?

are you going to make multiple replies to every single post i make? that's hilarious. you must have a very tiny penis to be so prone to such frequent meltdowns.

are you going to make multiple replies to every single post i make? that's hilarious. you must have a very tiny penis to be so prone to such frequent meltdowns.

You have alot of those pics dont you white boi. Jealous of what a black man can give your wife that you cant? But what do i know, according to you im just a poor negro, to disparaged to get around town. Racist cracker. I bet you hate jews to. Anyone who isnt white washed lile you.
lol. So believable. I still hope you get paid for this though. Have them PM me and I will put in a good word for you. Tell them you persuaded Pie.
Maybe you should try to pretend you arent a scared little racist white boi next time you roll through my hood.

PS i sho did persuade yo gurl UncleCuck. You keep takin care of her bills, ill take care of her body.
Maybe you should try to pretend you arent a scared little racist white boi next time you roll through my hood.

PS i sho did persuade yo gurl UncleCuck. You keep takin care of her bills, ill take care of her body.
Your hood? Which shitty Dallas suburb do you live in again?

Seriously, despite your best tries, you have convinced nobody that you are not a pimply, whiny little white boy with a couple of little white boy friends that encourage you. Maybe if you are really, really good, one of them will show you their penis and you can sword fight in your tree house. Dare to dream little guy.

your hood! lol
Your hood? Which shitty Dallas suburb do you live in again?

Seriously, despite your best tries, you have convinced nobody that you are not a pimply, whiny little white boy with a couple of little white boy friends that encourage you. Maybe if you are really, really good, one of them will show you their penis and you can sword fight in your tree house. Dare to dream little guy.

your hood! lol
Plesant Grove white boi! CYK fo life white boi! Come get you some but leave yo gurl at home, she wont make it outta tha hood! Thats real sweet that @rollitup gave you my personal info tho. Gonna spread that around.
Ask yo gurl white boi, she know my name. You would hear it if you werent always screaming "stop greifing me!" from the other room
I was really missing you David. But you sound even stupider than when we last met. I don't find this sock puppet very charming or witty. Maybe you should start over again. School's going to really start moving soon so you should do it now before you start to get homework. You know I really want you to apply yourself and actually learn something this year.
Maybe you should try to pretend you arent a scared little racist white boi next time you roll through my hood.

PS i sho did persuade yo gurl UncleCuck. You keep takin care of her bills, ill take care of her body.

Werd. How bad do the crusty bowls of cereal you've had for dinner all week smell in your bedroom?

Does your door have a good seal? I'm glad you don't have to hear your mom getting slammed by every minority in your hood.

I see where the hate comes from.