Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, beware not organic


New Member
ocean forest
bone meal
bat guano
1 tablespoon of grow big per gallon 2x week
i had to build up to 1 table spoon and i never have burned the plants from growbig will need to switch to big bloom soon

poo taco

Active Member
I use the Fox farm trio...I think it's good shit. I go with the schedule and it works awesome. That big bloom shit makes new clones grow super roots and I've seen plants get emerald green in a few days with the Grow Big. Tiger bloom really LOWERS pH, but not as bad as the more advanced stuff. I just lime it up a bit...It really does seem to stimulate new flowers in ALL tomatoes as well...
It's definitely not for many beginners pay $15 per bottle for a three part fertilizer??Newbs usually just buy hardware store ferts...which I won't knock because I've seen Osmokote grow some Louisville slugger size buds outdoors in upstate New York. I love indicas...damnit!! I'm getting off track!!!!
Organic Based Chem Ferts ROCK!!!!They don't stink like old socks inside your house...but you have to be careful!!! only water with Fox Farm ferts every OTHER watering....I think some people over do it...


Well-Known Member
"Organic Based Chem Ferts ROCK!!!! " ???

if you want organic why settle for organic based nutes when you can get the real stuff for the same price or cheeper?


Active Member
i use....
for the inside
sunshine mix #2 with my organic soil ammendment recipe.
botanicare pure blend pro grow/bloom, cal mag, liquid karma, and budswell when flowering.

for the outside
when holes were first dug, I used ff ocean forest. after each harvest i would add a few bags of ff happy frog and my organic soil ammendment recipe mix it around and let it sit for the winter. come spring, i would simply till it around and loosen it all up and re water prior replanting
botanicare pure blend pro grow/bloom, cal mag, liquid karma, and budswell when flowering.

i used to have a different lineup of nutes for outdoors (it was ff) but i wasn't too happy with it, so i utilized my indoor recipe for nutes.


Well-Known Member
I have a local garden center that carries FF, at a PREMIUM price, of course, and another soil, organic, called Gardner & Bloome. So far, I am TOTALLY diggin' the G & B, but it does need cutting with perlite or vermiculite or sand, something to help lighten up the soil. It's actually SO good, that it can be used as a soil amendment.

Check it, good shit, I paid HALF the price of the Fucking Fox Farm (I got the potting mix).
Gardner & Bloome - Kellogg Garden Products Gallery
If you liked Garden and Bloom you should check out Harvest and Bloom... and mix the two. Thats what I am going to do at some point... take three of the same clones, put one in strait Gardener & Bloom, another in Mix Harvest and Bloom, and another in mix Gardener & Harvest & Bloom & Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I am doing a lot of messing around with soils and nutes... I have burned my plants a little here and there, but just a tiny bit and really only once in a while, its all easy to use... Fox Farm is Worth it, and Gardener & Bloom and Harvest & Bloom are worth it a little more... especially when your mixing and testing and comparing... its FUN!


Well-Known Member
im a rookie and i got the Fox farm trio for soil , seems to be doing fine for my lady , although i do use it very cautiously . Feed every other time i water . Feed one watering , next watering pure distilled wated that sits to vent off any vapors ect for 24 hrs. I do notice the tips have a lil browning , but as i said im a rookie this was not a planned grow . I dont even have a clue what strain im 99.9 % sure bag seed , but fuck it its grown so im gonna smoke the shit lol . I started LST when it was at 26 inches and man the plant sure did love me for it , bud spots just -a - poppin out .Im sure it could look 100 times better but im going with it until next season then ill transplant into the earth . Gotta love that "gumbo farm soil " . Ill get new pics up 2day but here is some from 8-17-08



Active Member
Man Fuck all the other soils FoxFarms is the best. Nothing but water for the 1st couple weeks then use nutes in flower that simple. No need for makin your own mix addin this addin that they have all the nutes you need in the soil for veg no need for that grow big shit unless your veggin for a long ass time. Forget about that kellogg cereal soil or w/e you called it. Grab you a bag of foxfarm ocean forest soil water for 1st couple weeks then grab you the tri pack for flower and its that simple. So I'd definitly recommend this for a noob how can you mess up something that foxfarm made so simple for you? The soil is already in the 6.3-6.8 range! I don't know man maybe its just me. Foxfarm makes this shit so easy its like cheating. Water -tri pack noob fail proof keep it simple!


Active Member
Oh my last post was just because when i was a noob at this growin stuff people said go with this go with that add this you don't have enough of this in it whats your soil pH. Then I had someone with experience tell me foxfarm ocean forest soil, water and tri pack is all you need just keep water pH balanced and you will be find everytime. Wish I was told that from the start. Simple


Well-Known Member
wow that isn`t noob proof. we use our own soil because we knoiw whats in it. i`m not saying fox farm soil sucks. i think it`s nice stuff but mine is just as good and half if not less than that price.
good for you you got lucky with your grow. not every body has that luck. once you learn more abot growing i`m sure you would want to do your own soil so you have control over what you feed it.
like the photo`s above he thinks he`s fine but i see the burn he mentions and also he`s already shy of nitrogen from the yelleowing. so most noobes will add more and mess up.

i am no way slaming anyone`s grows here or fox farm. the main reasone people have problems with it is because it`s n/p/k is verry strong. do any of you use the full mix or are you able to go higher?


Well-Known Member
Wow Bonz never thought you would slam my grow since when i started posting on RIU you was one of the first ones to help me out !!!! I was not knocking anyone for using any home made stuff . the Yellowing was from when i didnt have the F.F trio kit yet . Since then it has stopped since i follow what Fdd2blk said about the Nitrogen . i add a lil of the nitrogen from the kit to my feeding and it semmed to help . Fdd2blk said its not like nature stops giving the plant nitrogen when its in the ground . so i thought why not throw some in . Im new to this again like i said . Im glad your advanced and all . Good for you friend i was just throwing in my 2 cents of thought which means nothing .


Well-Known Member
ah. if you read the whole thing i specificaly said i`m not slaming any grows here.
just an observation. dont take it as a slam.
mabee i miss read you post. i didn`t think it said you had the problem fixed and thought they looked good. thats cool ig=f the yellowing and burning has stoped. just shows the stuff is strong. be carefull that all. i dont see to many people being able to do full dose, and to me why bye something that you have a hard time using to it`s max.
again I`M NOT SALMING YOU OR ANYONE ELSE. sorry for the missunderstanding


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with green lantern and bonz, buying a ready mix soil like ocean forest is easiest for the new grower, and at this stage keeping it simple is the best answer. I am a fan of the Light Warrior mix.

But just as bonz and others say, that crap is expensive!

If you plan on doing a substancial sized garden, the amount of soil gets costly. I make my own mix, Sphagnum moss, chucky perlite, regular perlite, and earthworm castings. And rinse and reuse for three harvests before disposal.

As far as tiger bloom, I personally don't use it, but know tons of people who love it. I also know three growers that switched to the Advanced Nutrients organic line, and never switched back. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
to me it comes down to. i want to know what i put in my plants and what i am smoking, and be able to control my nutes selection more.
i can buy a bail of my pro-mix or other soilless mix for 20 bucks. thats alot of soil for 20 bucks.


New Member
i am no way slaming anyone`s grows here or fox farm. the main reasone people have problems with it is because it`s n/p/k is verry strong. do any of you use the full mix or are you able to go higher?
I don't see you slamming anybody. I use FF nutes and soil. You are right about the nutes, you really need to be careful. I have a nice system now. And their soil is expensive but seeing that I don't need a lot, buying big bags didn't seem feasible to mix. Next year I just may go that route.


Well-Known Member
I get a bale of just sphagnum moss for 9.95, from Home Depot,the chunky perlite is the most expensive and only thing I need to get from the hydro store. You canget a bag of perlite and. Bale of sphagnum moss at home depot for under 20 bucks, make your own promix.


Well-Known Member
I don't see you slamming anybody. I use FF nutes and soil. You are right about the nutes, you really need to be careful. I have a nice system now. And their soil is expensive but seeing that I don't need a lot, buying big bags didn't seem feasible to mix. Next year I just may go that route.

Excellent explaination, there are tons of recipes to consider, if I didn't need so much soil I'd love to use the Light Warrior, has anyone been able to replicate the fluff airy soil of Light Warrior?

My closest was a mix of;
2bale spagnum moss
2big bag chunky perlite
2big bag regular perlite
4coco cubes the big ones
1 big bag of the little rockwool bits
2 20# earthworm castings
1 20# sand

It's a huge batch, good for about 250 gallons of soil


Active Member
I germinate my seeds then straight to 5gal pots never burned a plant once. Foxfarms got the nutes for veg covered all you need is water. When it comes to flower nutes start off with half strength. I don't know how other use the flower nutes but when it comes to the trio pack i run the 1st 2 together and the last one by itself and my plants be beastin. I don't know but if this aint the easiest way i don't know for noob to start i don't know what is. Water for 1st 28-35 days then flower nutes. How can you mess that up I don't understand?