Open Show n' Tell 2016


Well-Known Member
Hi bobqpreall and thank you. A little backstory:

May 7 procured 4 GG#4 clones from Progressive Options now in North Hollywood

Vegged 24/0 in LED veg closet until being put out on roof at start of June

Transplanted into 5 gal Smart Pots. Use LA tap water, Botanicare CalMag, and Maxsea all purpose and bloom. Water twice a day and feed every other day. No training just put on roof and let em be.

Started to flower in early July I reckon. LA June gloom? I dunnoknow.
Harvest soon. Yay!

Hi bobqp and thank you. A little backstory:

May 7 procured 4 GG#4 clones from Progressive Options now in North Hollywood

Vegged 24/0 in LED veg closet until being put out on roof at start of June

Transplanted into 5 gal Smart Pots. Use LA tap water, Botanicare CalMag, and Maxsea all purpose and bloom. Water twice a day and feed every other day. No training just put on roof and let em be.

Started to flower in early July I reckon. LA June gloom? I dunnoknow.
Harvest soon. Yay!

Nice strain. I'm from Aussie so I'm unable to get clone strains like you . cheers for the pics and story (:


Well-Known Member
@Larry {the} Gardener
You figure out what is wrong with that plant? I got one doing exact same thing. It's dying in a hurry. I'm guessing something down in the root system. Getting ready to hit it with a root drench of Botanigard.
And the relentless humidity is wreacking havoc. It's suppose to subside tomorrow but the damage is done. Going to have to cut out a bunch of Black D.O.G. flowers. Some are worse than others ain't looking good.:wall:
You guys should check for stem borer worms . I posted a link but dickie MO deleted it.


Well-Known Member
You guys should check for stem borer worms . I posted a link but dickie MO deleted it.
I saw that article couple days back. its gone now?
Cunt express on patrol?
Thanks for the reply.
They gotta stop delteing posts! What the fuck are we doing here if we cant share knowledge!
Anyways... I get those little bastards too.
They're easy to deal with. When I see the hole in my stalk, I simply cover the entrance of the hole they've made with Dipel Dust or an insecticide. They generally die inside your stalk. From there you can either extract the dead bug somehow or just let the plant absorb it.
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Well-Known Member
They gotta stop delteing posts! What the fuck are we doing here if we cant share knowledge!
Anyways... I get those little bastards too.
They're easy to deal with. When I see the hole in my stalk, I simply cover the entrance of the hole they've made with Dipel Dust or an insecticide. They generally die inside your stalk. From there you can either extract the dead bug somehow or just let the plant absorb it.
Thank you for the advice.


Well-Known Member
... ... @ professorchaos420.
Careful . You don't want to hang out or associate with me .
I'm the kid your mom told you that you can't hang out with cause I'm a bad influence. Lol
Shit. I dont think I ever hung out with the cool kids, TWS. Always been a rebel.:cool:
I dont know anything about you as a person, but I know I see you on here all the time havin a good time and givin people shit. Nothin wrong with that, brother.
You're a fine gardener and I think I can learn from ya. That's all Im concerned with. Fuck what any mod/member thinks of who I talk to. They can delete this profile for all I give a damn. They dont affect anything that matters. Our plants will still finish in October. Our money will stay right. The only difference? We cant post pics of it all.

Fuck em:finger:


Well-Known Member
The Afghan was too riddled with rot to let her go on any further. I wish I'd taken a few last shots of her before I took her on Tuesday.(Two days ago) I scoped her right before I took her down. I was just starting to get a few good solid milky trichomes on the branch heads, so I was fairly close. She was movin' fast.
It isnt the prettiest bud, but I'll still get paid.8-)
20160901_103245.jpg 20160901_103426.jpg 20160901_103459.jpg

I separated all the nugs that were really bad. This my drawer of moldy dabs, man.