plant hight??


Active Member
is there a way to make my plants grow short and fat..
im growing 1 plant with a 70 watt hps my room is 2 ft wide but 5 ft long its 5 ft tall but because its built up against a shelf at about 3 ft high the room goes to only 1 foot wide is there a way to grow my plants short and fat or possibly grow the plants to go up in this skinny space??? (then the light would reach the bottom leaves and it would be pressed up against the left wall) any imput greatly apreciated


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Here, you might want to read this thread here. Please look past the bashing from a new member please. I am trying something new here. But I have been building to this point from my last two crops. As you might see I have two crops that are in flowing right now. The small ones, they were sent directly into flowering with ZERO veg time. The roots POPPED out the side of the rapid rooter they hit the COCO with 12/12 light. This the way I am trying to keep my plants as short as possible, with minimal manicureing.

I will show pictures in about 2 days. I think the buds will be popping hard core enough to see on camera. I can see them very well with my eyes right now.


Well-Known Member
Yea man its called a dutch grow. This is what im doing except with cfls. That light will probably only be able to grow one nice plant, but I would germinate a couple because your not guarented a female unless you bought your seeds. From seed to flower, keep lights on 12/12 or 13/11 which might produce a little bit bigger yield. The plant will veg on its own until its ready to flower. This will make the plant grow short but stocky like one straight big bud! Also you could try to top the plant 2 weeks after you start so you get two big buds instead of one. Good luck bro. Just keep reading forums.


Well-Known Member
Yea man its called a dutch grow. This is what im doing except with cfls. That light will probably only be able to grow one nice plant, but I would germinate a couple because your not guarented a female unless you bought your seeds. From seed to flower, keep lights on 12/12 or 13/11 which might produce a little bit bigger yield. The plant will veg on its own until its ready to flower. This will make the plant grow short but stocky like one straight big bud! Also you could try to top the plant 2 weeks after you start so you get two big buds instead of one. Good luck bro. Just keep reading forums.
Don't plants need a minimum of 12 hours darkness in order to flower?


Well-Known Member
You can 12/12 from seed to flower. It will take a 2-3 months, but will grow one straight bud. Look it up on here. They have threads on here about this.


Junior Creatologist
If i was you dude, id just play it simple n once you have enough nodes, just top it n lst(low stress training).You can either do a regular lst, or poke some holes into your pot and just tie the branches down as you go kinda randomly - thats what im doin n its workin out for me anyways - N as it grows, just keep toppin n tieing down. Keep doin this and the plant will train itself to the space provided for it. Good Luck man!!


Well-Known Member
You can 12/12 from seed to flower. It will take a 2-3 months, but will grow one straight bud. Look it up on here. They have threads on here about this.
I know I just meant when you said to put them on 13/11. Doesn't that mean 13 hours light, 11 hours dark?


Well-Known Member
Yes light/dark. The 13/11 will produce a little bit bigger yield, but will take a bit longer. Not much. This is what im doing, already 3 weeks into it. If you going to do this grow, dont top the plants. They grow to slow/small and the stress will probably be bad. Although I havent tried it, but im just going from what I know.


Well-Known Member
Where did you read this? I was sure that plants needed a MINIMUM of 12 hours darkness. Wait you said "this is what I'm doing, already 3 weeks into it" and "although I haven't tried it" lol which one is it.


Well-Known Member
I am doing this grow (13/11 from seed to flower). I just was saying that I havent topped them, although I was thinking about it till I figured it would stress the small plants to much. Still yet havent determined males or females but im keeping my fingers crossed for this week to find out. Check em out :)...



Well-Known Member
Oh nice. Lookin pretty healthy. Yeah I don't think I'll be topping my plants either. Better to just let them grow naturally with one big cola. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Nah I got a few going right now. I'll let them veg for about a month or so. They're in my journal, feel free to take a look. :bigjoint:


Junior Creatologist
even if your not gonna top them, still tie them down. Itll minimize the soace they take up heightwise, and you should end up with enough room as long as you tend to it daily. Check out my plants if u want, they aint straight up LST trained to the pot style tied down, instead i just kinda took each branch and tied them to where the cola was facing downwards, and the next day it bent conforming to the tiedown, and grew right back up towards the light - only like 4 inches shorter than it was before i tied it. Link to my grow is in the sig--



Active Member
ok where and when do i cut the stem pics?? MY PLANTS ONLY 4 INCHES TALL WITH ONLY 3 full leaves and a bunch of single (not formed leaves when should i cut it and where ...THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP GUYS IM LOVING THIS SITE!!!