Open Show n' Tell 2016


Well-Known Member
Yea in Australian Lingo but it has a dick or at least I think it does. Just to clarify it's not our friend sunni . She's a bro , or a broho. Lol

@ professorchaos420.
Careful . You don't want to hang out or associate with me .
I'm the kid your mom told you that you can't hang out with cause I'm a bad influence. Lol
Yeah I know who it is.


Well-Known Member
Yea in Australian Lingo but it has a dick or at least I think it does. Just to clarify it's not our friend sunni . She's a bro , or a broho. Lol

@ professorchaos420.
Careful . You don't want to hang out or associate with me .
I'm the kid your mom told you that you can't hang out with cause I'm a bad influence. Lol
I talked to one of the main water company dudes today while I was out phantom fishing.
He said that DFG is saying that this year is expected to be the worst it's been in years due to all the jacks counted last year.., possibly forcing another closure next season. Fuck me

And of course if DFG would have been honest with everyone, no one would have bought there liscense(i still would have) this year. Fuck me in my ass

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
@Larry {the} Gardener
You figure out what is wrong with that plant? I got one doing exact same thing. It's dying in a hurry. I'm guessing something down in the root system. Getting ready to hit it with a root drench of Botanigard.
And the relentless humidity is wreacking havoc. It's suppose to subside tomorrow but the damage is done. Going to have to cut out a bunch of Black D.O.G. flowers. Some are worse than others ain't looking good.:wall:
Someone told me it was a problem in the root zone. I was pushing them pretty hard right before flower, and that one got double water and food. I'm guessing too much chemical ferts. Maybe even too much water with the roots injured. But I'm in the middle of a hurricane right now. Not much I can do about that for a few days. But hell, it might just flush all the bad stuff out.

I've only had one do this before, and it died pretty slow. Actually, I pulled almost a pound off of it, with it dying from the top down. But it was a lot further along when it started. I don't have high hopes for the Deer Ate CP1.
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