Bag seed.... Day #???

5 gallon bucket ... adequate drainage... very lite nutes in veg, bloom booster end of July beginning of September every 2 weeks ..... this is what it's doing.... is it on the right track? Or wth . Thanks guys I've seen others plants and there's way more flower production. Please inform me of mistakes made or what I could do to.better my yield.



Well-Known Member
your plant looks good it might be a good time to give it a last spray of neem to keep the worm eggs from hatching and throw some bamboo in there to support the branches.I using nutes on mine every other watering but i'm not telling you how to do yours,good luck

bi polar express

Well-Known Member
5 gallon bucket ... adequate drainage... very lite nutes in veg, bloom booster end of July beginning of September every 2 weeks ..... this is what it's doing.... is it on the right track? Or wth . Thanks guys I've seen others plants and there's way more flower production. Please inform me of mistakes made or what I could do to.better my yield.
If this is your first go around don't worry about what others look like just learn hopefully you will harvest and every year get better

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good. You may just have a late starting strain. And {for next year} more soil will always make things better. The same with Epsom salts. About a tablespoon a week should do for that size plant. And I don't stop veg nutes right away. The 1st 3 weeks of flower, I use veg nutes. 2nd 3 weeks 50/50 veg and bloom. Last 3 weeks bloom.

Good luck.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Eddy's advice on Neem is spot on. I'm fighting worms with some of my Bag Seed Testers right now. This is a bad year for worms down here where I'm at.
Thanx for all the advice guys , I'm going to get neem oil today I also have another smaller plant that the bud formation is way further along... it's only about a foot tall because I pinched her a little to hard ..... whoops.... live n learn but the buds look great though. I'll post pictures of the baby plant later.


Well-Known Member
Time for bloom nutrients. My personal favorite is bone meal but there are a ton of commercial bloom boosters that are good. Most guys like liquids cuz you have better control but I'm old school and have been using bone meal since, well since most of your parents were kids. Other than that she looks great.
Not sure why that posted like that , but hoping this thing finishes before frost rolls thru town, nothing in the immediate forecast below 40 , might end up with some purp. Will update when anything changes.