Am I the only one with russets ?


Well-Known Member
So what are people doing this year? Its like no one is talking about it at all.
Iv had 8 separate sprays this year to keep them at bay.

Now its rotations of organics every few days.
It obliterates the adults and larva.

Just ordered 5 gallons of big time exterminator.

The single best thing I read on the internet was

"Russets mites, get used to them now as common as caterpillars and moths"

And I spray and spray now no time for much of a life.:cuss:
I`d go with Lace wing larvae or Nematodes for a natural way to lower the problem

but spinosad must kill them ?

do they also spread to the root zone like thrips and start eating the plant from the bottom inside out up the stem ?
Russets wont mess with the root zones I dont believe. They are mainly "leaf hiders". They will eat up a plant though and spot it out and make the leaves grow small, shriveled and underdeveloped. I had a battle with them a while back and eliminated them with Pyrethrum TR bombs. Indoors, 2 of these bombs 3 days apart rid me of them along with preventative maintenance there after. What stage are your plants in and are you indoors or outdoors?
So what are people doing this year? Its like no one is talking about it at all.
Iv had 8 separate sprays this year to keep them at bay.

Now its rotations of organics every few days.
It obliterates the adults and larva.

Just ordered 5 gallons of big time exterminator.

The single best thing I read on the internet was

"Russets mites, get used to them now as common as caterpillars and moths"

And I spray and spray now no time for much of a life.:cuss:

Also, I had to add that you need to nuke em hard right from the start because they can grow immunity to whatever you use on them if you dont strike hard enough the first time. If you've done 8 sprays and still have them, then this may be a contributing factor in your issue with them.
well EARLY veg it was Avid/ then Avid Forbid then Conserve SC/ Then Nukem/ then Avid Tetrasan then Avid/ Forbid/ These were always WEEKS apart starting back to dunking clones.

I am outty and its now past 2 weeks of flower so we are well shut down on anything like that.

Now its Conserve then Met 52 then Nukem then back to Conserve SC.

And yes they are all dead but i'm holding on to my balls dear lord sweet baby Bsebesus.

And I found this:
U didnt catch my recent posts? Im dealing with em rite now & im like week 4 into flower.
Ive pretty much accepted the fact i wont wipe them out this year. Not this far into flower. So my plan now is to fuck with em just enough to slow them down & oppress them enough to allow me to harvest.
What i did & am doing is....
-spray with spinosad (captain jacks dead bug)
-spray with some shit called take down with pyrethrins

Im gonna poison the shit out of the garden after harvest, & let the winter rain wash everything away, install some raised beds through the winter & plant some predatory mites in the, a shit ton of them....ladybugs n shit too....hopefully that will be the end of them.
Good luck with everything, & if you come across something that kills em let me know.
Hi um, please check the Conserve SC threads. Adult russets are very easy to kill.

Now keeping them killed is difficult. Id spray and switch from Nukem or Big time exterminator and Conserve and Met 52. You will need to get a PH meter and keep it at 5.5 to 6.6 PH.

Im always just learning and asking around.

Ladybugs are ineffective on russets tiny size and rain wont do anything. Might use compost tea or Caps beneficial's on your dirt.
If i was in veg im sure they would be easy to control.... Im not sure how safe all that stuff is in flower.... Hell i dunno if the stuff im using is even safe......
Im shocked to see so many billions of dead russets. Not a single living bug.
But the scary thing is how close I come to destruction every year.

Why is pot growing "spray and pray" !!!!
U didnt catch my recent posts? Im dealing with em rite now & im like week 4 into flower.
Ive pretty much accepted the fact i wont wipe them out this year. Not this far into flower. So my plan now is to fuck with em just enough to slow them down & oppress them enough to allow me to harvest.
What i did & am doing is....
-spray with spinosad (captain jacks dead bug)
-spray with some shit called take down with pyrethrins

Im gonna poison the shit out of the garden after harvest, & let the winter rain wash everything away, install some raised beds through the winter & plant some predatory mites in the, a shit ton of them....ladybugs n shit too....hopefully that will be the end of them.
Good luck with everything, & if you come across something that kills em let me know.
You can kill them with The Amazing Doctor Zymes
Enzymes are a desirable alternative to pest control because it relies on physical biology rather than on toxic substances. The enzymes used in our formula exhibit the same properties as those that occur naturally in all insect species—causing a digestive disintegration of the exoskeleton. When the enzymes make contact with an insect, it quickly digests its exoskeleton resulting in prompt death.

  • Kills Broad Mites
  • Kills Russet Mites
  • Kills Spider Mites
  • Eliminates Powdery Mildew
  • Use up to and on Day of Harvest
  • Kills Eggs and Larvae
  • Kills Soil Borne Insects
  • Removes Mildews and Molds
  • Non Toxic
  • Biodegradable
  • Safe to use around Children and Pets
  • Food Grade Ingredients
  • 100% Environmentally Safe
Just found 6 bottles of Met 52! Its no longer being produced. Should I grab them? $70 for 8 oz and the last 6 cans in the town! Ebay is also pretty skimmed down now,.

Met52 is good stuff?
Just realized I had them today...
Not sure how long I've actually had them.... Pretty far into flower..... should I just chop a little early and cut my losses? Stressing out because I'm getting ready to set up the indoor.... starting to think I'll have to wait until way after harvest to keep the room clean
I`d go with Lace wing larvae or Nematodes for a natural way to lower the problem

but spinosad must kill them ?

do they also spread to the root zone like thrips and start eating the plant from the bottom inside out up the stem ?

Good prices on Lacewings - how good are they on spider mites and russets? $5.95 for 1,000
Russets wont mess with the root zones I dont believe. They are mainly "leaf hiders". They will eat up a plant though and spot it out and make the leaves grow small, shriveled and underdeveloped. I had a battle with them a while back and eliminated them with Pyrethrum TR bombs. Indoors, 2 of these bombs 3 days apart rid me of them along with preventative maintenance there after. What stage are your plants in and are you indoors or outdoors?

Is Pyrethrum TR okay in flower? Some dude told me it is okay but he is a dead head.
Is Pyrethrum TR okay in flower? Some dude told me it is okay but he is a dead head.
Pyrethrum is an organic oil derived from the Chrysanthemum flower. I've used it with no ill effects,tastes etc in flower.
How far into flower are you? The only thing thats really even harmful is the propellant used in the can burn your plants if detonated too close to them. Use it about 2-3' from any plants. If you do use them, get 2 of the bombs and blow them off 2-3 days apart to eliminate all the larvae and adult survivors. Mites will drop their eggs at the first sign of "trouble". Hit em hard the first time as they can build an immunity to chemicals....and you dont want that.[/URL]