quitting weed


Well-Known Member
man i was so baked last night and my friend said to me 'adam, dont you think we're a bit sad? i mean dont you remember when we were doin this 3 years ago?' so it got me thinking about quitting. but it seems like such a scary thought, this is something ive done everyday almost for 5 years and i think without smoke what would i do man ive never learned to function as a real adult without weed. its going to be such a huge shift in lifestyle im worried that i wont be able to do it. any of you been habitual smokers before? how did you break the cycle?

and i love getting stoned i really do, do you guys think if i gave up my habitual smoking i would ever be able to smoke again recreationally without falling back into this lifestyle?


Well-Known Member
im quitting soon. my 2nd grow is for a hobby only. once its finished growing, im sellin all the stuff and moving on.

long story short, it doesnt really cut it for me any more. makes me feel like crap. plus i have a new born baby wih my gf so thats even more reason to quit.

u just gotta find something else to do! lol. i would only smoke on a night out now. with a big group of friends, have the odd joint that gets passed round.


Well-Known Member
i had a few self forced breaks while travelling 3 months + made me realise im not addicted in the slightest.....

you can give up if you need to but im sure you could cut down i can go oevery day fr a while then a couple weeks break im back into it....


Well-Known Member
I take breaks from smoking every once in a while sometimes I quit for a couple weeks sometimes a couple months.besides smoking is more enjoyable after a hiatus.


Well-Known Member
Doing a 6 month probation sentance for getting caught with it.
I love smoking and not being able to smoke makes me want to smoke. I got to a place were i only took a hit every couple of hours. my tolerance was low so I didn't waste it. plus it helps me sleep and calms me down. Lets me enjoy the finer things of life. Alot of people think it's a kid thing but, I think going out ad getting smashed at a bar is a kid thing. Try it out find what works for you bro.


Well-Known Member
i get high everyday, its fun and i highly recomend it!
lol who wants to gosmoke crack behind walmart?


Well-Known Member
well i have do some experiment's with weed and smoking..
1. test was that i smoke weed and bud's and different kind hash for a over 1.5 year then i quit. well of course first week was little bit slow because you got habbit

habbit is a addiction, not fysicaly but more inside of your head.. Habit.
so it's not hard to changes your habit's
never ever i dont have fysically addiction with weed.

And i keep breaks many times becaus is more enjoyable after a hiatus like smirgen says
and i like to do something else too..

2. experimnent i test can i handle weed and marijuana
and i discovered i can.

if i smoke at week, i smoke only at evening one or two joint just relaxing and i have seen some smokers smoke always so big smokes that they are so fuckd up.. were is the point ??

you can smoke just little bit just relaxing, just little mellow mood not big hit's stoney and fucked up... there is no poit of that kind smoking.. well sometimes is but very rare times...

you can do wrong with any of kind drug, Alcohol you can drink bottle of whisky and be a mad drunk fucker, or take ganja so much that you can do nothing just hanging on sofa...

i smoke at week ends and 1-2 times at week when im in wensday sauna evening i smoke one at sauna, and then friday i smoke when i having fun with my friends and drink beer, saturday i smoke some in sauna and my bad hangover... some times i smoke everyday.. but

if yu guys want quit or you afraid qiut dont be afraid just quit and deal with it.. there might go 1-2 weeks little bit slower but it's gonna be okay this stuff is not Heroin or Cocaine or Amfetamine or Alcohol!!! remember that.

this is safe drug and medicine, there is big reason where all those bullshit talks come over marijuan and there is USA who starts drug war at 40's because they dosent need at that time anymore mexican worker's.. well that is long story.. but in history of marijuana you can find and discover why ganja is illleagal and how the USA coverment are respon for that. but peace im little bit sick i got flue and i was puke fwe times i going to bed right now fever is little bit high but

take it easy guys !


Well-Known Member
I miss the old days when everyone around me didn't care about getting stoned or drunk.

Yeah we did get stoned and drunk, but even if we didn't have the money to do it, we still went out and did stuff.

I mean don't get me wrong, i love getting high.
But it has changed my life.

I look at other people my age and i look at what i've achieved and then at what they have achieved, im nothing in comparison.

I often think what my life would have been like now if the casual drinking and smoking cannabis had continued instead of WEED WEED WEED every day.

But that's life.

You take what you get, it's up to you to turn it into something good.


Well-Known Member
well it depens how you do it with alcohol or weed..
how you use it, how much.. there is many ways.


Well-Known Member
and my self, the alcohol do me worst, maybe i am angry or do stupid thing so thats why im not drink much anymore, and i have found weed to achive balance and clearness

im much happy and i can achive my coals better if i smoke weed than i drink alcohol..
maybe im just that person that weed is perfect to me, but other drigs not like alcohol.. or so on...


Well-Known Member
There r so many things in life that change your direction. If you had an AWE inspiring moment where you thought stopping would inprove your life then you might want to check it out. I didn't do anything all threw my 20's 12 plus years straight edge because I did too much when I was younger. There is a reason for age limits I can see that now as I'm older. I started smoking again and went way overboard and realized that I have to learn control. It has been the best thing for me I think. What I have found is balence to sit back have a couple rips of my bong hang with my best friend or wife. Even my kids my life is much more relaxed I can enjoy my life a little more. To each his own bro we have to find our way it's not easy. REP on the awesome thread...peace


Well-Known Member
yeah if youre talking about quitting completely, as in you dont need it? then do it becuase its a lifetime choice for some people and some peopole consider it a drug and a phase, while others realize that its a plant and herb that was naturally put ehre, and if the mainstream society is gonna judge me and make me feel guilty from smoking a sacred plant, then fuck society, fuck everything i live by natures laws not man made bias, and yea sure you cant blaze down forever, but to eliminate all thc? learn to cope and not just smoke, i know there will be oneday when i cant smoke it like i want to, but thc will still be running free through my veins, not for me to get "high" but to medicate me and whatnot with tinctures and other such concoctions. I dont use prescription drugs i use dope, in different ways, i will use a quarter of weed to create a tincture for throat and headaches if im sick, not buy a bottle of pills. just my opinion though


Well-Known Member
i dont quit smoking herb... i just take breaks.

one time, i took a three month break. those first couple blunts had me FUCKED UP.

i dont smoke as much as i used to.. dont have the time. so usually just 1 blunt before sleep.. helps me relax.

if you wanna quit, then quit. whats there to be worried about? or just take a break... a week or two off from smokin. it cant hurt.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I suggest taking up more hobbies and making guidelines for yourself. Last few months I have been able to smoke a lot whenever. And now that I enjoyed it, back to work. I like to smoke before my morning yoga/run. If I don't go on the run or do yoga, I don't smoke. I like to smoke at the end of the day too, but I have been a slacker at school (not the weed just always been unmotivated to do the homework) so now I don't smoke in evening till HW is done. I do give myself the before bed night time treat though. Always helps sleep.


Well-Known Member
ive been tryin to quit for awhile but i smoke when i get bored. ive quit before i just want to take a break for a while like until my plant flowers. do you think 1 month without blazin would lower my tolerance. ive been smoking everyday for like a year.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't smoke a lot.I usually only do it when I have a migraine, or when my depression gets really bad, because it helps.Its rare if I do it for fun...I hardly ever go out, I have responsibilities. I'm never going to stop.To me, weed is a sacred herb,and a medicine.Yes, its fun as well, but there are less opportunities for fun when you're a parent.Well, adult fun, anyway.But I refuse to feel bad because of the backwards asses who tell me its wrong...that's their guilt, not mine.I'm not doing anything wrong.It's my body,I'll do what I want to it.By all means, take a break.It's always better when you come back.


Active Member
I don't smoke very much but I smoke every day. I can stretch a 20 sack for damn near two weeks if it is vaporized. During the times that I don't have it I don't miss it that much, but I do have to admit it is worse when I CAN'T get it opposed to when I just don't smoke it.


Well-Known Member
The key to stop smoking altogether is isolation and distractions. The key to just cutting back a whole lot is obligations of interest, unrelated hobbies, and motivation. For example: start walking your dog through the park as an alternative to sitting and smoking a joint.


Well-Known Member
ive been tryin to quit for awhile but i smoke when i get bored. ive quit before i just want to take a break for a while like until my plant flowers. do you think 1 month without blazin would lower my tolerance. ive been smoking everyday for like a year.

Well Hell Yeah.. even one week do lower your tolerance a little
and 1 month maybe put it on zero :)

personaly 1 week or 2 week break, my tolerance is zero :)

now past 2 months i havet smoke like 3-4 joint's and that's it.. my ryders dosent grow and i just start a new grow now at day 10

i have to wait till november next smoke times :) :peace: