First grow..Criticize n advise plz. Pics included


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Cupboard grow
600 watt led
4 sq ft
2ltr btles
Promix and compost
Critical kush Crowne Royal n 2 unknowns
From clones few days veg ..
Some @ 8wks some @6wks
Some doing well (I think) others stunted I guess ....
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Seem to be doing sound dude,

OK kool! the four in front didn't do well tho, probably lame clones idk, because they all got same treatment ... But I guess the others are kool ... Think I need bigger clones or more veg to get more weight ... Was just trying this b4 I do my bigger grow .... Wanna full 2. 4x8 tents with 2ltrs
Do you have any drainage in those bottles? Probably better yield and easier management next time with one or two plants in sizable (real) pots.
I don't like the small cups. I say grow 2 big plants and you'll be better off in the future mate.

Actually i just did this to get an idea of how I'd do ... Im going to do a 4x8 sog in the 2 ltrs so for the space I think this is the way to go ... Yield Is my focus
Do you have any drainage in those bottles? Probably better yield and easier management next time with one or two plants in sizable (real) pots.

Yes lots of holes to the bottom of the bottles ... Just a test run .. Really going to do a 4x8 sog in the 2ltrs