Who Actually Gets Busted?


Well-Known Member
I did my own statistical study and found some interesting patterns. This is for only one county in one state but it is a large city and not a cannabis friendly place. This is what I found out.

Over half of marijuana charges are added on to some other crime like shoplifting or DWI.
Another 30% occur in a car or somewhere in public.
The few arrests in homes occur because cops are there for other reasons like domestic disturbances.
Almost all arrests are of folks under 30

I have not found one case of a person being busted at home when the police had no other reason for being there.

I have not found a case of a senior citizen being busted.

I have not seen a case of a person being busted for growing for his own use.

Every now and then someone gets busted for doing commercial grows out of a house.

The moral is that pot is really safe to use and grow in ones own home as long as none of it ever leaves the house.

I am curious if anyone else has come up with any numbers and how they compare with mine.

To me it makes since that if a person is going to take a risk to do some work in figuring the odds/
u an lower the percentage even further of getting busted growing at home simply by never answering the door 4 a cop,Dick's never come with good news or gifts,cops come 2 my screen door & knock I just shut the big door on em & lock it,they eventually lose interest & split.
Younger people in general commit most crimes so that's not a surprise. The combo charges don't surprise me either. I am surprised you don't find many dealing charges.
Younger people in general commit most crimes so that's not a surprise. The combo charges don't surprise me either. I am surprised you don't find many dealing charges.
There are quite a few dealing charges for hard drugs. About the dealing charges for pot, I only remember seeing one in a weeks data. A week is all I did. I did it to evaluate my own risk and am just sharing the results. I am in Texas also. Back in the real world I am very much into the legalization effort. I know a lot of real sick people who need this stuff. Grandma would definitely pretty safe in growing plants for medicine. I can't imagine anyone careless enough to have a joint in his pocket while shoplifting but it happens quite a bit. I get the impression that dealing marijuana doesn't really pay that much. I could make more money working part time in a convenience store than I would by selling off what I produce. One of the reasons Texas laws are so tough is that everybody pleas and pays a huge fine.
I have not seen a case of a person being busted for growing for his own use.
That's because usually if you are found with a grow inside your home, even if it's small.
They'll start ripping the place apart. Usually first is the kitchen. The box of ziplock bags for sandwiches in there? That just caught you an intent to sell charge. Also your common household kitchen scales? Yep those too.
The numbers on these things are always fucky. Your stats are usually after everything's said and done. And charges are always whatever the pigs can put together to make it hit as hard as it possibly can.
domestic disturbances.
Those usually play put as follows.
Partners argue.
1 Calls the cops or neighbors do.
They pull both apart.
If one's spiteful as hell they point out that other partner has a bag contraband in such and such place.
Having a romantic partner is a risk in itself. Especially if it's a grow op type situation.
Been there and done that one myself.
I've also saw a situation where a guy got popped and his Gf/kid's mom lived with him. They pulled the whole take the girl's kid thing unless she cooperated. Guy wasn't growing but selling small amounts. Like pick up a pound and break it up sort of thing. Regardless though at the end of the whole ordeal they had her name and statement on paper. He did a small chunk of time in the pokey. He wasn't even in there a month before she's trying to jump on any dong with a wallet attached and support her.
Over half of marijuana charges are added on to some other crime like shoplifting or DWI.
That's just sloppy people though. Hell even that Barry Cooper guy talks about that right off the bat. You don't do 2 illegal activities at once.
I get the impression that dealing marijuana doesn't really pay that much. I could make more money working part time in a convenience store than I would by selling off what I produce.
That's not something we're at liberty to discuss on the site.

But now if you were producing meds for a patient it's all really what you put into it. If you had 3-4 patients picking up an oz or so once or twice a month just for their personal use then there's a nice offset to production costs. It depends on how much they were donating etc. Nothing big or anything. You'd easily be looking at your rent/mortgage + car payment. Without the need for dicking around at a convenience store. Just don't screw with patients who don't have their crap together. When you start building a patient list don't be afraid to prioritize based on their needs/spending habits.
Avoid GramADayers totally. If a patient hits you up for a gram a day sure that's a 1/4 a week. But also you'll have to screw with them every single day. When I say every day I mean every day. They're going to blow your phone up. If you don't respond in 20 minutes you can expect the frequency to increase to every 5 minutes until you do respond. I've never met one who had their shit together. They're usually broke for the most part. The kind of people who have to catch a ride to get some smoke. Rarely if ever on time. It's just not worth the hassle. I've got fun stories.

Remember no smell to tell. Have your smell control dialed in.

Actually schedule your harvest time. If you're in an actual neighborhood then know your neighbors routines. Do it when they're sleeping.
Don't dispose of your grow garbage at your own place. Go chuck it in the dumpster at Applebees or McDonalds when they close. Or find an apartment complex because they usually have dumpsters for tenants. Just role up there like you live there and chuck it in. Road construction sites usually have a dumpster nearby where they unload stuff as well. Just scout things out before hand for cameras and whatnot.
The numbers I come up with are not chipped in stone and could vary a lot from place to place. Even in my area just looking at five days doesn't tell the whole story.

I did this to assess the risk I am taking personally. Old people frequently have the choice of growing and using or doing things like die of cancer. You see there is a risk regardless. For people who use this stuff as medicine, there is the legal risk of growing, possessing and cooking and that has to be balanced against the risk of the consequences of not making and taking the medicine.

It is easy to find maximum and minimum punishments based on various state statutes. It is more important to know which punishments are most likely to be imposed. I am clueless about that.
I did my own statistical study and found some interesting patterns. This is for only one county in one state but it is a large city and not a cannabis friendly place. This is what I found out.

Over half of marijuana charges are added on to some other crime like shoplifting or DWI.
Another 30% occur in a car or somewhere in public.
The few arrests in homes occur because cops are there for other reasons like domestic disturbances.
Almost all arrests are of folks under 30

I have not found one case of a person being busted at home when the police had no other reason for being there.

I have not found a case of a senior citizen being busted.

I have not seen a case of a person being busted for growing for his own use.

Every now and then someone gets busted for doing commercial grows out of a house.

The moral is that pot is really safe to use and grow in ones own home as long as none of it ever leaves the house.

I am curious if anyone else has come up with any numbers and how they compare with mine.

To me it makes since that if a person is going to take a risk to do some work in figuring the odds/

check my sig. bill murray is da man.
Late to the party here, but my house was actually raided by 6 gun-pointing deputards with a bogus warrant. So here's my 2 cents...
Without getting into the particulars, I'll tell you what caused me to get busted:

1. Move out of the Bible belt or don't grow a single plant.
2. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY can be trusted. Not even a family member. When the cops start pressuring people, they usually fold and will sell out their own family to avoid being busted. You can ONLY TRUST YOURSELF!!!
3. Part of the reason the cops were so tough on me was that I refused to talk about anyone. I could have given them the names of several dealers and bought myself some favors with them. I chose not to and now I'm a felon for life because they found about 1.5 ounces of dry bud and 2 grow lights. Whether you choose to take a stand and fight them or give them what they want is up to you. I now know that most people get busted not due to diligent police detectives following up on their suspicions. Most people get busted because someone told the cops about them as in my case.
4. Don't trust ANYONE.
5. Don't trust ANYONE.
6. Don't trust ANYONE.
7. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching you.