What's your take on Colin Kaepernicks refusal to stand for National Anthem

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Coming up in mixed neighborhoods (Spanish Harlem, Black Harlem and finally Bushwick-Bedford Stuyvesant) I had plenty of Black friends who refused to pledge allegiance to the flag or rise for the playing of the National Anthem, I always thought that was very disrespectful until a brother "pulled my coat".

Till this day when we go hanging out to sporting events the minute the announcement comes over the loud speaker "ladies and Gentlemen please rise..." They all need to make a bathroom run. Or hit the concession stand because the line is "short".

You see that happening with the more mature crowd then with the younger crowd. Next time you go to a sporting event see what happens during the playing of the National Anthem.


I refused to say the pledge of allegiance decades ago in Junior High School since I reasoned mandatory saluting something could not be about honoring freedom.

The home room teacher a pasty faced but large douche hit me on top of the head with a text book to try to get me to comply. I told him, low enough so only he could hear, if he did it again I would kick his balls so hard they'd pop out his mouth. After that we had an uneasy truce, I stood up but never crossed my heart with my hand and never recited the hypocritical oath the school demanded.
When I was a kid in the early '70's, my cousin and I weren't allowed to say the pledge because our family was Jehovah's Witness. I didn't understand it at the time (hell, I was 5 and 6), but we caught hell for it. We were ridiculed and beaten every week over it.

Eventually, my mother hauled ass and I wound up on my own. To this day, I don't put a whole lot of stock in oaths and allegiances. They're really nothing but McCarthyism engineered to shame the populace into obeying the status quo.

I rise for the national anthem out of respect. I'll take my hat off if I'm wearing one. I don't put my hand on my heart and sing though. That's just not me and never has been.

Do I understand what Colin is doing? Well, yes. I do. As a white man, I can not and will never be able to "relate" to the hardships of the black folks in this country. All I can do is try to understand.

Fact is, there is an ALARMING number of unarmed black men and kids being gunned down. Multiple police officers, all white, are now being charged with murder over it. It's about god damned time.

For those so mad at Colin for what he's doing, get over yourself. Try to use what little bit of a brain and heart you have and think about a few things:
  • Colin's not out there throwing bricks through windows, burning down small buildings, and shooting at cops or anybody that happens to be standing by.
  • Colin's not using foul language and rage induced rants.
The man is just sitting in silent protest because he feels that there's something bad wrong with this country. He feels that the absolute disparity in the way his people are being treated is being once again swept under the rug and ignored. He feels that once again people are steam-rolling this horrible situation with shaming and fake patriotism into an excusable act.

Colin feels that's just not acceptable, and he's doing what he can, peacefully, to draw attention to it.

I for one think he's right...and support him every way I can.
Colin can do what he wants, people shouldn't give him trouble for it. NFL is very status quo / hivemind so I think this is going to be a big issue going forward and interested to see how it turns out.
It`s his prerogative, but I don`t think the local police and the National Anthem are directly related and to protest the national Anthem has fans and veterans on edge and not happy with him. He is using his NFL air time to advertise this protest so even though he is entitled to protest, he shouldn`t take it out on the wrong crowd.

The NFL is trying to sidetrack all this attention by reporting a story that Tom Brady, has taken off the NFL emblem on his helmet during the pre season, he could get as much as 10,000 dollar fine or a game suspension depending. It is a uniform violation, but Katnip can open a game with socks showing pigs dressed as police.

Go figure.
When I was a kid in the early '70's, my cousin and I weren't allowed to say the pledge because our family was Jehovah's Witness. I didn't understand it at the time (hell, I was 5 and 6), but we caught hell for it. We were ridiculed and beaten every week over it.

Eventually, my mother hauled ass and I wound up on my own. To this day, I don't put a whole lot of stock in oaths and allegiances. They're really nothing but McCarthyism engineered to shame the populace into obeying the status quo.

I rise for the national anthem out of respect. I'll take my hat off if I'm wearing one. I don't put my hand on my heart and sing though. That's just not me and never has been.

Do I understand what Colin is doing? Well, yes. I do. As a white man, I can not and will never be able to "relate" to the hardships of the black folks in this country. All I can do is try to understand.

Fact is, there is an ALARMING number of unarmed black men and kids being gunned down. Multiple police officers, all white, are now being charged with murder over it. It's about god damned time.

For those so mad at Colin for what he's doing, get over yourself. Try to use what little bit of a brain and heart you have and think about a few things:
  • Colin's not out there throwing bricks through windows, burning down small buildings, and shooting at cops or anybody that happens to be standing by.
  • Colin's not using foul language and rage induced rants.
The man is just sitting in silent protest because he feels that there's something bad wrong with this country. He feels that the absolute disparity in the way his people are being treated is being once again swept under the rug and ignored. He feels that once again people are steam-rolling this horrible situation with shaming and fake patriotism into an excusable act.

Colin feels that's just not acceptable, and he's doing what he can, peacefully, to draw attention to it.

I for one think he's right...and support him every way I can.

When the local police commit crimes, beating up on the veterans is not so manly. When a black thug dies at the hands of the local police, burn other people`s business aint so manly either.

So he`s at the least on track.
It`s his prerogative, but I don`t think the local police and the National Anthem are directly related and to protest the national Anthem has fans and veterans on edge and not happy with him. He is using his NFL air time to advertise this protest so even though he is entitled to protest, he shouldn`t take it out on the wrong crowd.

The NFL is trying to sidetrack all this attention by reporting a story that Tom Brady, has taken off the NFL emblem on his helmet during the pre season, he could get as much as 10,000 dollar fine or a game suspension depending. It is a uniform violation, but Katnip can open a game with socks showing pigs dressed as police.

Go figure.
There is probably something that says taking away logo's is an issue, especially the NFL's logo. Where KP added a piece of clothing. Also, Tom Brady took off the logo from his helmet which happens to be in some type of camera shot almost the whole game Vs. KP's socks might not have seen camera time if no one had noticed before the game. BTW KP has also come out in support of most police as his two uncles and many friends are police officers.
I don't actually see that many veterans getting upset at all (source: I am a vet). In fact, I have been noticing that opposite. Soldiers coming out and saying that what he is doing is fine and understandable. I also don't understand how this is a "shot" at vets. I believe it's the best platform he has to reach out to people. I mean, it's working. We are on a weed forum talking about it, so he must have done something right.

If KP has "disrespected Vet's", and this is what people are getting upset about, I would go as far as saying if you're NOT A VETERAN THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP about it. Since most veterans are not mad than why the hell is everyone else. I'm mad that the police are in the shape they are in. You are an ignorant f**k if anyone thinks that the police have been doing their job without prejudice. There have been more than a handful of cases lately where the officers involved should have been charged and even convicted.

I'm a white male, U.S Army combat infantry veteran from OEF, and I support KP.
There is probably something that says taking away logo's is an issue, especially the NFL's logo. Where KP added a piece of clothing. Also, Tom Brady took off the logo from his helmet which happens to be in some type of camera shot almost the whole game Vs. KP's socks might not have seen camera time if no one had noticed before the game. BTW KP has also come out in support of most police as his two uncles and many friends are police officers.
I don't actually see that many veterans getting upset at all (source: I am a vet). In fact, I have been noticing that opposite. Soldiers coming out and saying that what he is doing is fine and understandable. I also don't understand how this is a "shot" at vets. I believe it's the best platform he has to reach out to people. I mean, it's working. We are on a weed forum talking about it, so he must have done something right.

If KP has "disrespected Vet's", and this is what people are getting upset about, I would go as far as saying if you're NOT A VETERAN THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP about it. Since most veterans are not mad than why the hell is everyone else. I'm mad that the police are in the shape they are in. You are an ignorant f**k if anyone thinks that the police have been doing their job without prejudice. There have been more than a handful of cases lately where the officers involved should have been charged and even convicted.

I'm a white male, U.S Army combat infantry veteran from OEF, and I support KP.
Oddball may be very odd to say the least but he is a vet.

There is probably something that says taking away logo's is an issue, especially the NFL's logo. Where KP added a piece of clothing. Also, Tom Brady took off the logo from his helmet which happens to be in some type of camera shot almost the whole game Vs. KP's socks might not have seen camera time if no one had noticed before the game. BTW KP has also come out in support of most police as his two uncles and many friends are police officers.
I don't actually see that many veterans getting upset at all (source: I am a vet). In fact, I have been noticing that opposite. Soldiers coming out and saying that what he is doing is fine and understandable. I also don't understand how this is a "shot" at vets. I believe it's the best platform he has to reach out to people. I mean, it's working. We are on a weed forum talking about it, so he must have done something right.

If KP has "disrespected Vet's", and this is what people are getting upset about, I would go as far as saying if you're NOT A VETERAN THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP about it. Since most veterans are not mad than why the hell is everyone else. I'm mad that the police are in the shape they are in. You are an ignorant f**k if anyone thinks that the police have been doing their job without prejudice. There have been more than a handful of cases lately where the officers involved should have been charged and even convicted.

I'm a white male, U.S Army combat infantry veteran from OEF, and I support KP.

You make good points. But saying America is the problem and not standing for the Anthem is taking his frustration and accusations out on the wrong crowd, so to speak. Kap can and would get National press time no matter where he choses to apply his Right. He wont take his personal time to do it. Anyone can be offended by insults to our Country, you don`t need to have served or have veterans in your family to be upset.

The issue with corrupt police and cops that murder for racist purposes, needs to be brought to the source, which is the police involved. It`s like a Skipper not liking his Orders and taking it out on his crew. He`ll get noticed, but his crew wont like him.

I disagree that it`s the best platform he has, It`s free and not out of his way. Convenient, but not the best avenue. He`s a wealthy man.

The socks are a uniform infraction, There are rules about adding or subtracting uniform codes.

I think it`s totally cowardice for anyone to go after anybody but the police involved and their higher up Commands. If a Baltimore cop does wrong intentionally, don`t take it out on the folks in Denver.

The riot strategy is profitable to only the rioter stealing goods from towns effected by them. Nothing more.
Number of main stream media outlets that would cover Colin if he announced a press conference on his own time outside of team functions: Zero.
Number of main stream media outlets that covered him doing nothing but sitting during the national anthem: All of them.

I don't think you give him credit for being intelligent. He knew full well nothing he could do as an individual on his own would draw any attention at all. He, like many others before him, used what people use him for: his sport.

Looks like it worked. And worked quite well.
Number of main stream media outlets that would cover Colin if he announced a press conference on his own time outside of team functions: Zero.
Number of main stream media outlets that covered him doing nothing but sitting during the national anthem: All of them.

I don't think you give him credit for being intelligent. He knew full well nothing he could do as an individual on his own would draw any attention at all. He, like many others before him, used what people use him for: his sport.

Looks like it worked. And worked quite well.
So true, Ali was vilified for taking his stand against the Vietnam war.

I hope that Kap's silent protest will spur other athletes from all sports to join him.
You make good points. But saying America is the problem and not standing for the Anthem is taking his frustration and accusations out on the wrong crowd, so to speak. Kap can and would get National press time no matter where he choses to apply his Right. He wont take his personal time to do it. Anyone can be offended by insults to our Country, you don`t need to have served or have veterans in your family to be upset.

The issue with corrupt police and cops that murder for racist purposes, needs to be brought to the source, which is the police involved. It`s like a Skipper not liking his Orders and taking it out on his crew. He`ll get noticed, but his crew wont like him.

I disagree that it`s the best platform he has, It`s free and not out of his way. Convenient, but not the best avenue. He`s a wealthy man.

The socks are a uniform infraction, There are rules about adding or subtracting uniform codes.

I think it`s totally cowardice for anyone to go after anybody but the police involved and their higher up Commands. If a Baltimore cop does wrong intentionally, don`t take it out on the folks in Denver.

The riot strategy is profitable to only the rioter stealing goods from towns effected by them. Nothing more.

You bring up some good points. Like mentioned above, I doubt that if he called a press conference the same amount of people would care. He obviously stirred the pot well enough to spark a huge conversation. People have been trying to bring down the corrupt police for how long? Literally decades. How would KP be different than any other leader that has tried if he took a subtle approach? Drastic times call for drastic measures.

I would like to hear your approach on what the "best avenue" was for KP. Many rich athletes have tried to protest in other ways before and failed. Remember "I can't breathe". That went no where, and was led by Lebron James, who is worth more than KP by far.

Number of main stream media outlets that would cover Colin if he announced a press conference on his own time outside of team functions: Zero.
Number of main stream media outlets that covered him doing nothing but sitting during the national anthem: All of them.

I don't think you give him credit for being intelligent. He knew full well nothing he could do as an individual on his own would draw any attention at all. He, like many others before him, used what people use him for: his sport.

Looks like it worked. And worked quite well.

No doubt it worked, but it`s not correct or very smart.
You bring up some good points. Like mentioned above, I doubt that if he called a press conference the same amount of people would care. He obviously stirred the pot well enough to spark a huge conversation. People have been trying to bring down the corrupt police for how long? Literally decades. How would KP be different than any other leader that has tried if he took a subtle approach? Drastic times call for drastic measures.

I would like to hear your approach on what the "best avenue" was for KP. Many rich athletes have tried to protest in other ways before and failed. Remember "I can't breathe". That went no where, and was led by Lebron James, who is worth more than KP by far.


Weather or not he does it at games is up to him, the avenue I mention is not to disrespect the entire country to get the attention. Sitting at the Anthem is gonna get him recognition, But so would post game and pre game interviews. He can make all his own choices but to chose to disrespect America, Not the best avenue to go down. How come he wont challenge the source ?

He`s been booed and it will continue. His job as QB for the 9ers is at stake. They don`t want to be....."that team"

Anything other than attacking the source is cowardice. You don`t disrespect your country, or burn mom and pop shops that have nothing to do with it in the square because of something someone else did to you.

I personally think they are afraid to challenge the law at the source.
Weather or not he does it at games is up to him, the avenue I mention is not to disrespect the entire country to get the attention. Sitting at the Anthem is gonna get him recognition, But so would post game and pre game interviews. He can make all his own choices but to chose to disrespect America, Not the best avenue to go down. How come he wont challenge the source ?

He`s been booed and it will continue. His job as QB for the 9ers is at stake. They don`t want to be....."that team"

Anything other than attacking the source is cowardice. You don`t disrespect your country, or burn mom and pop shops that have nothing to do with it in the square because of something someone else did to you.

I personally think they are afraid to challenge the law at the source.
If your country doesn't respect you, why would you respect it? To be American is to be allowed to protest. BTW he did say he would donate a million dollars to local outfits.
Just like all the assholes in my area that had their flags upside down the day after President Obama was elected.