Legalazation : Auma 2016 and MMRSA

I think all of the taxes suck out loud. However, like Ben Franklin said, we should pay the least amount of taxes that we can. So I will search for ways to avoid paying them.


"Corps are people too"
The industries that have lobbing for sending tax dollars out of the country for 40 years are loving this.

One should remove the bacteria from the wound before applying the dressing.
Yes, your drivers are being harassed, and after AUMA passes that will stop. Everyone who is pulled over will not have to worry about cops saying they smell pot, because that will no longer be justification for cops to search or do anything else.

Yes, the law enforcement lobby has a lot to say about anything that gets passed, and their 2 cents is included. If you understand how things actually get done, you would not have a problem with this.

The money going to the CHP is for only 5 years, and the police will get some money to make up for all of the money that they will not be able to steal from us. It's just something to appease everyone.


I do not believe that after AUMA the harassment will stop, it will only change their tactics. They will be looking for paperwork and driving under the influence instead of minor possessions. They can still pull you over for the smell of pot because you could have been using it in the vehicle. They could say it smelled like a large quantity of pot. I have heard it all as i'm sure most of you have as well.

I understand how things get done just fine. The problem is that you are ok with this way of getting things done. Same way big government has been "getting things done" for decades. The police should have a seat at the table, but not even close to as much influence they have. The government knows there is medicinal benefits from cannabis or they wouldn't have patented forms of it in the 70's. Set forth laws and standards, i.e 600ft from schools, no selling to children, etc. then when people break those laws, go after them. This is not hard to fix, the cops just want to be in control.

I'm curious as to how much of alcohol and tobacco taxes go to police in CA. I only see they go to a general fund, but can't find any allocation of funds anywhere.
When I see police in the schools concerned with 9year olds eating pills after pills at increasing doses to control "behavior" then they might have some credibility, but until then, it does seem to appear to be nothing more than a grasp at a potential loss in authority over the cannabis plant.
I do not believe that after AUMA the harassment will stop, it will only change their tactics. They will be looking for paperwork and driving under the influence instead of minor possessions. They can still pull you over for the smell of pot because you could have been using it in the vehicle. They could say it smelled like a large quantity of pot. I have heard it all as i'm sure most of you have as well.

I understand how things get done just fine. The problem is that you are ok with this way of getting things done. Same way big government has been "getting things done" for decades. The police should have a seat at the table, but not even close to as much influence they have. The government knows there is medicinal benefits from cannabis or they wouldn't have patented forms of it in the 70's. Set forth laws and standards, i.e 600ft from schools, no selling to children, etc. then when people break those laws, go after them. This is not hard to fix, the cops just want to be in control.

I'm curious as to how much of alcohol and tobacco taxes go to police in CA. I only see they go to a general fund, but can't find any allocation of funds anywhere.

But not at the rate of 20%...... Lots of tax dollars to be created putting the this model in the Alcohol Industry........chewing gum, cough syrup,,,,
When I see police in the schools concerned with 9year olds eating pills after pills at increasing doses to control "behavior" then they might have some credibility, but until then, it does seem to appear to be nothing more than a grasp at a potential loss in authority over the cannabis plant.
When I see police in the schools concerned with 9year olds eating pills after pills at increasing doses to control "behavior" then they might have some credibility, but until then, it does seem to appear to be nothing more than a grasp at a potential loss in authority over the cannabis plant.

Shifting the tax burden from you and me to the ones responsible for the situation.

We can drum up something else for the "cops"/prison industry to obsess over.

Now all we need is law enforcement/common sense on our side.
Medical waste has cradle to grave tracking.....
Require the same on plastics and create a better world and give the cops something to control.
Chris Conrad must support Hillary Clinton.
Does everyone know the douchebag in my picture has donated about 5 or 6 MILLION to the Clinton Foundation?
My My! that is a few MILLION more than he donated to his own " legalization" measure. Wonder why?
Why would he donate more money to a woman that has supported the prison industry and the war on drugs; than to a measure he claims helps end both?

Or could it be that AUMA has nothing to do with legalization; and everything to do with Monopolization & Commercialization? Could it be that the multi billionaire not from CA; is simply concerned with accumulating more money? The facts I have presented us with sure point in that direction.

Cannabis advocates don't support drug warmongers. FACT.
Hillary Clinton is a Prohibitionist; drug warmonger. FACT
Sean Parker does not care about You; Cannabis; California; or your rights. FACT.

I voted for Sanders.

Jerry Brown; Dianne Feinstein; Gavin Newsom; Barbara Boxer; and Sean Parker; did not!
... They ALL support Hillary.... They are all Prohibitionist.... and all of them support AUMA ( except Feinstein) ... still too much of a classic conservative... even though they all claim to be "Democrats" . Just follow the money; and you can see AUMA is written by criminals; FOR criminals.
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A non-medically-approved person cannot grow marijuana, it's illegal. Once AUMA passes, any adult will be able to grow 6 plants.

If you require more than 6 plants, then just keep your doctor's recommendation current, and there will be no plant number limits.

A non-medically-approved person cannot grow marijuana, it's illegal. Once AUMA passes, any adult will be able to grow 6 plants.

If you require more than 6 plants, then just keep your doctor's recommendation current, and there will be no plant number limits.


This is a lie.

"At the end of 2015 (effective 2016), the California state legislature over-rode Prop 215 with MMRSA – the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act of 2015/16 – which effectively rewrites the Health Code pertaining to medical marijuana. Opponents contend that MMRSA is unconstitutional, since a voter initiative cannot be changed by legislative action unless it so provides. And that is why its backers need AUMA, a voter initiative that validates MMRSA in its fine print. In combination with stricter California Medical Association rules for enforcement, MMRSA effectively moves medical marijuana therapy from the wholistic plant to a pharmaceutical derivative, one that must follow an AUMA or American Pharmaceutical Association mode of delivery. MMRSA turns the right to cultivate into a revocable privilege to grow, contingent on local rules. The right to choose one’s own doctor is also eliminated. "
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Nothing that I said is a lie, young Man. Then you quote something that IS a lie!

You are obviously easily confused. The legislation known as MMRSA did not "over-ride" Prop 215. It established regulations for the commercial side of MMJ, that's all. It has already been amended, and now it is called MCRSA. It will continue to be amended, and improved.

The rest of your quote is mostly bullshit. Since you did not cite the quote, we can assume that it is just some idiot's blog.

Nothing that I said is a lie, young Man. Then you quote something that IS a lie!

You are obviously easily confused. The legislation known as MMRSA did not "over-ride" Prop 215. It established regulations for the commercial side of MMJ, that's all. It has already been amended, and now it is called MCRSA. It will continue to be amended, and improved.

The rest of your quote is mostly bullshit. Since you did not cite the quote, we can assume that it is just some idiot's blog.


Look; if we are both truly for Cannabis progress; we are on the same side.
I assure you what I ( as well as multiple other informed Cannabis advocates are claiming) is not a lie.
I have no reason to lie to you; or anybody else. I find it very odd you rebel against your trustworthy peers; in defense of easily provably corrupt Corporate elitists. Jerry Brown has been despised in CA since the dead Kennedys wrote a song about him many decades ago. He is not on our side; and never has been.

MMRSA is a BAD bill. ( and it breaks the law)
Here is the same information; from another source.. There are more sources as well. No lies dude. Only facts.

From Attorney Letitia Pepper; ( who uses medical Cannabis to combat her Multiple Sclerosis)

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First, I am not rebelling against anyone. I just do not want to see misinformation posted here about this initiative. If you are my trustworthy peer, then understand your place, I have been an adult for over 40 years, and you have been one for 5 years. I have been working for cannabis prohibition reform since long before you were born.

Secondly, I already told you that Letitia is a nut case, and Craig Beresh is an ass, so I deleted the stuff you posted. Just like the weedly crap, I won't have any of their misinformation posted here.

Ok. You are censoring FACTS ( based on your dislike of individuals; that are on your side) . Absolutely childish behavior. Seriously. You are posting lies and misinformation; then deleting literal facts. Letita Pepper was not giving her opinion. Nor was the other individual. MMRSA changes PROP 215 law; and you are wrong. Please stop posting misinformation.

You continue to post nothing relevant; only your opinion ( based on zero facts) ; and censor anything you disagree with; simply because you disagree with it.
100% irresponsible...
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