UV rays


Well-Known Member
Many hydroponic growers will have used some sort of UV filter in their tank at some point.
My question is this, would constant UV exposure damage the roots?
Conventional UV filters draw water into an enclosure, filter it, and spit it back out... but what about a UV light that is constantly shining on the roots?
Looked this up everywhere but couldn't find suitable answers.
My guess would be that it can't be good, but then again, I'm not a scientist.



Well-Known Member
Many hydroponic growers will have used some sort of UV filter in their tank at some point.
My question is this, would constant UV exposure damage the roots?
Conventional UV filters draw water into an enclosure, filter it, and spit it back out... but what about a UV light that is constantly shining on the roots?
Looked this up everywhere but couldn't find suitable answers.
My guess would be that it can't be good, but then again, I'm not a scientist.

i think i remember someone saying uv light on water only kills floating surface bacteria ...... but i'm not sure sorry.

bennies are your friend :)


Well-Known Member
UV light creates ozone when exposed to the air we breath. I'm pretty sure it forms in water too but at a lower rate. UV light is also used to "sunburn" plants in the last few weeks of flower to encourage a defense mechanism- the plant producing more terps and trichomes/ resin to protect itself. Haven't tried it myself but heard some good results from using a high UV, 10K finishing bulb. I was also almost blinded by a UV ozone generator, so it is not fun stuff to be around. This being the case, I really really don't think your roots will like it... at all.... especially because roots don't like regular light, much less light that is specifically at a potentially dangerous frequency. If you tried it, your roots might form a club and protest against you.... Roots Against UV or Strand Together Against UV... I know my sense of humor is terrible. Real talk- no UV in root zone. As said, the bennies are your friends.