Can I exhaust into my fresh air lung room.?????


Winter's coming fast and I would like to utilize my hot exhaust air. Possibly using it to warm up my lung room so my intake air is warmer. My lung room is 18 by 18. It's where I want to pull my fresh air from. I was wondering if i can exhaust In to it to warm up my intake air. I'm growing in the small room Nextdoor and have a tent in that small room a 5by3by 8 tent in the 9x9 small room I am trying to figure out my venting strategy for winter. Any ideas would help or any advive. Thanks
Winter's coming fast and I would like to utilize my hot exhaust air. Possibly using it to warm up my lung room so my intake air is warmer. My lung room is 18 by 18. It's where I want to pull my fresh air from. I was wondering if i can exhaust In to it to warm up my intake air. I'm growing in the small room Nextdoor and have a tent in that small room a 5by3by 8 tent in the 9x9 small room I am trying to figure out my venting strategy for winter. Any ideas would help or any advive. Thanks
just vent it into you're roof like a normal person lol u can run it into you're lounge room if u want but if u have a carbon go ahead but i dont no all that humidity chems and what ever u might wake up green
Not sure what a lung room is, but i used to vent into my room all the time. since cannabis is a great oxygen producer, it can revitalize your air, raise productivity and energize you. i love the air grow rooms generate and whenever possible, i try to get them into my living/working area.
i suggest to be careful if you run CO² though, as any thing past 400ppm is considered carcinogenic (since 2006 air is in average 400ppm).
I will be doing so myself with my next grow and i plan to vent the air into my bedroom - i'll post details when i am getting there (see signature). The idea is that as long as there is no CO² injections, the air is beneficial; and when I run CO², the vents don't run. i will also be monitoring CO² levels in the room, to make sure CO² levels are back to normal before vents start again.

just vent it into you're roof like a normal person
In some areas that is the worst idea you can have. Police does scans with heat vision and if your attic lights up like a lamp in a black field, it'as a sure giveaway. There are better ways to deal with it.

I personally try to get rid of heat at the source. Lamps make a difference, and while i don't want to convert anybody to LEDs, i myself am going there for the first time, because they have become better than any other lights out there - if you know what you do (i'd check out what @Growmau5 does, if you want to know more).
But I have used the exhaust air to heat my room before, so that works too. Just do it in a way that is not too conspicuous, especially if you live in a country where cultivation is a no-go.
I have my card and cultivation on my meds is no problem. Thanks Simon for the advice I will experiment some different things this winter.
What are you going to do for heat when the lights go off? A single light generates less heat than a women's hair dryer.
How cold does it get where you are? Is the garage or barn heated? If you seal the room ,you will have to supplement Co2.
Not sure what a lung room is, but i used to vent into my room all the time. since cannabis is a great oxygen producer, it can revitalize your air, raise productivity and energize you. i love the air grow rooms generate and whenever possible, i try to get them into my living/working area.
i suggest to be careful if you run CO² though, as any thing past 400ppm is considered carcinogenic (since 2006 air is in average 400ppm).
I will be doing so myself with my next grow and i plan to vent the air into my bedroom - i'll post details when i am getting there (see signature). The idea is that as long as there is no CO² injections, the air is beneficial; and when I run CO², the vents don't run. i will also be monitoring CO² levels in the room, to make sure CO² levels are back to normal before vents start again.

In some areas that is the worst idea you can have. Police does scans with heat vision and if your attic lights up like a lamp in a black field, it'as a sure giveaway. There are better ways to deal with it.

I personally try to get rid of heat at the source. Lamps make a difference, and while i don't want to convert anybody to LEDs, i myself am going there for the first time, because they have become better than any other lights out there - if you know what you do (i'd check out what @Growmau5 does, if you want to know more).
But I have used the exhaust air to heat my room before, so that works too. Just do it in a way that is not too conspicuous, especially if you live in a country where cultivation is a no-go.
Flir is illegal without warrant. Attics are hot even in the winter.

It wont improve air quality either. It will cause mold.
Heat it during the cold winter months
Grow room exhaust is humid. I tried to heat a space with my grow room exhaust and got mold. Its not worth it.

Use an open hood for lights on and a heater lights off.

You can use the same idea as heating a passive green house. Use the open hood for heat and set a drum or jugs of water or stone to collect the heat and release it at night.
Flir is illegal without warrant.[/URL]
The world does not consist of the USA alone and even there, state laws may vary. i can assure you there are countries where no warrant is necessary.

Attics are hot even in the winter.
Depends on the attic and where you live, i would say.

It wont improve air quality either. It will cause mold.
This too depends on a wide range of variables.
I have done it for a long time and had no problems. But I am also living in an area where it is not very humid and so the excess humidity from the grow room - which is not much - is actually very good for the climate in am living in. your conditions may not be good for this idea, but the world is big and circumstances are different all over.
Sorry mate, but you are using way too many absolutes with way too little information to even make such a judgment.
Winter's coming fast and I would like to utilize my hot exhaust air. Possibly using it to warm up my lung room so my intake air is warmer. My lung room is 18 by 18. It's where I want to pull my fresh air from. I was wondering if i can exhaust In to it to warm up my intake air. I'm growing in the small room Nextdoor and have a tent in that small room a 5by3by 8 tent in the 9x9 small room I am trying to figure out my venting strategy for winter. Any ideas would help or any advive. Thanks

Seen it done, but u need cold temps or ull bring the ambient too high and your grow will get too warm
The world does not consist of the USA alone and even there, state laws may vary. i can assure you there are countries where no warrant is necessary.

Depends on the attic and where you live, i would say.

This too depends on a wide range of variables.
I have done it for a long time and had no problems. But I am also living in an area where it is not very humid and so the excess humidity from the grow room - which is not much - is actually very good for the climate in am living in. your conditions may not be good for this idea, but the world is big and circumstances are different all over.
Sorry mate, but you are using way too many absolutes with way too little information to even make such a judgment.
I'm glad you agree.

Quit doing the same and making recommendations that can give someone mold.

I was exhausting to warm an area that already had gas heat and low humidity.

Avoiding flir is easy.

I agree house plants and cannabis will improve air quality. When you water the rh goes up for a few days.

I don't care how dry the environment I wouldn't exhaust into a living space unless setup to do so. Kilz paint for one. There is no way to guarantee no mold. Sorry. You just cant.

I respect your opinion. You told the guy to do it without knowing the variables.
Quit doing the same and making recommendations that can give someone mold.
You told the guy to do it without knowing the variables.
I did not claim any absolutes and used anecdotal advice only, and not as if what i said was undeniable fact. semantics matter dude.

example: "There is no way to guarantee no mold." - is factually wrong. there are a hundred ways to guarantee there is no mold. many will not be applicable in this situation, but it renders your statement false. if you would say "The chances of getting mold is high", it would be more correct - not true, because in a dry place, mold will not occur (mold needs humidity, if there is none, mold will not form) - or not the mold we are talking about. Claiming it will 100% is just nonsense. Nuance is the keyword.
I did not claim any absolutes and used anecdotal advice only, and not as if what i said was undeniable fact. semantics matter dude.

example: "There is no way to guarantee no mold." - is factually wrong. there are a hundred ways to guarantee there is no mold. many will not be applicable in this situation, but it renders your statement false. if you would say "The chances of getting mold is high", it would be more correct - not true, because in a dry place, mold will not occur (mold needs humidity, if there is none, mold will not form) - or not the mold we are talking about. Claiming it will 100% is just nonsense. Nuance is the keyword.
Irregardless of the Constitution- the 'bill of rights' mean nothing. Amendments get violated all the time, the judge didn't give a shit for my rights. .. cops do what the fuck they want

I'd ill advise venting back in your room, 10 months in with 2 weeks left of this crop and im royaly fucked
What to do if a house is infected by mold? :shock:
But in the US it's unconstitutional to use flir with out warrant in any state that does not vary state to state
just read up on it. indeed a supreme court ruling made it so, but at the same time, cops still use it and the use the very loose approach of "probable cause", which is enough to get it done.
yes you can warm up your room air intake room as long as it can get fresh air in the room from time to time