quitting weed


Well-Known Member
This is funny, I already told myself that I was going to take a break after tonight and here is this thread, haha must be a sign.
Here it is plain and simple IMO. Let's say a bowl of sticky = 1 xanex = 1 shot of liquor. How many bowls are in a blunt? I'd say a good blunt has about 10 bowls. Don't you think you would have a problem if you were taking 10 xanex a day or shooting 10 shots a day? I'm going to take a break then come back to it only smoking at night when all my shit is done throughout the day. I'm sure it will make me feel more accomplished.


Well-Known Member
i realised quite a while ago that ive got a bad habit i smoke between 1 and 3 grams a day depending on how much ive got hold of. after tonight (its 9:55pm ive got like, 2-3 more bongs to smoke) im throwing out all my smoking utensils, grinders etc. keeping my seeds though and making a real concentrated effort to kick the weed for at least 2 months so i can get my life on track and, hopefully, get a job before christmas. its going to be tough but im determined to do it this time


Well-Known Member
well i actually have to quit for a while just to make sure I won't get tested at work... So far i've been doing well. Sometimes its best to lower your dosage, instead of going cold turkey


Well-Known Member
dosage lowering doesnt really work for me cause once im even a little stoned i just think fuck it, lets get so baked we cant even think in a straight line


Well-Known Member
oh right.. yeah that makes sense. I also run out of money alot so it's not hard for me to ration my supply.. like right now i haven't smoked in 2 weeks, but i'm also trying to get a job, so i'm just taking my time.


Active Member
I feel you on the wanting to smoke to feel more productive. I had those same feelings over the summer so I made sure that all my classes were in the morning...that way i'd get up, do my shit, and then have the rest of the day/night to smoke. I actually find myself smoking a lot less and getting a lot higher. Give it a shot bro...I really like getting shit done and still being able to relax and enjoy at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
i agree with drobro... it will be easier than you think.. you'd be surprised in what you can do. i know i have


Well-Known Member
i only stop when i cant find or afford it i quit for like a month when i was on probatiopn for 3 yhears so i could pass 1 dt and then i smoked the whole rest of the time it sucked it sucked bad but it was cool when i did smoke i got so lifted


Active Member
i think about stopping quite a bit - been solid since i wos 13 but i have now cut down and dont fink i cld completely cut it out - i think its all about balance - do what needs to be done that day then get high :peace:


Well-Known Member
i think about stopping quite a bit - been solid since i wos 13 but i have now cut down and dont fink i cld completely cut it out - i think its all about balance - do what needs to be done that day then get high :peace:

Yeah that's like what i'm gunna do. after i get a job that is... I really need a job so i'm just not going to smoke until then.. I just applied somewhere yesterday! (my local sweetbay grocerie store) and they don't test, but i'd still play it on the safe side... wish me luck with my app!


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's like what i'm gunna do. after i get a job that is... I really need a job so i'm just not going to smoke until then.. I just applied somewhere yesterday! (my local sweetbay grocerie store) and they don't test, but i'd still play it on the safe side... wish me luck with my app!
i work at a grocery store
mouth swab man
so easy to pass
dont smoke that day haha


Well-Known Member
lol. yeah i heard the mouth swab test is absolute shit. But my 2 of my friends work there, and they both said they didnt get tested. So i'm not too worried, but i'm still a paranoid peter, so i'm gunna be safe. not to mention i have no money for bud yet.. in 2 weeks or so i'm getting 300 dollars.. lol. could i get like half an ounce of some good shit? better than dro?? i got some G13 before and it was fucking 30 bucks a gram... was that a fair price?


Well-Known Member
not all jobs.. alot do though. those that don't won't do it just because they are cheap.. or some will just do a swab test which will only work for like one to 5 days... depending on your body chemistry and shit


Well-Known Member
wow this thread got me down, if u want to quit i say u continue for 1 more week and cut it down 1 joint 1 blunt 1 bowl etc every week with the time that you would of been high, study, learn a new skill, work overtime, go out with ur fam or bf/gf or exercise (i recommend exercise) u will actually find that if u r healthy your high is SO much more enjoyable (but that doesen't matter sice your quitting) if u stay the course not only would u of quit a vice and learnt a skill or become healthier