Pics included this time about drooping.

Usually they grow autos in beer cups & such .
Root bound for sure .
Good luck m8
No that's not true at all. When you grow an autoflower you want to get a high yield, and to get that high yield you need a big container.
I don't think it's rootbound at all yet, I could be wrong but I'm pretty good at telling. Thanks man.
See I'm the exact opposite ...I wish I could forget the things I did when I was heavy into different substances .....and that's been well over 15 years for me ......
Ya that is the exact opposite, because I can't remember how many girls I was with and I really wish I could remember lol.
It looks like it's in a clear cup, if it was root bound you should be able to see pretty much solid roots all around the sides of that cup...

Personally to me it looks like it's lack of oxygen from poor drainage or overwatering.
It's not lack of oxygen at all or poor drainage. I grew 5 years ago so I know a lot about that kind of stuff. Thanks though.
so why the experiment In the first place ....
I bought a shitty bag of weed and I got a couple seeds out of it and I germinated one and luckily it is a female.
So my other plant, I bought the seed off the internet so I would never try to do something like this with a quality seed.
Well it's obvious you forgot alot from 5 years ago... Which you make sure and point out in every thread.

Your plant is showing water stress.
Yes I have forgotten but it's not water stress. Why would you think it's that. It's completely healthy now and not drooping. The color is fine so it's in good shape.
Hmm that's funny because zooming in on the pic it clearly shows the jagged edge where the top of a clear 1 liter bottle was cut off with scissors.

And you can see the dirt and perlite through the side of the cut off bottle...
Lol thank you for being so accurate and precise with my pic. I have clear yellow beer cups, not liter cups. I cut the top off of the cup a little because I don't like the top part of it, I don't know why lol. It wouldn't matter anyway but I'm not lying, why would I?
Well when you order 1 seed and get 1 freebie seed what else are you supposed to do????

Come on man...
Ok. I bought a bag off of a buddy of mine. Out of that bag I got a seed. I planted the seed and that's the plant in the beer cup. The plant in the beer cup wasn't ordered anywhere.
Yes I have forgotten but it's not water stress. Why would you think it's that. It's completely healthy now and not drooping. The color is fine so it's in good shape.

The reason I would think that is simple... The picture you displayed showed a plant suffering from water stress. If the plant looks perfectly healthy now, then that just proves my point.

Instead of arguing with everything you are told, why don't you try thinking a little bit instead.
Clear or even translucent will let lite in. Light is bad for roots u might try adding a cup or 2 . Almost 10% root pruning once a week. Cover the soil with some mulch it won't take much lol

Ps why didn't you response my help request?
Kinda looked like it coulda been a watering problem to me too, but wasn't sure. You must remember your "Watering Problem" thread, when you said this:

"I am currently growing a plant in a beer cup and I am using 2 scoops of soil to one scoop of perlite.
So their shouldn't be draining issues but whenever I water it, it's so heavy. It seems like the water stays on the bottom and doesn't come out".

"I have multiple holes for the water to come out. Any ideas"?

Anyway, It's great to hear your plants doing really good now, since you got her all straightened out again and all.Thank goodness you had lots of experience with things like that or you could have lost her. Great job, Eddy. (:

Hey guys, I was able to put pics up now. I would really appreciate it if you guys don't put up messages that have nothing to do with this post.
I don't know why some of you ppl make fun of me. I'm not crying about it but please just stop.
So the plant is drooping bad and I'm growing this plant until harvest in the small cup just to see if I can do it because I've seen pics of ppl that grew in beer cups. Can this be the problem? It's only 19 days old.
It does look like a watering problem just how the leaves are wilting.
It's not lack of oxygen at all or poor drainage. I grew 5 years ago so I know a lot about that kind of stuff. Thanks though.
Eddy have noticed the trend of you asking people to be nice to you and when people take the time give you honest advice you argue with them every time? You know about this because 5 years ago....... why bother really? Yesterday you can't afford nutes, tomorrow you'll be talkin about buying $300 led's. You had to quit growing yesterday because of the smell, but now you're back? Is that the plant that made all that stink? You really should put something on that cup so no light gets threw, if you haven't made any thread's about how and why to do it, you should. good luck ed
Are there holes in the bottom of the cup for draining water?

It looks like overwatering. It doesn't look like it's rootbound (too little time to become rootbound even under ideal grow conditions).
@edwardvanhalen123456 A good rule of thumb for soil grows is allotting 1 gallon of soil per 4 weeks of growth. That's at a bare minimum. Consider transferring to a larger container when you see the roots start to build up all over the sides. You should also let your soil dry out almost entirely inbetween waterings.