Flaming Pie's Bakery


Well-Known Member
Is it normal for organic plants to drink less water? Seems like my one plant went two weeks with out water. I added some EWC to the organic aloha. Synthetic aloha is asking for Phosphorus. She is a little paler green than the organic gal too. Nice to know that some nutes are getting into my organic gal from the espoma garden tone. The EWC should kick things up a notch. Give her a bit of nitrogen and feed the microbes.

The rmxbbp plants in flower are looking like they are gearing up for blooms. Hoping this means it is one of the shorter flowering gals. 7-8 weeks would be great. They gave me a bit of the eagle claw several hours after feeding them. They may want to be switched to some bloom nutes to scale back the nitrogen.

I scrapped the purple RMxBBP clone. Just too picky and 12+ weeks is a pain. Potency is pretty much the only thing going for this strain.

And I checked the roots on the clone I scrapped. Beautiful fuzzy white roots. Nothing wrong with her roots but she was giving me such a hard time. I won't miss her.
It could be the mix or mycorrhiza that holds water. I think salts would cause them to use more water. I would say it's normal.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
not at all. chlorine is actually a tertiary nutrient of cannnabis. so the plant "eats" it. just keep ppm below 5ppm and all is good. drinking water is good up to that point too.
Is it ok to have bubbles from the bleach in the cloner? I made a mix of 2 oz of clorox + 26oz of water.

From that spray mix I added 2 oz to my 3.5 gallons of water.

Did I use too much? Or are bubbles normal?

the gnome

Well-Known Member
they're looking AAA+ Pie!
excellent resin production @20days
when you see resin like that in that time
frame it's a usually a a good sign you'll have something special

Ive had my eye on this one for a while now,
good to see someone is running it finally.
it's going to be a stellar imho if they're
still using the skywalker cut used in GGGs Liea og.

hope your going to do up some F2s :grin:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
A bit of nitrogen fade on bottom of plants and a bit of increased demand for phosphorus and calcium.

Might be overkill, but I topped with half a cup fruit and veggie mix, half a cup EWC, 1tbsp camg+, 1/8 tsp potassium sulphate.

Lol. I might delute the water... seems a bit overkill.


Active Member
Flaming Pie this is a great thread, thanks for sharing!

What are you using in your cloner? I struggle with cloning and could use any advice you may have to offer.