Sounds good...i don't make those, but i do make medicated coffee...coming out soon
Hey, Fumble. Got a question, seeing as how youre obviously an edible nerd.
They dont have edibles(for me at least) in the shit state of Hellinois, but I go to my brothers place in Colorado every month or so to help with their greenhouse. He and his wife are new growers. I'm actually going back in a few weeks. Anyways... Every time Im there, I love seeing all the edibles and I sample the ones that my brothers wife buys, but every time I buy them, they dont get me off... Like at all... I ate half a 100mg Lemon Fuzzy(back when you could still get 100mg Lemon Fuzzies) and got nuthin.
Im 6'0 tall and about 225 lbs. Im not a heavy guy. The supplements I take boost my metabolism through the roof. Which of those two are keeping me from feeling the edibles you think? It really doesnt make sense, because I can still hang out with my dinger box and my old nine ringer and gets nice and toasty, but an edible wont even make me forget shit when I walk out of the house... Which happens almost daily.
My question is... With what I just told you, what would you suggest I try and what mg should I go at?
Im always watching my brothers 120lb wife get stupid on edibles. Im always jealous of that little shit. They kick her fuckin ass.
Help me out, new homie!