Chaotic Blather Thread

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
You know, there's a specific jibber jabber thread, specifically for this type of specificity...
Once upon a barren moor
There dwelt a bear, also a boar.
The bear could not bear the boar.
The boar thought the bear a bore.
At last the bear could bear no more
Of that boar that bored him on the moor,
And so one morn he bored the boar
That boar will bore the bear no more.


Well-Known Member
The abyss, no longer the deep dark but a mounted glint, images warped by perception only twist the reflection, slight of hand and all disappears...forever I search for what's behind that curtain.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
"So it appears to me, for when he could and should have wielded his pen to praise the virtues of so good a knight, it seems he intentionally passes over them in silence, since historians must and ought to be exact, truthful, and absolutely free of passions, for neither interest, fear, rancor, nor affection should make them deviate from the path of the truth, whose mother is history, the rival of time, repository of great deeds, witness to the past, example and adviser to the present, and forewarning to the future."
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, The History Of Don Quixote De La Mancha


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
A moment to thank you for personally quoting me in your signature. If satire and sarcasm has escaped you, please by all means, remain a fan. Hope you recover from your version of butt-hurt but take your sweet time lover.
LOL Hitler never understood why everyone got so upset about the holocaust either, you are in great company.


Ursus marijanus
Remember where you told us you were going to ignore us while snitching us off to admin? Looks like all bets are off. I understand, Jewish antisemites are not about honesty, like your notional truce with Pablo. Have a really great day, or should I say Mazel tov?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
you are in great company.
What, with two antisemites, you and canna?

This shit started with c2g skulking around stalking me. Way to double down. Hell pabby even got over it, after all it WAS several months ago. Had you just admitted you were being a prick to begin with we could have let it go. Seems like a couple of type alpha head cases gone sour.

I left c2g's note in abeyance until we all simmered down, guess it's time I look at it and find out what has you two desiring to crawl into my nether region, or if it's just the same old shit? Notice I let c2g get the last word in, but that's not enough ay?