Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0


Well-Known Member
Experimental plant this one...goes out to flower this week as it hits 12 hrs outside...want to see if it stays in flower without revegging or if it needs light dep to finish it.
Its all about timing if its out early enough the idea is that it stays (hopefully) in flower all the way through, it may flower then need to be light depped to finish but thats why im doing it to find out.
Been talking to a exp grower in cali who pulls a spring harvest every year with smaller plants so this is just a trial run to see how it goes no loss if i fuck it up
Should go to full harvest. Good luck with the experiment . (: here's a pic of one of Mr females I pollinated today if I left her she should of went full flower cycle.



Well-Known Member
Put down 2 training days and a rocklock seed to germinate last nite from DNA seeds still havnt chosen final line up for last 2 plants but the main spot (100 gallon hole) is booked by the 707 truthband
You know big plants of my neighbors ? One of is actually a rocklock. That plant is a beauty and a beast. You're gonna be happy.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Small northern lights plant out for the spring experiment
Im aiming next yr to have at least one plant this size to put in the biggest hole for full season a plant this size put out to get another 4 months veg would have the potential for a 3 lb plant in an area that only gets about 70% sunlight per day

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Nice looking plant (:
Yeah i was quite happy with being able to keep it under the T5 until now with just water and gd soil mix....its just had a half strength power feed drink today to perk it up a bit and i potted up from a 3 to a 15 gallon pot prob overkill but now i can see if its worth a bigger spring crop each year or needs a light dep finish


Well-Known Member
Yeah i was quite happy with being able to keep it under the T5 until now with just water and gd soil mix....its just had a half strength power feed drink today to perk it up a bit and i potted up from a 3 to a 15 gallon pot prob overkill but now i can see if its worth a bigger spring crop each year or needs a light dep finish
I get between 2 and 3 pounds in spring crops each year. You should definatly try green houses mid winter to maximise growth. I thought it was bullshit when an old grower told me about planting seeds in winter greenhouses to harvest in October. Good luck with the grow. (: should have some nice results from that plant


Well-Known Member
Small northern lights plant out for the spring experiment
Im aiming next yr to have at least one plant this size to put in the biggest hole for full season a plant this size put out to get another 4 months veg would have the potential for a 3 lb plant in an area that only gets about 70% sunlight per day
View attachment 3781175
Looks good rubes!
I was hoping to have mine to half that size before I put em outside. Not after my failures haha