Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Justin Cooper, the former Clinton Foundation advisor who destroyed two of Hillary Clinton's Blackberry phones with a hammer and set-up private email server for Hillary, told a House Oversight Committee hearing that he had constant access to Clinton's network despite holding no security clearances.



Well-Known Member
Justin Cooper, the former Clinton Foundation advisor who destroyed two of Hillary Clinton's Blackberry phones with a hammer and set-up private email server for Hillary, told a House Oversight Committee hearing that he had constant access to Clinton's network despite holding no security clearances.

net result for the GOP:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
that's what I was thinking. Sounds kinda like alot of plans in Europe, the Socialism capital of the world.

Can't imagine true Conservatives would approve of this.
People will love it. Wait for the applause tonight when his daughter presents her plan that trump is including in his policy.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i'll be watching.

just to see another sexually awkward "move" that Trump puts on Ivanka.
Touching your childs hips is only sexual to you perverts.

Diaper, potty training, baths, random nakee baby spree, dancing, hugging, sitting in lap, touching shoulders, blah blah blah.


Well-Known Member
Touching your childs hips is only sexual to you perverts.

Diaper, potty training, baths, random nakee baby spree, dancing, hugging, sitting in lap, touching shoulders, blah blah blah.
how about commenting on your 1 year old daughter's tits?

not really surprising that he raped a 13 year old kid when you put it that way, eh?

and yes, trump is a huge fan of childcare.

Screenshot 2016-09-13 at 1.26.02 PM.png



Well-Known Member
that's what I was thinking. Sounds kinda like alot of plans in Europe, the Socialism capital of the world.

Can't imagine true Conservatives would approve of this.
Naturally if these same proposals were made by the nearly certain to be Clinton presidency then right wingers would be saying things like: "OMG, evil Hillary is destroying the fiber of the nation, must obstruct this" and so forth.

As a thought experiment assuming a fictional world where Trump wins;
These measures will be a great help to Benedict Donald's core constituency -- white low educated people, some are laid off and some are making decent money in industries that are under threat such as the auto industry. Also, progressive Congressmen could get behind most of these measures too. Assuming Benedict Donald actually cares to deliver on his promises, this would be one that people would rally behind and could get passed.

Of course, he won't offset for these tax cuts with tax increases elsewhere, so this is a deficit spending measure. So called conservatives had no problem with them in past Republican administrations so maybe they won't be obstructionist about these measures too.


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, unleashed by hillary's dumbass decisions with Iraq, ISIS is slaughtering all opposition to Islam; like cattle.

You are such a blatant mindless partisan it's too funny. The only dumb-asses are the fools like you who spout and consume false rhetoric that places blame where it does not belong. Not that anything will stop you from eating your own bullshit vomit.

ISIS was fostered and grew into a force during the Bush occupation and the genesis of this group is entirely due to Bush's bungling in Iraq, with the aid and support of both houses which were controlled by the GOP for most of that time. Without Bush's unnecessary effort at regime change in Iraq, there would be no ISIS.

As a side note, GOP bungling like this is to be expected by people who live with an ideology that government can only get in the way and obstruct progress. Present-day GOP leaders are about as inept as the worst leadership we've seen in the past 150 years of US government leaders. If you voted for Bush and the GOP leadership in congress during that time then the blame for those slaughtered by ISIS is on your head.

Other than providing tactical support through air power and special forces, Obama has appropriately not committed significant ground troops to the area. The onus has be on the Iraqi government and other political bodies in the area to fight and reduce ISIS. Needless to say, they were unprepared for the ferocity and well funded forces representing ISIS. It's taken a while to reduce ISIS but the fight is going in the right direction and when ISIS is reduced to rubble, we will also see a new coalition in the area that is capable of defending itself from enemies both foreign and domestic. After time, Obama and soon to be President Clinton will be seen as the saviors of a situation created by GOP bungling.
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