I LIKE Early Harvests -- Anyone Else of that Mind?

Lol wasn't @Indacouch, you and i just talking about this? Next year it will be the strongest weed he/she's ever tried once they learn that properly ripened bud makes you feel like you get steam rolled over and over lol
You folks need to look beyond your traditions of doing things. I'm trying to. You also should learn to be polite, not rude as you are being. You might, just might, learn something. (That's my goal as a retired teacher...) For example, check this article out on the controversy. It IS a controversy in the field; it is not some one-size-fits-all rule to harvest late as you imply.

I know what ripe bud is like, and know it since the mid-60s. For me it's like eating a black, mushy banana. That's when a banana is fully ripe, but i'd rather a stiff, stimulating banana! Early harvest is where it's at for me. Maybe it's not for you.

So in comparing, i've bought produce at dispensaries here in Oregon and tried high THC low or no CBD and found no significant difference between my produce and theirs. Except price, and taste. I don't care about taste. I've bought high CBD and low or no THC and it knocks me on the floor with dizziness and no high or buzz. Not for my neurons!
Lmao .....yeah your rite I'm jealous of your completely under developed schwagg that was harvested a month to soon .....it's not a distance thing that makes me make fun of you .....I'd do it even more face to face ....il bet my trim is 10x stronger than any flower you have there noobs .....but you'll have to wait to try it because I don't pick my apples when there the size of a quarter and green ......lol Poor plants never had a chance with you growing them ...il be holding a small rip gathering for these plants .....there will be real weed there and no OP is not invited he is a plant murderer ...:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:

Two aspiring psychologists on a quick tea break would, out of awkward boredom, trade some of the obvious life paths that encouraged your hand in writing that constantly rejected back drop of a post.
Two aspiring psychologists on a quick tea break would, out of awkward boredom, trade some of the obvious life paths that encouraged your hand in writing that constantly rejected back drop of a post.
well, Flo, it looks that you can't even learn politeness, how can you learn anything? This is a new genetic strain that even the developer has said to me that the flowering time is unknown, but he hoped for a short flowering time. I posted here in the supposition that knowledgeable and thoughtful experience would appear. It appears not. Perhaps this hybrid has a stability problem. More testing required. But that's beyond....
Comon... you know some folks don't want couch lock at all and just a nice uppity buzz....

I know as soon as I see one amber the bitch is coming down.
Ya when the harvest window is open .....il take some strains at first signs of amber like green crack and afew others ......but key thing is when the harvest window is open ........that window was locked and screwed shut when OP harvested ....wasn't even done bulking
well, Flo, it looks that you can't even learn politeness, how can you learn anything? This is a new genetic strain that even the developer has said to me that the flowering time is unknown, but he hoped for a short flowering time. I posted here in the supposition that knowledgeable and thoughtful experience would appear. It appears not. Perhaps this hybrid has a stability problem. More testing required. But that's beyond....

I was defending you, strange times.
I was defending you, strange times.
guy seems to have an attitude problem. either he was a BAD teacher, or he has a BAD attitude from being one...

@kowski , you have linked the same dutch passion's article several times. posting it more doesn't make it less bullshitty... i have read all of your arguments and defenses, and you are just wrong in your assumptions. it is ok to realize you are not king of the kind, and that in this field, YOU are the one needing a teacher. we can help... but if you are a complete dick and act like an adolescent student, you WILL be treated like one.

class dismissed, homework is:


read all articles and summarize. bullet point is fine.

also, there aren't several types of cannabidol, there is just cannabidol. cannabinol degrades into unusalble thc(a), which decarbs to thc(delta9), and degrades to cannabidol (not cbd's).

talking about cbd's is like talking about 02's. oxygen isn't good enough, you need oxygens (plural) in order to breath. also h2o's, drink a glass of waters...

it's cool though, we are all carbons baseds lifeformses...
Hey I just cut 2 leaves off my mini Rudy at the bottom, microwaved them, smoked them, and I am blitzed right now....

SO I can understand this type of thinking.....:P
guy seems to have an attitude problem. either he was a BAD teacher, or he has a BAD attitude from being one...

@kowski , you have linked the same dutch passion's article several times. posting it more doesn't make it less bullshitty... i have read all of your arguments and defenses, and you are just wrong in your assumptions. it is ok to realize you are not king of the kind, and that in this field, YOU are the one needing a teacher. we can help... but if you are a complete dick and act like an adolescent student, you WILL be treated like one.

class dismissed, homework is:


read all articles and summarize. bullet point is fine.

also, there aren't several types of cannabidol, there is just cannabidol. cannabinol degrades into unusalble thc(a), which decarbs to thc(delta9), and degrades to cannabidol (not cbd's).

talking about cbd's is like talking about 02's. oxygen isn't good enough, you need oxygens (plural) in order to breath. also h2o's, drink a glass of waters...

it's cool though, we are all carbons baseds lifeformses...
Hey I just cut 2 leaves off my mini Rudy at the bottom, microwaved them, smoked them, and I am blitzed right now....

SO I can understand this type of thinking.....:P
i just sniffed a couple of plants i have in veg and holy fuck!

i think i'm just going to go ahead and harvest, fuck flowering...

@kowski , i was not trying to be a dick. but your attitude and response has put my back up. i'll drop the animosity if you agree to do so as well. an apology wouldn't be amiss either...
i just sniffed a couple of plants i have in veg and holy fuck!

i think i'm just going to go ahead and harvest, fuck flowering...

@kowski , i was not trying to be a dick. but your attitude and response has put my back up. i'll drop the animosity if you agree to do so as well. an apology wouldn't be amiss either...

lol! :wall: Rudy is flowering just starting. She is my sacrificial lamb slowly one piece at a time...:mrgreen:

It's either that or I have to blow $$$ on something.....being bone dry isn't the greatest.
So what your saying us this is a new strain, and the breeder was HOPING it would be a early flowering pheno, but unsure what is was and could be a long flowering 10-14 week flowering plant. However you flowered this for 6 weeks (when you said pic was taken) [tho most would agree there is no way that they are 6 weeks into flower] and then cut it down. What that tells me is that if you have truly been growing since the 60's to full maturity you would know they were not a fast flowering strain, you would see by the leaves that it is a pure hybrid leaning more on the sativa side and you would know that cutting it when you did was way earlier then ever early harvests should have taken place.

And what we growers/readers understand is that yes some do take plants early and we all understand why, but the reason some people can not wrap their heads around your post is we KNOW you took it down LONG before suggested early harvest is recommended.
Maybe you were counting pre flowers as part of flowering? I don't know but fact of the matter is your plants were not even close to being ready for even an early harvest.
So what your saying us this is a new strain, and the breeder was HOPING it would be a early flowering pheno, but unsure what is was and could be a long flowering 10-14 week flowering plant. However you flowered this for 6 weeks (when you said pic was taken) [tho most would agree there is no way that they are 6 weeks into flower] and then cut it down. What that tells me is that if you have truly been growing since the 60's to full maturity you would know they were not a fast flowering strain, you would see by the leaves that it is a pure hybrid leaning more on the sativa side and you would know that cutting it when you did was way earlier then ever early harvests should have taken place.

And what we growers/readers understand is that yes some do take plants early and we all understand why, but the reason some people can not wrap their heads around your post is we KNOW you took it down LONG before suggested early harvest is recommended.
Maybe you were counting pre flowers as part of flowering? I don't know but fact of the matter is your plants were not even close to being ready for even an early harvest.
if the plant was a human girl, dude would totally be a pedophile/rapist/murderer... and a teacher... nasty....
So what your saying us this is a new strain, and the breeder was HOPING it would be a early flowering pheno, but unsure what is was and could be a long flowering 10-14 week flowering plant. However you flowered this for 6 weeks (when you said pic was taken) [tho most would agree there is no way that they are 6 weeks into flower] and then cut it down. What that tells me is that if you have truly been growing since the 60's to full maturity you would know they were not a fast flowering strain, you would see by the leaves that it is a pure hybrid leaning more on the sativa side and you would know that cutting it when you did was way earlier then ever early harvests should have taken place.

And what we growers/readers understand is that yes some do take plants early and we all understand why, but the reason some people can not wrap their heads around your post is we KNOW you took it down LONG before suggested early harvest is recommended.
Maybe you were counting pre flowers as part of flowering? I don't know but fact of the matter is your plants were not even close to being ready for even an early harvest.
I began counting the time of flowering of those two plants when i saw pistils that were over 1/4" long in a number of cola ends.
I began counting the time of flowering of those two plants when i saw pistils that were over 1/4" long in a number of cola ends.
the ''1/4'''' and ''cola ends'' are not proper terms, nor are they ways to judge anything about the plant, other than appearance. you certainly weren't a science teacher...

pistils don't matter unless you are pollinating. and referring to a cola in the manner you're speaking would mean to check the apical flower cluster on the central stem/stalk. a topped plant will have many apical flower sites, one not topped will have one main apical growth with laterals lagging behind.

the start time of flowering is the first day after 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness AFTER the plant has reached sexual maturity. if no preflowers before 12/12, no flower yet, and your time is moot.

first day after first dark cycle after first full sexually mature flower on at least one alternating internode.

science is cool. i used to be a teacher too. :D