My Amare, Hydroponics Hut, & SunCloak Grow

You use AN hybrid? No wonder why you don't like to waste. Sheets expensive AF lol.

Looking good pet, that full budded one is my fav. Hope you have a serious fan blowing on it.
I'm fucked. Just realized I'm at day 45 or so from seed and need to drop 12 more. Hybrid got any extra Amares laying around? I'm outta lights.
You use AN hybrid? No wonder why you don't like to waste. Sheets expensive AF lol.

Looking good pet, that full budded one is my fav. Hope you have a serious fan blowing on it.
Don't get me wrong when I said I don't waste a drop. When I first started growing I spilled/overflowed many a Pot/Saucer. I sat there w/ the wet/dry vac. Haaated it.
Naw, I use TechNaFlora & some supplemental nutes from Heavy-16 & AN.
Started OverDrive last night in the LED room. Like 10days late. Oops. I'm gonna be trimming foreva! Don't usually back to back em like that. 1 month apart is the best.
Drop them seeds boooyyy!!! Time n Tide wait for no man. Especially these plants. You're never outta lights you! I've seen your work!
Looking good! Why the 16 instead of the 20? The leaves grow back just enough but not to much @ 20.
Nice Plants! The first one is under the 220? She's perrty!
Good job getting all the branches evened out on the 3rd. That's tough!
Thinking about switching over to Emerald Forest/ I'm mean Harvest. You like it too hu! Everyone that used it had good things to say. He switched to that from AN.

First pic is under SPYDR 600, then SE 220, last 2 the SE 250
You don't waste a drop! Lol I'm actually starting the same process. I was always worried about built up salts and junk so I almost always did 1/4 - 1/2 gallon extra. No more these bitches are going on a diet and I'm cutting costs.

Yeah gonna rock a DIY 4 cobbers in the isle and stick my 4 non mephisto in there. 10x20 with 27 plants, a drying cabinet, watering area, nute station, coffee pot and a nice leather chair is gonna be tight but I'll make it work. Might need to stick one outside cause the chair is staying.
Looking good! Why the 16 instead of the 20? The leaves grow back just enough but not to much @ 20.
Nice Plants! The first one is under the 220? She's perrty!
Good job getting all the branches evened out on the 3rd. That's tough!
Thinking about switching over to Emerald Forest/ I'm mean Harvest. You like it too hu! Everyone that used it had good things to say. He switched to that from AN.

The buds are as big, if not bigger than in the DeFo YT video ads were the primary leafs, most of which already had trics on stems and smallest leafs
Kind've far behind on veg. Just transplanted 6 these to 3 gall. They'll usually go 1 more month in the 3's but I think I'll be throwing them in sooner. Still got a few strains to weed out.
Glad to have a job for the HH at least! Nothing inside of it is fastened down. So when it's on its back, all the diode/Cob panel boards inside fall back n tilt to the side. The LEDs, heat sinks & fans are all together on 9 separate boards, not fastened down. They just move around in there & are sitting on the lenses being held together by suspicion! I returned the first light they sent me for this reason. But they just sent me another one w/ the same problem. This was back when I first got it. Guess it's just supposed to be built like crap.
To bad really, I thought they were onto something w/ these lights. False claims of being a Pro-Series light @ top dollar. Tiss a mighty vegger though!image.jpgimage.jpg
Brief update post DeFol. Now that the lower, smaller leafs are not being shaded, they are all reaching up toward the light. This can only benefit feeding more photons to the lower bud sites
Hey @Hybridway where do you get the nets from? Can u buy them online? I need to get some... my latest ladies are falling all over the place worse than ever. I guess it could be worse :bigjoint: