Doctors being told the norm is 5 grams a day by H/C

As someone looking to get legal and register to grow my own under the new program, what does a 5 grams per day prescription (assuming this is what docs are handing out in many cases) equate to in terms of plant count?
With 5 grams a day that equates to 10 plants outside during the summer and 25 plants indoors. Not at the same time. If you were a great gardener you could make those numbers mean something as you don't need a lot in order to reap the rewards but I am not that good at growing I'm no expert. Lots of people on here are though!
As someone looking to get legal and register to grow my own under the new program, what does a 5 grams per day prescription (assuming this is what docs are handing out in many cases) equate to in terms of plant count?
what does it matter how many plants you have? much cannabis do you use every day to treat what ails you?
It matters how many plants we can have now more than ever. Since HC deemed that one indoor plant yields 1ounce. Now plant counts will have to be higher to compensate for HC's complete lack of knowledge on plant production
My point is I have a script for 73 script is 15g/day....I don't need 73 plants...just because health Canada can't figure it out doesn't mean you can't grow what you need...I'm suggesting that your needs not be based on the the number of plants you're much do you use a day? Grow that much.
My point is I have a script for 73 script is 15g/day....I don't need 73 plants...just because health Canada can't figure it out doesn't mean you can't grow what you need...I'm suggesting that your needs not be based on the the number of plants you're much do you use a day? Grow that much.
And now in HC's eyes your 73 plants should only produce 73 oz. One oz per plant. So if we're conservative and say you grow a half pound plant. Well now it technically produced for 8 plants in HC's eyes given new production and storage numbers. So now you're either gonna have to up the plant count to accomodate for the higher than 1 oz per plant yield, OR get fucking terrible at growing and produce 1oz plants

You may not need to grow ALL 73, but you'll need to be allowed that plant count to account for the more than 1oz per plant
Talking about plant counts. has anyone seen any detailed document or is the web site all there is. Just wondering how they define "plants", does that include seedlings/clones in a party cup for instance or only potted plants. Any limit on flowering plants? Or is it just any rooted plant? Sorry if it's a stupid question, just haven't seen anything specific to the definition of "plants" and may be over complicating it.
My point is I have a script for 73 script is 15g/day....I don't need 73 plants...just because health Canada can't figure it out doesn't mean you can't grow what you need...I'm suggesting that your needs not be based on the the number of plants you're much do you use a day? Grow that much.

Love this.

so why is your script that high?
Because I originally had a dg who turned out to be a cunt...the plan was to make edibles or caps out of 3/4 and smoke the rest...believe me living in Whitehorse and using1-11/2 oz a month is not might be worth it if it was enough to do what I need...
Thinking about this a little more, my doc knows I've been smoking for 35 years. She also knows it was horrendous for me to come off morphine. When and if I decide to participate in the new system, I will be asking for the same dose if not more. At some point I'm going to have better pain control and if that means a bigger script so be it. Docs didn't have a problem increasing my morphine dose to a silly level, they're certainly not going to have a problem upping the cannabis script...that is an argument anyone should be taking to their doc if they need more.
Thinking about this a little more, my doc knows I've been smoking for 35 years. She also knows it was horrendous for me to come off morphine. When and if I decide to participate in the new system, I will be asking for the same dose if not more. At some point I'm going to have better pain control and if that means a bigger script so be it. Docs didn't have a problem increasing my morphine dose to a silly level, they're certainly not going to have a problem upping the cannabis script...that is an argument anyone should be taking to their doc if they need more.

Absolutely. Health Canada is treating cannabis as a last resort for treatment. When in fact it should be your 1st option, parmacuticals should be the last resort. For my illness I refused conventional treatment, my medicine is my healthy food, exercise and cannabis. Luckily enough my gp was more than happy I took this path to a better health. Eating right and exercise is the best medicine. If or when my treatments stop working, only then will I choose pharma.

Absolutely. Health Canada is treating cannabis as a last resort for treatment. When in fact it should be your 1st option, parmacuticals should be the last resort. For my illness I refused conventional treatment, my medicine is my healthy food, exercise and cannabis. Luckily enough my gp was more than happy I took this path to a better health. Eating right and exercise is the best medicine. If or when my treatments stop working, only then will I choose pharma.

again,well said
what does it matter how many plants you have? much cannabis do you use every day to treat what ails you?

Hey there. I posted my situation in another thread, but I was curious as I had no experience with the MMAR and don't know what plant counts were looking like under this new program. I currently have 5 plants in my stealth garden (to stay under the 6 plants where mandatory minimums kick in) , I've been growing for about a year and a half - said screw you to the MMPR and took matters into my own hands and decided to look after my own health. I use MMJ to manage severe chronic migraines as well as anxiety issues. I cook with it a lot and make concentrates to deal with the migraines, so I likely use about 3-4 grams per day average. That said, I limit it to that amount as any more than that and my little medical garden isn't sustainable and i'd run out of medicine before harvest. Ideally I'd like to be able to keep mothers of strains I've found to be effective, and to run perpetually. With a higher plant count, and without having to ration my medicine, I'd likely fall right around the 5 grams per day mark. I think I could very effectively make do with 12-15 plants total (including mothers, clones etc), and was just wondering what sort of plant limits I would be looking at so I can start to plan what my garden workflow will look like as I genuinely had no idea how prescription amounts were relating to plant limits.
If you go with five grams a day can grow double that for outdoor so that's 10 plants. Inside if you have 5 grams per day you can grow 25 plants indoors. can't do outside and indoors at the same time though. For 5 grams a day you can get a prescription for as little as $150...if you want more than that, it could cost you some more.