Cant figure out this plant deficiency


Well-Known Member
Holy hell, how long did it take the plant to look like that? Have you already tried to correct the problem? What have you tried so far?

How do your roots look/smell? What's your res. temp.?
How much of Micro and how much Bloom are you using, and how much water are you adding it to?
Are using any supplements?
Is your water hard? Do you measure EC/PPM? Of so, whats was it last?
What do you adjust your pH to?
Do you do a full resevoir change weekly?


I am using 16 ml micro and 32 ml bloom per gal. PH is 6.0. No root rot. Temps are around 76. I have a ppm meter but don't know how to use it that well.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like the lucas formula, doubled. I thought it was 8ml Micro. 16ml Bloom.

Replace your res. water with maybe a 1/2 normal dose of nutrient, so 4ml Micro and 8ml Bloom for a few days, see if damage stops. It should.
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I definitely see my mistake don't know what I was thinking been using this formula for a year. Had a serious brain fart luckily it was only one plant. Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
you might still have to address that orange spotting. reducing your fert amount may or may not fix that depending on what it is. if you aren't giving calcium, change that soon.


Well-Known Member
also you look at the contents of the fert you're giving. if you don't see calcium, it's needs to be added in some way.