i dont stock them i just have a few samples for now, theyre here, so a solution for you
heres what i have, one of each of some may have been mounted for the test above
heres prices (straight across no riu discount)
-1919 -$5 including solderless holder
-2828 (37.5W) -$7 including holder (the no-name holders they sent me looks like they could take reflectors but i dont have any. the ideal and bjbs for -048s on my site fit these as well and accommodate reflectors, but youd have to buy seprately)
-2828 (56.3W)-$11 including holder (same dealio as above)
-2828 (84.5W)-$15 including holder (same dealio as above)
-3838 (117.4W)-$23 including the weirdest ceramic holder youve ever seen- the -058 bjbs on my site also fit these
-3838 (169W)-$32 -$23 including the weirdest ceramic holder youve ever seen- the -058 bjbs on my site also fit these
i really bought the smaller cheaper ones of different color temp to run on the spectrometer (as they had sm.qty samples available) but may not get around to that. may or may not elect to keep them.
could mount any of the 2828s or 3838s on an active light engine if you wanted. if youre into that we would just discount the price from the citi chips (use say $24.50 for 1818 and $40 for 1825 - mounting would be the same - bjbs for 2828 and i would solder and mod reflector for 3838 )