Anyone Run Promix-BX


Well-Known Member
Whoa slow down. Take a breath.
Your plants won't take 3.5L every 3 days until they're big enough to. The pro mix is designed to retain the water long enough for the plant to use it but st the same time not drown it. Coco dries out so quickly you can water it several times a day.
You can't expect them to go through water that quickly. 3.5L every 3 days yes but only when they're at their peak well into flower.
Stay with your pro mix.
Here's another thing. I live in a city with good tap water. I don't know what the ppm/ec is I just know everyone says it's fine and I don't need cal/mag. Ph isn't an issue because the pro mix is buffered. They've made it as idiot proof as possible.
Get the watering thing down. Do your nutes at 1/2 strength and work up to 3/4.
I can't give you advice on which lines to run etc but I know about pro mix and doing an alternate feeding/watering schedule.
Also, give everything a chance to take effect. It doesn't happen overnight.
my tap waters around 8.3, i think with my Blue Glues i may get the watering down, im going to keep to that feed schedule i have it at and only ramp up nutes when i think they need them if theyre going yellow or anything, what ill be sticking to is just dampening my soil so i have to water it every 3-4 days, so i dont want to be going through 3.5litres every 10 days i rather do 1litre every 3-4days while slowly adding nutrition if thats ok, but i wont know if thisll work because i usually get problems in flower. but also i tried getting 20% run off with this soil for the last two weeks so my soil has been getting rid of what i poured into the soil, i basically fucked one of my greenest plants after its water day and flushed out most of the nutrients i believe..

Also the problem i keep noticing is most of my branches are turning Purple, or the stem is purple. so im guessing its a phosphorus deficiency? like some branches are perfectly green, some have a bit of purple/green, then some are purple

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
my tap waters around 8.3, i think with my Blue Glues i may get the watering down, im going to keep to that feed schedule i have it at and only ramp up nutes when i think they need them if theyre going yellow or anything, what ill be sticking to is just dampening my soil so i have to water it every 3-4 days, so i dont want to be going through 3.5litres every 10 days i rather do 1litre every 3-4days while slowly adding nutrition if thats ok, but i wont know if thisll work because i usually get problems in flower. but also i tried getting 20% run off with this soil for the last two weeks so my soil has been getting rid of what i poured into the soil, i basically fucked one of my greenest plants after its water day and flushed out most of the nutrients i believe..

Also the problem i keep noticing is most of my branches are turning Purple, or the stem is purple. so im guessing its a phosphorus deficiency? like some branches are perfectly green, some have a bit of purple/green, then some are purple
you're trying so much stuff, you're creating problems, KISS, KEEP IT SIMPLE STONER.


Well-Known Member
you're trying so much stuff, you're creating problems, KISS, KEEP IT SIMPLE STONER.
This. And I wouldn't get too hung up on the volume of water used, 1l, 2l, 3.5l, etc. I love ProMix (plus maybe 10% perlite, never used BX though) and usually end up watering about twice a week, whenever the pots seem to get light or when the top gets dry - not completely dried out but noticeably different than after watering. I water each plant a bit, wait a few minutes, then water a bit more, and stop when i just start to get a little bit of runoff - little enough that I don't even feel a need to dump it, normally (though you don't want them swimming, of course).

And, as already suggested, I don't feel a need to feed heavy but DO feed at every watering until late in the cycle. Someone mentioned not flushing. That is a topic more controversial than Trump vs Clinton vs Gary Johnson, pancakes vs waffles, or whether you should orient your toilet paper roll so it comes "over the top" or "down the wall," but I've never felt it was necessary with ProMix at least. I don't feed right at the end but that's because I think it's more wasteful than flushing is helpful to the aroma/taste/smoke/whatever.


Well-Known Member
This. And I wouldn't get too hung up on the volume of water used, 1l, 2l, 3.5l, etc. I love ProMix (plus maybe 10% perlite, never used BX though) and usually end up watering about twice a week, whenever the pots seem to get light or when the top gets dry - not completely dried out but noticeably different than after watering. I water each plant a bit, wait a few minutes, then water a bit more, and stop when i just start to get a little bit of runoff - little enough that I don't even feel a need to dump it, normally (though you don't want them swimming, of course).

And, as already suggested, I don't feel a need to feed heavy but DO feed at every watering until late in the cycle. Someone mentioned not flushing. That is a topic more controversial than Trump vs Clinton vs Gary Johnson, pancakes vs waffles, or whether you should orient your toilet paper roll so it comes "over the top" or "down the wall," but I've never felt it was necessary with ProMix at least. I don't feed right at the end but that's because I think it's more wasteful than flushing is helpful to the aroma/taste/smoke/whatever.
Well what i was suppose to do, what i was told at the hydro store was to get Pro-mix HP and usually water every monday and feed every sunday, for a 3 gallon pot he said between 3-4litres of water per 3gallon would be enough to cause run-off. he told me this is how hes done it without any kind of problems. just im in Pro-mix BX which when i get run off it just doesnt dry out as quickly as HP. so im just gonna take the advice of just waiting for when they look to need water and get run off samples and change according to that. so basically not rely on Mon/Sun or a feeding chart
but when you say dont worry about how much ltires of water, some plants will update water quicker then others i rather have them all get the same amount then have them all be at different ppm's etc


Well-Known Member
so im just gonna take the advice of just waiting for when they look to need water and get run off samples and change according to that. so basically not rely on Mon/Sun or a feeding chart
but when you say dont worry about how much ltires of water, some plants will update water quicker then others i rather have them all get the same amount then have them all be at different ppm's etc
You're right, plants vary by strain, pheno, size, etc., so their water needs vary. That's why, for me, watering when they begin to dry out and watering just until I see runoff works, and that's why I don't worry about measuring the volume of water or being equal to all plants - I give the medium what it will take, when it needs it. It would be nice if you could dial in an exact formula - x liters of water every x days, but I've never been able to get that precise, nor do I think I need to. And again, I've never used BX, so maybe I'm way off here, but I like regular ProMix because it has always seemed both easy and forgiving - and I'm thrifty.


Well-Known Member
You're right, plants vary by strain, pheno, size, etc., so their water needs vary. That's why, for me, watering when they begin to dry out and watering just until I see runoff works, and that's why I don't worry about measuring the volume of water or being equal to all plants - I give the medium what it will take, when it needs it. It would be nice if you could dial in an exact formula - x liters of water every x days, but I've never been able to get that precise, nor do I think I need to. And again, I've never used BX, so maybe I'm way off here, but I like regular ProMix because it has always seemed both easy and forgiving - and I'm thrifty.
yeah man my next plants ill be planting them in Promix HP, it should be a lot easier for me and more a bit more work since ill have to water it more haha

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
You're right, plants vary by strain, pheno, size, etc., so their water needs vary. That's why, for me, watering when they begin to dry out and watering just until I see runoff works, and that's why I don't worry about measuring the volume of water or being equal to all plants - I give the medium what it will take, when it needs it. It would be nice if you could dial in an exact formula - x liters of water every x days, but I've never been able to get that precise, nor do I think I need to. And again, I've never used BX, so maybe I'm way off here, but I like regular ProMix because it has always seemed both easy and forgiving - and I'm thrifty.
I have used both bx and hp, I use bx, I like it better and it's a couple bucks cheaper. Not enough difference to pay more for HP


Well-Known Member
so more then half of my plants turned into herms -.- , shit is so frustrating having most of my plants die so quick with this whole flushing bullshit. i do run off then i run into fuckloads of problems that i dont know how to solve. then i look at the PH and ppms and there all different for different plants messing up my head not seeing what its suppose to be. how am i suppose to keep this shit simple. my veg plants are doing good, i have no run off and i just give them water after 3-4 feeds of 200ppms


Well-Known Member
this is probably the whole reason why i was told that im suppose to be watering every 3-4 days in pro-mix HP. i tried following that with BX even tho this is a super moist compound and i flushed out most of my nutrients i guess and shit just went to shit.

no wonder my 1/4 harvests of a 1000w light

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
this is probably the whole reason why i was told that im suppose to be watering every 3-4 days in pro-mix HP. i tried following that with BX even tho this is a super moist compound and i flushed out most of my nutrients i guess and shit just went to shit.

no wonder my 1/4 harvests of a 1000w light
It doesn't matter if you're using bx or hp, you water when the plant needs it, not by a certain number of days, I have grown with BX for years and I get huge yields. I told you earlier, you feed your veg nutes EVERY TIME you water at about 6 to 800 ppms, I don't check ph anymore, i don't worry about run off, a little is perfect, I NEVER check the run off, cause that is just stupid. I grow multiple strains at the same time so I know this formula works with ALL strains. Lastly, you pick up the pot, when it feels light, it is time to water, after you do this for a while, you will just know when they need watering. be patient, and remember,Keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter if you're using bx or hp, you water when the plant needs it, not by a certain number of days, I have grown with BX for years and I get huge yields. I told you earlier, you feed your veg nutes EVERY TIME you water at about 6 to 800 ppms, I don't check ph anymore, i don't worry about run off, a little is perfect, I NEVER check the run off, cause that is just stupid. I grow multiple strains at the same time so I know this formula works with ALL strains. Lastly, you pick up the pot, when it feels light, it is time to water, after you do this for a while, you will just know when they need watering. be patient, and remember,Keep it simple.
so 600-800ppm every water, no feed, water, feed? that makes sense i guess its a good enough number also having run off with 4 litres each gallon when its dried right? atleast im just understanding it now
Thanks Dr.Nick!
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Well-Known Member
some of the information here about promix is completely wrong. promix needs to go from damp to wet, never dry - especially if you didn't add vermiculite because it will separate from the pot and damage your roots.

If you look at your plants and the way they are v'ing or taco'ing is because they are trying to drop rain drops down onto their roots. I WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING. Underwatering will cause all kinds of deficiencies and even give a burnt look.

Listen. You need to feed smaller amounts every time you water and don't need runoff unless you fear a salt build-up. Even then, you want to "flush" using a solution with nutrients in it to rejuvenate the inert media you have just created. <--This should not be happening if if you are following what i am trying to tell you and giving the plant what it needs at every watering and not a bunch more. You are not trying to push your plants to the limit, only trying to give them what THEY want and need.


Well-Known Member
some of the information here about promix is completely wrong. promix needs to go from damp to wet, never dry - especially if you didn't add vermiculite because it will separate from the pot and damage your roots.

If you look at your plants and the way they are v'ing or taco'ing is because they are trying to drop rain drops down onto their roots. I WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING. Underwatering will cause all kinds of deficiencies and even give a burnt look.

Listen. You need to feed smaller amounts every time you water and don't need runoff unless you fear a salt build-up. Even then, you want to "flush" using a solution with nutrients in it to rejuvenate the inert media you have just created. <--This should not be happening if if you are following what i am trying to tell you and giving the plant what it needs at every watering and not a bunch more. You are not trying to push your plants to the limit, only trying to give them what THEY want and need.
This is currently my Veg room, ive never gotten run off from them and i've only feed them 2-4 times with atleast 400ppms and 200ppms, i think the soil would be sitting around 1.0ec -1.4ec getting a tiny bit burnt. but also my pots get to the point where they dry and stop sticking to the side of the pots but its still quite moist in the center and doesn't need water. and i was thinking that when i put it to Flower room i may flush it with 1.2Ec's to the point where i get atleast 20% run off and not have to worry about it for awhile. but i feel like im doing good with the veg room tbh. its just when i throw shit in my flower room i get weird shit going on, and i start trying a bunch of different things. but thanks man

