Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
it's like a convention of retards, racists, and sock puppets in here.

no matter how much they cry and whine and moan, the fact remains that hillary is the most honest candidate though.

i'd tell you guys to go suck on an entire bag of dicks, but FDD/steviebevie is already in the process of doing that.
States obvious absurdity and insults everyone in sight


Well-Known Member
LOL, been drinking koolaid lately?

Hillary statements rate about 60% true
Trump statements rate about 19% true

Just saying, the right wing has a lot of people confused about who is speaking the truth. And I do mean truth in the form of verifiable facts, not the @Flaming Pie truthy BS.
You just aknowledged Hilary is lying 40% as rated by a left wing propaganda site and then claimed she was speaking truth. LOL


Well-Known Member
The FBI head said there was evidence she did break the law, but no "sane" prosecuter would prosecute her. Then went on to say others doing the same thing would be prosecuted. ??????
The best a Prosecutor will get is what those in the past have,...Her Staff, her Staff, her Staff. Hillary`s smart enough to have the fall guys do the law breaking she may profit from.


Well-Known Member
you seem jealous that you never achieved except getting approve for welfare
The best a Prosecutor will get is what those in the past have,...Her Staff, her Staff, her Staff. Hillary`s smart enough to have the fall guys do the law breaking she may profit from.
His statement that she shouldn't be prosecuted while anyone else doing it would was an admission of selective prosecution


Well-Known Member
I was planning to respond, but it appears you've covered what I was going to say.

Poor Catfish went meltdown on us. And Oddball is his usual retarded self.
they seem so happy about being so far behind.

do they not realize that they have to retain ohio, florida, north carolina, nevada, and iowa, while also flipping pennsylvania or virginia (where they are still 6-8 points behind)?

i'm getting the feeling that retarded racists are not good at math.


Well-Known Member
Which isn't required for prosecution.
Asshole. Trump donates other people's money and takes a portion for.using his shit castles for the ceremony. He makes no apology for being the cheesiest, most vile piece of buffoon shit. Now go suck his nipples bitch.
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