Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
you mean like Hillary saying we need to bring black super predators to heel ?

or Hillary's life long mentoring from an admitted KKK grand Cyclops reality ?

or do u mean how even P Diddy on All Sharpton says Obama & ka ka killary fucked over black america & don't deserve the vote reality ?

there's a whole bunch of Clinton reality 4 u
Life in the fact free zone isn't the same as life. Open yourself to truth and maybe you'll start living.


Well-Known Member
the hard core right wingers at MSNBC debunked lmfao

prove your claim asap,please o please because i got about 20 news clips from back in 2007 & 8 showing Hillary questioning Obamas birth eligibility :bigjoint:

sssssssmokin bongsmilie

sure thing champ! you and pie really love those videos huh?? they make your powerful brain not work so much?
On Hillary Clinton starting the birther conspiracy theory:

As reported by PolitiFact, "there is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States."

As my colleague Andrew Prokop explained, this charge that Clinton is to blame for the birther movement has been debunked many times:

Nonpartisan fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked this claim, as you can see at PolitiFact, FactCheck, CNN, and the Washington Post.

Now, the small grain of truth here is that a few Clinton supporters did circulate the theory online during the contentious 2008 primary, according to Politico’s Ben Smith. But once the primary concluded and Obama first released his birth certificate that summer, this chatter quieted down in those circles, and moved instead to more right-wing precincts.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Trump: Hillary Clinton, and her campaign of 2008, started the birther movement. I finished it. President Barack Obama, was born in the United States. Period."

Press: Fuck.


Well-Known Member
Congress disagrees with u,now prove your assertion

I've got 3 decades of news clips of Hillary's crimes just waiting for ya,say when :bigjoint:
I don't have to prove anything. You listed them. Prove every one of them. With facts, annotations and excerpts from actual media, not right wing rumor mills.

Your videos have been disproven and are bullshit so don't need them. Also you repost the same bullshit again and again. No spam.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
As reported by PolitiFact, "there is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States."

As my colleague Andrew Prokop explained, this charge that Clinton is to blame for the birther movement has been debunked many times.
hard core right winger cris Mathews says different :bigjoint:

funny how fake bipartisan politico now claims to " debunk " their own claims in 2008,politico in 2008 reported Clinton as the original birther,here's politico CEO from 3 years ago saying Hillary & her supporters started the birther movement :lol:

ba da bump :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hard core right winger cris Mathews says different :bigjoint:

funny how fake bipartisan politico now claims to " debunk " their own claims in 2008,politico in 2008 reported Clinton as the original birther,here's politico CEO from 3 years ago saying Hillary & her supporters started the birther movement :lol:

ba da bump :bigjoint:
you mean like the edited CBS video released on 911 ?

your not too good at this :bigjoint:
how about something in a non video format?

way to stay on topic though! well done.

post the 60 minutes interview where hillary claims he wasn't born in the US.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I don't have to prove anything. You listed them. Prove every one of them. With facts, annotations and excerpts from actual media, not right wing rumor mills.

Your videos have been disproven and are bullshit so don't need them. Also you repost the same bullshit again and again. No spam.

wrong again,you claimed my assertions to be wrong so that makes it your job to cite proving all 31 assertions wrong,its OK if u do 1 at a time I can wait :bigjoint:

if u don't like seeing Hilary's crimes I can include them in my SIG if that would please u more lol

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
anybody claiming somebody involved with this many scams ripping people off as being honest is a zombie derp derp :dunce:

6 Vince Foster & 56 other Klinton associates who were murdered,comitted suspicious suicides,or had " accidents " resulting in their death.

Can't blame Comey for his advice not to prosecute, this after a 15 minute condemnation of her irresponsible "hurray for me, fuck you" behavior. He wants to live to see another day.
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