Doctors being told the norm is 5 grams a day by H/C

If you go with five grams a day can grow double that for outdoor so that's 10 plants. Inside if you have 5 grams per day you can grow 25 plants indoors. can't do outside and indoors at the same time though. For 5 grams a day you can get a prescription for as little as $150...if you want more than that, it could cost you some more.

Thanks for the info. My garden is indoors, so I'd stick with that. Do you have any particular Skype doctor services that you know of and can recommend?
If you go with five grams a day can grow double that for outdoor so that's 10 plants. Inside if you have 5 grams per day you can grow 25 plants indoors. can't do outside and indoors at the same time though. For 5 grams a day you can get a prescription for as little as $150...if you want more than that, it could cost you some more.
Hey buckets, I missed the fact that you can't grow both indoor and outdoor simultaneously, do you have a reference to that?
If you go with five grams a day can grow double that for outdoor so that's 10 plants. Inside if you have 5 grams per day you can grow 25 plants indoors. can't do outside and indoors at the same time though. For 5 grams a day you can get a prescription for as little as $150...if you want more than that, it could cost you some more.
So they are basically back to selling large licenses again eh...too funny. Need more. Oh boy.
Fair access eh.....ya right.
Yes I think that still exists but it'll be very hard to find a doctor who will prescribe above 20 grams a day in my opinion because health canada has been writing to the doctors advising them that 3-5 grams a day is the norm. As far as a reference goes for selecting the indoor and outdoor growing option, I haven't done it myself yet, but I've been told it's in the new paperwork. That's all I can say...until I go into the new program and do the forms myself which I am still contemplating...
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Yes I think that still exists but it'll be very hard to find a doctor who will prescribe above 40 grams a day in my opinion. As far as a reference goes for selecting the indoor and outdoor growing option, I haven't done it myself yet, but I've been told it's in the new paperwork. That's all I can say...until I go into the new program and do the forms myself.

The new programme (ACMPR) has the same rules for indoor/outdoor production as the MMAR did. This quote is taken from the ACMPR application form :

A3: Production Area

In this section, please select how you plan to produce the marihuana plants. You can only choose one option.

  • You can produce your marihuana plants entirely outdoors
  • You can produce your marihuana plants entirely indoors
  • You can produce your marihuana plants indoor in winter and outdoors in summer
Please note that the portion about the production area is mandatory. If you do not select one of the options, the registration form will be deemed incomplete. It will not be processed and will be returned to you.
Yes I think that still exists but it'll be very hard to find a doctor who will prescribe above 40 grams a day in my opinion. As far as a reference goes for selecting the indoor and outdoor growing option, I haven't done it myself yet, but I've been told it's in the new paperwork. That's all I can say...until I go into the new program and do the forms myself.

The new programme (ACMPR) has the same rules for indoor/outdoor production as the MMAR did. This quote is taken from the ACMPR application form :

A3: Production Area

In this section, please select how you plan to produce the marihuana plants. You can only choose one option.

  • You can produce your marihuana plants entirely outdoors
  • You can produce your marihuana plants entirely indoors
  • You can produce your marihuana plants indoor in winter and outdoors in summer
Please note that the portion about the production area is mandatory. If you do not select one of the options, the registration form will be deemed incomplete. It will not be processed and will be returned to you.
Talking about plant counts. has anyone seen any detailed document or is the web site all there is. Just wondering how they define "plants", does that include seedlings/clones in a party cup for instance or only potted plants. Any limit on flowering plants? Or is it just any rooted plant? Sorry if it's a stupid question, just haven't seen anything specific to the definition of "plants" and may be over complicating it.

Wow its really More simple then you are making it to be.
YOUR plant count is everything clones/vegging plants/flowering.
If you have 2 grams a day its a total of 10 plants period whether 5 vegging and 5 in flower. That is your plant count...
It been this way since 2001.... I wanna know ....who's counting? (:

no one will be counting once legalization happens..when it happens lol
Legalization could mean..
Legal for the government to grow...
Illegal for the normal man to make and sell.

I don't know why you think everything is sweet right now, While Bill Blare is making the framework towards legalization.

Med and Legal too totally different things and should they make it legal with the goverment growing, a med program like this might be growers saving grace.

Careful what you ask for... Things Might go Left!!!
I found one cannabis prescription place that wants between $1000-$2000 for a 20 gram a day to 40 gram a day script. So that's the highest price I have found. I have heard of MMAR permit holders being told that the doctor will reduce their prescription in the new program but has anyone heard of any doctors anywhere in Canada who are willing to increase an MMAR amount? I haven't found one doctor yet that will and I have emailed dozens of places.

The lawyer Kirk _____ I forget his last name has asked for anyone hearing about doctors advising patients that Health Canada has sent them a letter saying 3-5 grams a day is a normal script. Kirk wants to hear about it. He has his own website and facebook page if you want to send him a message. He'd love to hear from you.
I found one cannabis prescription place that wants between $1000-$2000 for a 20 gram a day to 40 gram a day script. So that's the highest price I have found. I have heard of MMAR permit holders being told that the doctor will reduce their prescription in the new program but has anyone heard of any doctors anywhere in Canada who are willing to increase an MMAR amount? I haven't found one doctor yet that will and I have emailed dozens of places.

The lawyer Kirk _____ I forget his last name has asked for anyone hearing about doctors advising patients that Health Canada has sent them a letter saying 3-5 grams a day is a normal script. Kirk wants to hear about it. He has his own website and facebook page if you want to send him a message. He'd love to hear from you.
Have you got an increase. Im assuming you are over 20 gpd
No. I have not had an increase but I have asked these cannabis clinics for one and some have said they would want me to start at 5 grams a day (no thanks). Others have said a reduction. 3 have said okay we'll match your present script but nobody has said that they will increase it. I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this?
If you go with five grams a day can grow double that for outdoor so that's 10 plants. Inside if you have 5 grams per day you can grow 25 plants indoors. can't do outside and indoors at the same time though. For 5 grams a day you can get a prescription for as little as $150...if you want more than that, it could cost you some more.
Hey Buckets can you give me name of doctor
That's a big increase....

The increase is a lot yes, but it's because I was only able to be prescribed 5g/day under the mmpr. I use more than 1g of oil a day easily in mixed forms. Cbd oil is not always readily available. The dispensary I used to buy from is no longer operational due to the raids. I have not been able to find a new source since. That is why I would like to grow my own cbd strains from now on. Anyways, not sure why I am putting this all out there. But I'm sure I'm not the only one with their reasons.... I wanna know ....who's counting? (:

no one will be counting once legalization happens..when it happens lol

if you think cannabis will be legalized so anyone can just grow their own then you are even more unintelligent than i thought.....NEVER HAPPEN!not in canada anyways....