How can you smoke dmt in a bong?

Yeah any dro that is here is medi shipped from California or Colorado. Nobody realy grows in Texas cuz its cheaper to order it from medical states.
Always wanted to try it but only to smoke or snort not shoot. Some opium would be awesome to.
yeah same here but everybody says that starting off, then its a slippery slope to the needle, that scares me, but i want somethin strooong

maybe all i need is some oxycodone and i should stay the hell away from that shit

the cheap ass samples on alphabay are so tempting
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yeah same here but everybody says that starting off, then its a slippery slope to the needle, that scares me, but i want somethin strooong

maybe all i need is some oxycodone and i should stay the hell away from that shit

the cheap ass samples on alphabay are so tempting
I got a shot of delaudin in the hospital was fucked outta my mind


Of course YOu can smoke dmt out of a bong.... That is a WASTE !!!!!
It would be better to dab dmt than to smoke it out of a bong...
but the best way to smoke dmt is like weird and as dark as it sounds.


Of course YOu can smoke dmt out of a bong.... That is a WASTE !!!!!
It would be better to dab dmt than to smoke it out of a bong...
but the best way to smoke dmt is like weird and as dark as it sounds.
what if you put the dmt in a joint at the end towards the filter would that work for a break though?
what if you put the dmt in a joint at the end towards the filter would that work for a break though?
Probly not. Also point is to control temp closly. To vape it not to burn it. Also most people who explane how to smoke dmt never mention that you should hold each hit in for a count of 20. The smoke is not contaminated with plant matter like weed or cigs. It pure dmt molecule in vaper form. So if you take a hit and blow it right out in a clowd only some of it was absorbed and yer wasting it. After 20 sec more then 90% is absorbed and barely anything comes out when you exhale. So you take a full hit hold 20sec, exhale. Then immediately and i mean that second take a 2nd hit and repeat first step then a 3rd hit. 3 is the magic number. If you think you need to take a 4th but i never. Point is to take 3 hits in under 80-90seconds. But best smoking device hands down is known as "The Machine". It vaporizes the dmt so smoothly it feels like yer just breathing air. I can explaine construction some time if yall want.
Probly not. Also point is to control temp closly. To vape it not to burn it. Also most people who explane how to smoke dmt never mention that you should hold each hit in for a count of 20. The smoke is not contaminated with plant matter like weed or cigs. It pure dmt molecule in vaper form. So if you take a hit and blow it right out in a clowd only some of it was absorbed and yer wasting it. After 20 sec more then 90% is absorbed and barely anything comes out when you exhale. So you take a full hit hold 20sec, exhale. Then immediately and i mean that second take a 2nd hit and repeat first step then a 3rd hit. 3 is the magic number. If you think you need to take a 4th but i never. Point is to take 3 hits in under 80-90seconds. But best smoking device hands down is known as "The Machine". It vaporizes the dmt so smoothly it feels like yer just breathing air. I can explaine construction some time if yall want.
Yes. Vape DMT with a torch lighter.
Not a bic open flame lighter... It will burn the dmt.