Serious shit.....looking for random input


Well-Known Member
Please joke little later looking for real feed back in the front part

ok fucked up shit here ......pops died the will leaves about half million to be split between older brother and i

well my brother has pulled some sneak ass shit in the last 36 days and last night he tells me he wants to change the whole agreement we had from the start.....he wants to cash out of the house completely sell it so we have no biz connection but he does not want to break the ira and put it in the estate account .......when i said but we are family what the hell ....he said there is no family when it comes to money

1 i think he is going to try to use the fact i am bi polar to have me removed from the executor......him and his wife keep trying to tell ppl i am manic ........honestly i am numb i really have no feeling one way or other .....i thought he might play something like this i had a doctors check up on the 15th to counter his remarks in court i am not manic

2 i have the actual certified copy of the will (in my hand) ..........if he really is going to play this way should i spend the money to higher a estate lawyer that works just for me ........or if we retain one together that lawyer would work for both of us and fallow the will fairly and evenly

personally once this shit ends i am ending all contact with that side of the family matters more to them then family .......i do not need those kind of ppl in life to much hassle and mistrust


Well-Known Member
So you are the executor of your father's estate? What exactly does the will specify in regards to splitting up the assets?


Well-Known Member
^ this, and careful what you say or text to him, could record somthing to try and prove your unstable
i been doing that he went into the bank he was the angery one yelling and making trouble i was calm and manager remarked on that as i was accessing the box with cert copy


Well-Known Member
50 50 as we are the only 2 living childern and all taxes to be paid out of estate
If you're the executor, just call the shots and do what you think if fair. Do it asap so maybe it will all be finished by the time your asshole brother tries to declare you incompetent. Your opinion is the only one that counts at this point ...


Well-Known Member
If you're the executor, just call the shots and do what you think if fair. Do it asap so maybe it will all be finished by the time your asshole brother tries to declare you incompetent. Your opinion is the only one that counts...
we both are listed

he already tried to get me to sign a paper that would of made him the primary one he could sign off on everything .......part of the shadey shit


Well-Known Member
i'd lawyer up and cut off all contact with your brother, except for sending him anything pertaining to the estate and the will through your lawyer via registered letter..
I'd get an attorney but not be worried in the slightest just have him to make sure it all goes how's it's supposed to 100% legal and proper. Your executor don't go stabbing someone or pissing on some kids birthday cake and you'll be good lol
Get an estate attorney fast and don't see your brother alone

lawyer up

got it he owes me 200 bucks for weed i will collect that return his house keys and cut all direct contact with him

so basically i lost my whole family date to add to tats now 9/16/16 complete death of williams clan
i thought he was better then this ......i know they taught him better then this same parnets


Well-Known Member
well i found a shark

27 yeaars 20% of her biz is probate
but she is quote me 1500 just to file the papers and 350 a hour and if i want to defend against charges he might make even more 5000 or better

seeing what this other guy charges


Well-Known Member
lawyer up

got it he owes me 200 bucks for weed i will collect that return his house keys and cut all direct contact with him

so basically i lost my whole family date to add to tats now 9/16/16 complete death of williams clan
i thought he was better then this ......i know they taught him better then this same parnets
You should put that date in green ink, so you always was the money