im glad We did aswel ..
fuck eating that shite have u seen whats in them milk duds,u can buy american sweets in a few shops round here "dunno why as the e no's are banned".
the e-no's that are in these sweets were banned in the 80's.
theres a big warning sticker on the back saying they can have adverse effects on kids/adults send them hyper and basically have a crash afterwards,and can cause diabetes!!!
there synthetic sugar replacement they use is really bad,made from corn probalby "gmo" and piles weight on you real bad even if your as fit as a fiddle.
my kids running round gurning and pulling 'e' faces of a fuking box of Sweets.
Ive juzt read a strange article this is a new one.
it says that weed grew with chemicals we build a tolerance to quickly and can stop getting stoned no matter what strain,but if you were to use organic weed when your tolerance is up youll be able to get baked again. dunno how much truth is in it tho.