Club 600

Thats what I'll continue to do no matter what johnny law says....its fucking ridiculous though as much as the powers that be love money, they can't get their sights strictly on the money here, the fucking ego is so huge they must think about controlling every facet. Such fucking bullshit
I've been at it 50 years and never seen the inside of a police station except to bail friends out,
the reason; never make them feel like your rubbing it in their faces. Stay as inconspicuous as
you possibly can.
If they really want money tax the hell out of legal sales and charge $500.00 per year for a personal grow
permit and $5000.00 for commercial permit that's all they need to do.
All street sales illegal certain amount of taxes go to interdiction and education the rest to fight hard drugs
and line the fat cats pockets.

@Dr.Amber Trichome, great to see your travel pix again.

Note to Club 600: This lady finds beauty everywhere.

I've been at it 50 years and never seen the inside of a police station except to bail friends out,
the reason; never make them feel like your rubbing it in their faces. Stay as inconspicuous as
you possibly can.
If they really want money tax the hell out of legal sales and charge $500.00 per year for a personal grow
permit and $5000.00 for commercial permit that's all they need to do.
All street sales illegal certain amount of taxes go to interdiction and education the rest to fight hard drugs
and line the fat cats pockets.

@Dr.Amber Trichome, great to see your travel pix again.

Note to Club 600: This lady finds beauty everywhere.

Oh I hear you, but they dont only want the money, they want the control too, which is horse shat imo, and I know in alot of other opinions as well
Good Morning 600 Club, I hope you all had a relaxing weekend! I think I am finally caught up on my chores around the house for the last 2 years, now on to drywall woohoo! I got the framing up for the new flower chamber, looking pretty decent. I went with 1x2 wood, and I am so glad I did, my basement is a Michigan basement and that means I have to duck through most of it. So when I built the second wall on the floor I had to contort it to get it into place, 2x4's would have never flexed enough for me to slip it in place (LOL thats what she said) The Panda Film will get put on later this week when I get a minute. I picked up some white duct tape too, so I can staple through the tape and then cover the staples over with tape, as well as tape up the opening for the filter hose. I think it will work out nicely, I also added a small 6" fan in a rafter bay above the framing, to pull heat out of the top. It may end up being overkill but it's there if I have a heat issue. Okay here is a few pictures already, Peace, Be Safe MD.20160918_153223.jpg20160918_153227.jpg 20160918_153238.jpg