How hot is the air coming out of 600w air cool reflector


I've been looking every where can't seem to find an answer was wondering if anyone new how hot the air that is coming out of the other end of 8" raptor reflector 600-750w bulb running would be using a 8" fan to push air from room through it?


The exhaust air temp? Not that hot. Maybe a couple degrees above your ambient temp.

yes here is an image of basic setup fan on one side pushing air trough exiting other end and what about the air being sucked through carbon filter that would have its own fan sucking out air from tent? Thanks appreciate quick response
Hard to say but I can say that you can hold your hand on the glass and it wont burn you or be very hot with a good inline fan running the exhaust wont be very different from your ambient temps.


Hard to say but I can say that you can hold your hand on the glass and it wont burn you or be very hot with a good inline fan running the exhaust wont be very different from your ambient temps.
fan would be 8" hyper fan and Oh ok so than why do people worry about choppers flying over if the temps in the room should be around 70 so air exiting must be 80 to 85?
They have a lot of lights. Like their entire house is a giant grow. The biggest thing is the tent keeps temps down by having air circulating. Dont know what to tell you buddy. They are mainly looking for warehouses with hot spots I bet. Not peoples houses or apartments LOL.


Active Member
fan would be 8" hyper fan and Oh ok so than why do people worry about choppers flying over if the temps in the room should be around 70 so air exiting must be 80 to 85?
I think they are looking for big grows. Imagine a guy with 3 or 4 1000watt hps lights, an air conditioner or dehumidifier. Plus other things you might run in a big grow. There is so much heat that you can't vent it into the house. So they would vent it out of a window. That stream of hot air and hot spots would stand out among other houses.


Well-Known Member
Pretty warm actually. And 8t depends on how warm thenair is that is being drawn in across the light. Everything starts with ambient temps...

Say the cool air you are sucking in across the light is 72f. Itll probably come out the other end at 85 or so..ish.

Say the air starts at 65f then it goes out at say 75ish.

It is not proportional either.


Well-Known Member
fan would be 8" hyper fan and Oh ok so than why do people worry about choppers flying over if the temps in the room should be around 70 so air exiting must be 80 to 85?
because a bulb is still easily detectable wth FLIR


Well-Known Member
Some police departments can't even afford bullet proof vests and shit lol they stretched thin. Believe it!
Where is that? You can buy an attachment for that plugs into an iphone for a few hundred dollars. Probably less now they've been available for a couple years, I'm not saying they're the same quality, but if joe public can buy one that cheap the police have them at their disposal. I'd bet they use them for a ton of shit most having nothing to do with grow houses. If all they had to do was fly/drive around the city and find "hot spots" there would be very, very, few grow houses. They can't do that anymore than they can come into your house and search without a warrant. If your neighborhood stinks, there are people in and out of your house, you're throwing shit away in trash, then you might have a problem. I'm only talking about the U.S.A. your results may vary.