I realize you're not a bright individual, we all get that. But are you honestly trying to argue that Obama was born in Kenya?
Do you think the birth certificate either does not exist or is not real? Seriously?
Speaking of not bright. Read Barack's very own literary bio, penned by Barack Obama in about 1991. He claims to have been born in Kenya. I think Barack was born in Hawaii, just like his birth certificate says.
It is evident that Barack Obama was lying when he wrote that literary bio where he claimed to have been born in Kenya. Do you think he was telling the truth when he claimed to be born in Kenya? Do you think Barack Obama was lying when he later claimed Hawaiian birth? It is clear that Barack was lying about one or the other. Which claim was a lie?
It is a pretty safe bet that any politician is lying any time he opens his mouth, particularly a Democrat.
Here it is. In the unknown (at the time) author's own words: