Assange: Sanders Wife Death Threat..

It comes from Russia with love.......well duh !! If China took him in, it would come from China,....Right ?

if you remember rightly the same bunch who are now against wiki leaks were 110% for wiki leaks when the info being released showed bush & homeland security fucking us over.

hypocrites , the entire lot of them :hump:
if you remember rightly the same bunch who are now against wiki leaks were 110% for wiki leaks when the info being released showed bush & homeland security fucking us over.

hypocrites , the entire lot of them :hump:
Things changed when Russia started using wikileaks to discredit the election. Two old guys have hard time understanding that times change. Go back to sleep gramps.
the entire " Russia " deal is a red herring,I'll gladly view all the evidence you post showing wiki leaks track record of whistle blowing to be false,same with all the evidence you post showing the released info to be false or manufactured .
Nuh uh. You just crap out one liners and I'm supposed to dive into reports and get back with you. Fuck that. There are plenty of reports that are easy to find.

I'll throw you one bone to chew on just because it was really easy to find:
The U.S. government has not yet publicly named the culprit behind the DNC hack. But there seems to be widespread agreement among cybersecurity experts and professionals that the attribution belongs to Russian intelligence actors. Whether Russia hacked the DNC intending to affect the election remains unknown.

"The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC is at this point very strong, albeit not unanimous," said cybersecurity consultant Matt Tait, who has been critical of Clinton’s email practices. "The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC in support of Trump is, by contrast, plausible, but something for which the jury at this stage is very much still out."

Politifact. @Fogdog how many times do you have to be told that it is a biased unreputable source? It is simply a tool to keep millenials ignorant and handicaps them. Why look into it yourself when someone did the work for you?

Lazy. Look up the facts yourself and stop relying on a corrupt site to "interperet" the news for you.
Politifact. @Fogdog how many times do you have to be told that it is a biased unreputable source? It is simply a tool to keep millenials ignorant and handicaps them. Why look into it yourself when someone did the work for you?

Lazy. Look up the facts yourself and stop relying on a corrupt site to "interperet" the news for you.

everything on politifact is independently verifiable, dolt.

show me just one single time where they get it wrong.
the entire " Russia " deal is a red herring,I'll gladly view all the evidence you post showing wiki leaks track record of whistle blowing to be false,same with all the evidence you post showing the released info to be false or manufactured .

You are still here? Fox off the air today, or?

This dummy is very reminiscent of that other cuckservative, what was his name? 'Harley rider' or something similar?
Nuh uh. You just crap out one liners and I'm supposed to dive into reports and get back with you. Fuck that. There are plenty of reports that are easy to find.

I'll throw you one bone to chew on just because it was really easy to find:
The U.S. government has not yet publicly named the culprit behind the DNC hack. But there seems to be widespread agreement among cybersecurity experts and professionals that the attribution belongs to Russian intelligence actors. Whether Russia hacked the DNC intending to affect the election remains unknown.

"The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC is at this point very strong, albeit not unanimous," said cybersecurity consultant Matt Tait, who has been critical of Clinton’s email practices. "The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC in support of Trump is, by contrast, plausible, but something for which the jury at this stage is very much still out."

again & again u throw the red herring of Russia into the mix to somehow add credibility to your other claims,the source of the " leak" is irrelevant,what is of 100% relevance is the " source of the material leaked",not who stole it 1st
You are still here? Fox off the air today, or?

This dummy is very reminiscent of that other cuckservative, what was his name? 'Harley rider' or something similar?

am I still here lol

why shouldn't I be here

all the ad homs garbled together for a successful virtue signal with your completely off topic post,if you flail your arms & do a couple cartwheels people will look at you :clap:
loses control of the narrative & rushes to the ad Homs in attack mode lmfao,I hope u don't drive in circles the way you dodge issues :bigjoint:

the new SIG fits u to a tee,you should get a bunch of "likes" for it :clap:

actually, i just quoted you, then posted the first two google results for "white pride". one from the regular old web, and the other from images.
actually, i just quoted you, then posted the first two google results for "white pride". one from the regular old web, and the other from images.

that's awesome !

feel better now after that quoting frenzy :lol:

back to the thread,anybody gots any evidence to show wiki leaks to now all of a sudden like to be manufacturing whistle blowing evidence ?

nah :oops:
again & again u throw the red herring of Russia into the mix to somehow add credibility to your other claims,the source of the " leak" is irrelevant,what is of 100% relevance is the " source of the material leaked",not who stole it 1st
Huh? what do you mean by "throwing the red herring of Russia"? Have you lost it?

You Putin lovers sure do like Trump.
Assange is a creepy dude for sure, but I got a feeling he didn't rape anybody..that's classic smear campaign to discredit a guy who's releasing mass amounts of information that the government don't want out there...I'm sure every presidential candidate and their families have been threatened, there's a lot of crazy fucks out there. Bernie never should have backed down..he should be running Indy.
You are being honest when you say this is your opinion. In my opinion, the stuff Assange is releasing comes from Russia and is part of political war against Clinton. This based on what I've read and nothing has been proven. Have you read any of the stuff that was released? I know that it has Sky hyperventilating but really, it was amazing to me how much was made of so little. In any case, Russia and Trump won the day by discrediting our democracy and that's all that matters.

I probably would have voted for Bernie if he went indy.

We are not part of it, so we really don't know what the threat was.

The DNC scandal exposed what Sanders (and I) had been saying all along..I'm someone on the sidelines and could clearly see what was going on with their collusion with'd have to be blind, not looking or simply not care.

Not care..that brings me to sheeple.

Sadly, Americans are..'not my problem, not my job'. Oligarchical McD/Walmart, Kardashians and everything 'i' iPhone, iPad etc. have replaced baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet.

Everything is 'i'. The most dangerous thought process of all..
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We are not part of it, so we really don't know what the threat was.

The DNC scandal exposed what Sanders (and I) had been saying all along..I'm someone on the sidelines and could clearly see what was going on with their collusion with'd have to be blind, not care or simply not looking.

Sadly, Americans are..'not my problem, not my job'. Oligarchical McD/Walmart and the Kardashians are the new baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet.

Nut bags like you being on the field are why people like Sanders can't get elected.

He's centre left at best whereas his most vocal supporters are radical leftists (who noone likes).
that's awesome !

feel better now after that quoting frenzy :lol:

back to the thread,anybody gots any evidence to show wiki leaks to now all of a sudden like to be manufacturing whistle blowing evidence ?

nah :oops:

That doesn't mean anything, he's released info before then followed at a later time with citation.

Of all wiki leaks that Assange has blown the whistle on, which of them turned out to have no substance? Please lest them here.