New Member
Hey guys! I'm currently a MMPR paitent have been for about a little under a year now I signed up with the clinic "simcoe holistic health" because my family doc wouldn't sign me. I had to pay these guys 367$ when I first signed up I really liked the guys over there, but it seems there was a change of owners and it's very slopply ran now and I don't enjoy the people that speak to me there. I called in asking if my current doc (simcoe doc) would sign my ACMPR forms as I tried sending them myself to HC with an "original" document and it got sent back because I needed my doc to fill out a new form. No matter what I said or offered he declinded it all and told me they won't be dealing with anything to do with ACMPR at all and the doctor that script me is totally against the "growing your own laws".. I feel this is super against my rights as paitent and im in need a of proper doctor! If you guys know of anyone please let me know!!