Club 600

The one I had was euphoric. I wouldnt call it high energy. Now, high energy imo comes from making these heavy sativas into edibles, infused in coconut oil. I havent made any in a while because Ive been out of money for a while now, but an infused brownie 15 minutes before my bike ride in the morning would have things kicking in about 30 minutes into thee ride and near the hour mark when I was finishing up I was like a beast for power. I attribute that to both the canna and the coconut oil
I used slh, chernobyl, and casey for my gym sessions when I was still able to lift.
Didnt need all that crap ppl buy to workout.
All of the raw tea ingredients blended and ready to brew after its put into bags.
High grade compost
Bio dinamic compost
Worm castings
Bat guano
Kelp meal

Brewed with molasses for 36hr give or take.

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They love it huh. I used to feed the same tea minus the bat guano with fish hydro instead and they ate that shit up & my roof smelled fishy as fuck for a few days (or weeks)
I found it has a synergy with music, and with the right music you can go on and on and not feel th burn or pain. I cant use the music that way sober
It definitely does. I agree to a certain extent though it totally depends on the music for me (when sober). If I can relax enough and clear my head the music can do it as well by itself for me, but yeah it definitely has a synergy with music, (and taste, and feel, and touch). Again, fucking awesome plant!!
It definitely does. I agree to a certain extent though it totally depends on the music for me (when sober). If I can relax enough and clear my head the music can do it as well by itself for me, but yeah it definitely has a synergy with music, (and taste, and feel, and touch). Again, fucking awesome plant!!
Agreed great plant for fucking!
I have a friend who is convinced all wed does is make you fat lazy and unmotivated.
Sadly mistaken. Lazy people are lazy no matter, and productive people are productive lol all mindset really

I will say I've seen some impressively lazy people, necessity being the mother of invention... And overly "productive" people doing more than they need to working hard not smart.

I'm stoned.
Yeah I know of people like that. I don't associate with them any longer :). Really we just need to keep drumming it to them to teach the otherwise, but I just cant handle stupid and to me that is definitely on the verge of stupid if not dead center
Yeah hes the smartest stupid person I know.
I say this because he read and memorizes everything, but the info needs to be filtered and he cant do that. His brain= copy/paste, no thinking for himself