Mh lighting


Just wondering how close is a safe distance for my plants using mh 250 watt in a air cooled hood only in the seedling stage of growth


Well-Known Member
250w in an air cooled reflector? They even make air cooled reflectors for 250w? Moondance is exactly right. Keep an eye on them, if you see excessive stretching even in seedling stage, lower the night a little, as well as still using hand test. If it is too close, you could also see some drying of leaves as the heat lowers the humidity. Ive had mine stretch trying to get to the light and the young stem cant support the crown and plant falls over. Basically, you'll have to experiment, just keep a close eye on them. If trying something new, don't do it before you have to leave to work for 9 hours, instead to it when you'll be around and can look in every 2-3 hours or so. Have fun :)
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Well-Known Member
Just wondering how close is a safe distance for my plants using mh 250 watt in a air cooled hood only in the seedling stage of growth
the answer is as close as you can without burning.
you need a remote thermometer, and place that at the same level as the canopy, ad adjust it to around 80 deg.
that's the safe point


Hey how are ya, I use the back of my hand method, if it burns the back of your hand it's too close, but 16-18" is a good rule of thumb. Peace, Be safe MD.
Thx mate for your help lowered it down to about that and screching has seem to of stopped temps am at 75 to 80 air cooled lights run so cool I could stick my ass on it lol ☝☝


250w in an air cooled reflector? They even make air cooled reflectors for 250w? Moondance is exactly right. Keep an eye on them, if you see excessive stretching even in seedling stage, lower the night a little, as well as still using hand test. If it is too close, you could also see some drying of leaves as the heat lowers the humidity. Ive had mine stretch trying to get to the light and the young stem cant support the crown and plant falls over. Basically, you'll have to experiment, just keep a close eye on them. If trying something new, don't do it before you have to leave to work for 9 hours, instead to it when you'll be around and can look in every 2-3 hours or so. Have fun :)
250w in an air cooled reflector? They even make air cooled reflectors for 250w? Moondance is exactly right. Keep an eye on them, if you see excessive stretching even in seedling stage, lower the night a little, as well as still using hand test. If it is too close, you could also see some drying of leaves as the heat lowers the humidity. Ive had mine stretch trying to get to the light and the young stem cant support the crown and plant falls over. Basically, you'll have to experiment, just keep a close eye on them. If trying something new, don't do it before you have to leave to work for 9 hours, instead to it when you'll be around and can look in every 2-3 hours or so. Have fun :)
Yer air cooled reflector with a 5 inch fan flange on it aswell keeps the lights proper cool aswell the closer the light the faster and better the growth is I suppose